Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 701: Underground Space

It was time for Chester to advance through the enemy's underground agate, but he noticed that there was a very large space when he looked closely ahead.

"What do you mean? Why is there such a large space in the basement of the building?

Listening to Shester's whining containing surprises, Lombardo also noticed that when he gazed ahead of himself again, there was indeed too much space compared to the size of the building.

"... that's certainly not quite the size of that building..."

Chester turned to Lombardo's painful grunt with a worried face.

"Lieutenant, your voice seems to be worse than it was earlier... not as much as you can for a while, shouldn't you not talk unless there's so much going on?

Then Lombardo nodded deeply as he held down his throat painfully.

Then Shester looked at it and nodded back deeply.

"Then, Deputy Secretary, shut up and listen to my thoughts. Thank you. This underground space is likely to be dug out in time for the steeple. And if you look closely at it, you see, here's the pillar that supports the foundation of the building."

When Shester said so, he pampered the big fat strut with his own left hand.

"But this is right on this strut, and the soil is stunning."

Chester said so and showed Lombardo his dirty left hand with his own dirt.

"I mean, you can see that this space was dug back and built after you built the building. Why, because there's no reason why soil is creeping up on this strut if you built a large underground space from the start and built a building on it. Plus this is the ground we've been treading on since earlier, but this is also dirt. Usually the basement of a building, however underground, is tidy and equipped with floors. But this place is just decomposed soil. So you can see from the above two points that this underground space was built above the steeple field."

Lombardo nodded silently to Chester's speculation.

Chester kept his tongue even longer when he confirmed it.

"So the question is when was this underground space created, but it's probably more recent.

I would also say that because this ground is very soft over the decomposition. If some time had elapsed since this place was built, it should have been consolidated by those who pass through it. But that's not what's happening here. Regardless, it is not possible that this basement was uninhabited for a while longer than it was built a long time ago, but it still seems difficult to think about leaving it after making it so much steeper than it was. So it seems that this vast space was created very recently in a hurry. "

Lombardo nodded loudly again as he finished listening to Chester's long and wide tongue.

Shester then nodded loudly once again, finally speaking his conclusions.

"Then what did you create such a vast underground space for... this would be the only one left. I mean... a thousand years of dragons. I fool myself that this underground space is meant to activate a thousand years of dragons for some purpose."

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