Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 700 Stage

"... and that's a hell of a smoke, huh? ……

Lombardo, who quietly and slowly broke into the building, whispered to Chester forward as he lowered his hips and laid a handkerchief on his mouth.

Then Chester also looked back at Lombardo and said while holding his mouth down with a handkerchief at his mid waist.

"Drop your hips as much as you can and proceed in a low position. Smoking can be a big deal."

"Oh, let's do that. Nevertheless... my vision..."

"Yeah... let's go slowly and securely"

Shester started walking quietly in slow footsteps again when he finished saying it.

Then, some time later, in front of Shester, a staircase appeared leading to the basement where the smoke rose.

Shester looked back and told Lombardo to that effect.

"... apparently the smoke isn't on this ground floor, it's coming up from the basement, right?

"It's the basement... you, have you been attached to the basement lately?

Chester whispered and leaked a laugh at Lombardo's joke.

"Indeed. You're diving underground these days when it comes to something"

"Don't you? Do you mind if I settle down?

"Would you? But before we do, let's just say we clean up the problem right now."

"Right. Let's go underground again."

Then Shester saluted with one hand up against Lombardo, winking lightly.

"Copy that. Now we're going in, so why don't we continue later?

"Copy that. But let me tell you, this is only about reconnaissance, right? Just because you discovered the enemy doesn't mean you're attacking him right away."

"I know. Don't worry."

"Okay. Shall we go then?"

Encouraged by Lombardo, Chester went on to walk again.

And as I slowly reached the stairs, I went quietly and surely down one step at a time.

And while they struggled with the smoke, they managed to get down the stairs without making any footsteps.

"Hmm... I'll take a breather for now, huh?

When Shester said it with a deep exhale, Lombardo returned the words with a rather spicy voice.

"... oh, I don't know..."

Lombardo either inhaled a little smoke or he seemed to have a bad throat.

That's why Shester looked back with a worried look on his face.

"Are you all right? Did you hurt your throat?

"... oh, a little... I think I inhaled some smoke..."

"Okay. Follow me without talking too much. Are you sure?

Lombardo did not speak up to Shester's prophecy and agreed by nodding.

Seeing it, Chester also nodded loudly and began to walk in the direction where the smoke could stand in order to move forward again.

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