Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 2,695: Mundane

"Enneth is brilliant... I don't know how to praise my daughter, but I think so too"

King Ziara said with a little joy.

Gaius also smiled and said.

"You don't have to shine." She's good at whatever she sees. "

"I see. Let's take it honestly." But Gates is different. "

"Yeah, I know it sounds like I'm losing my head."

Then King Ziala smiled bitterly.

But you're just a plotter, aren't you?

"As far as I'm concerned." What about your evaluation? "

King Ziala often thought silently before answering.

"I see... I'm sure he's proud of his talent." Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that it will get stuck anywhere. "

Then Gaius got stuck.

I mean, it's pretty much the same rating as me.

That's right.

“I knew it. That's why you brought Enneth with you, not just Gates.”

I suppose so.

Isn't that right?

"Hmm. I didn't think so myself." However, in the end, I decided to let Enes go with me, so I think I had that intention. "

“I see. It's complicated for parents.”

King Ziara also laughed bitterly.

That's right.

Well, that's why they went to Eurasia. How was the evaluation of the two new Eurasian kings?

King Ziala answered, reminiscent of his memory.

"Gates was described as an ordinary man."

Hmm, so what about Enes?

He said, "I can't measure."

Then Gaius' eyes glowed sharply.

"Can't you measure it... did you say anything else?"

“Just like Gates, it looks mediocre at first glance.”

It seemed mediocre, but I couldn't gauge it... or it seemed to hide my abilities.

"You don't seem to know that, either."

You said Gates was just mediocre, right?

That's right.

So, what do you say about Eurasia, which is now a militarized power?

Gates said that his subordinates might be manipulating the new king in the right way.

My lord... for example, the military department...

“Hmm. Perhaps the Chancellor's class and the military are trying to connect and adopt expansion policies.”

Gaius looked convinced.

"I see. There's no contradiction." But now, Enneth is saying something different, isn't she? "

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