Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,694: The Schemer's Tantrum

"I see... but you don't usually need two of us, do you?" Isn't that weird? "

Gaius looked at King Ziala as if he were to be named.

King Gialla pushed his gaze back with a nerdy gaze.

"As I said earlier, Eurasia is a superpower. Although we are a great country in this region, we are not far from Eurasia. It's not strange to send two people in the sense of caution."

"I mean, I thought... is that really all?"

King Gialla gazed even harder as Gaius sent him his probing gaze.

"What are you trying to say?"

Gaius gently squinted his shoulders because he was dazed, and said with an evil face.

Even though Gates is still in front of the crown prince, he will eventually be crowned crown prince.

That's right.

"If so, isn't Gates, the next crown prince, enough?" I wonder why I went to Enneth. "

“Didn't I tell you? Eurasia is a superpower. Wouldn't two people be more polite than one?"

But Gaius could not take the word of King Ziala.

"Well, I know what you're talking about, but come on." I don't think that's all. "

Gaius said in a foolish manner.

But the king said unto him, Behold, Ziala was self-absorbed.

Oh, let's hear your thoughts about not just that.

Then Gaius gave an unstoppable smile.

"I'm not familiar with those two either." But I just met you... and I thought you didn't trust Gates. "

Gaius said with a slightly good look on his face.

But King Ziala did not change his countenance.

“It's not like that. I trust Gates."

”Hmm, I don't know if it's true... but I don't see it that way.”

"Why do you think that?"

"I'm impressed, but I can see that Gates is proud of his plotters."

Then King Ziala burst out a smile.

“You're a plotter. I can't say I don't have one.”

"Don't you think?" Enneth was wise to the contrary. If the gender is a man, then Enneth would be the crown prince. "

King Gialla heard Gaius bite his words.

And then again, I burst out a smile.

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