Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 101

"That female knight did it!"

Fujitang said without hesitation, within half a month, he had solved nearly a hundred spies and surveillance personnel, except for the female knight who made him feel threatened, there was no one else.

"Toria Pendragon, exactly the same as you said, is a very powerful person! With just a sword, the rats with high-tech weapons were wiped out! Thanks to her, Some of the mice that originally peeped at Shumu's house were also taken care of!"

When it comes to Toria, Xuanwu's tone is extremely solemn.When we first met, Fujitang once said that the other party was very powerful, and he didn't care about it, but in the past half a month, Tolia's actions made him admire him.

More than that, the strength of this Tolia is not much different from the ancient heroes who count as a thousand in the legend.If you really want to be disadvantageous to those two little guys, you must solve the woman first.

Moreover, that woman's companion is coming soon!

"But the next thing will be even more troublesome! Information has already come over there. The followers of these two little ghosts in Bunitania have already learned about their news and are coming from Japan! Later, It will be more and more lively here!"

"Do I need to mobilize the army to protect it?"

Fujitang already knew this information, but depending on the situation, the matter was more serious than he thought.In other words, the power of the prince in Bunitania exceeded his expectations.

With such a powerful force, he was sent to Japan as a hostage. How powerful and cruel is that man!

Although he has not met the emperor of the Bunitanian Empire in person, Fujitang can also draw conclusions from the TV and the other party's usual behavior pattern.

"No, let them bite the dog themselves! Anyway, they are all Bunitanians, don't waste your strength and energy on them!"

Xuanwu closed the documents in his hand. The recent domestic situation in Bunitania was mainly due to the influence of Lelouch and Nanali being sent to Japan as protons. He has already reviewed them.

There must be an impact on Japan. The continuous provocations by Bunitania against Japan in the past few days have already illustrated this problem.However, since they have used military deterrence on the surface, they also responded with military exercises, so the situation between the two countries should be calm for a while.

"But there must be our Japanese forces in it, right?"

Fujido is a pure soldier, and let the imperial power enter the territory of his own country and fight wantonly, which is really unacceptable to him.Moreover, the entry of the other party must be mixed with Japanese local forces.Fujido does not want Japan to be internally constrained while facing a powerful country like Bunitania.

"Duke Tongyuan and the others? That's better, their hands stretched a little too long, and they should learn some lessons!"

However, Xuanwu didn't seem to hear the hidden meaning in Fujitang's words, or he understood it, but subconsciously ignored it.

As a politician, he cannot let go of this opportunity to strike at his opponent!

Is this politics?

Fujitang looked at the Xuanwu Prime Minister who coldly abandoned his own power as an abandoned son, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

Chapter 89 Out of One's World

"Brother, is Suzaku-kun here?"

Just entering the courtyard where the storage room is located, Nana Li, who was basking outside with Tolia's company, immediately heard two footsteps approaching.One is for my brother, and the other is the boy who made his brother smile a few days ago except for himself.

The little master of this shrine where they are staying, Shuqueki Suzaku!

Since a few days ago, Nanali discovered that Suzaku had caused her brother's attention, she felt threatened, and finally took the first step towards the outside world.

The first is Tolia. With the help of Lelouch, Nanaly began to try to talk to Tolia.Tolia, who was almost purer than her, soon won the trust of Nanali.After taking the first step, the second step is quite logical.

This morning, after Lulu Xiu got up early as usual, and went to the town to buy fruit.Nanali who woke up finally let Tolia push herself and leave the small storage room for the first time.

Thinking about it now, this decision is indeed correct.

"Nanali, there is only your Highness in your world, but because you have to rely on and admire your Highness, it has become a shackle that your Highness cannot struggle. If you really want to really help your Highness, please try to get out Take the first step!"

Then comes the second step!The third step...I don't allow anyone to take my brother away from me!

"Nanali, I'm back!"

"Welcome back, Ounisanma!"

Pushing her wheelchair, Nanali greeted Lelouch.

"I bought your favorite pear today!"

Lelouch, who was arguing with Suzaku, immediately gave up the conversation with him, stepped forward quickly, stopped Nanali's wheelchair, and put the basket on her knee.

"Well, thank you, Onixam!"

"That...Hello, Nanali! I'm Suzaku!"

After the last time I heard my sister, but was given a punch by Lu Lu Xiu, this time Suzaku was witty and directly called her by Nanali's name.

"Well, Suzaku-san, you are the child of Master Xuanwu, I've heard Ounisanma say it!"

Nanali closed her eyes and turned to Suzaku's direction, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Ah... well, yes... yes!"

Although Nanali's eyes were closed, Suzaku still felt a strong gaze, which belonged to the weak and blind girl in front of her.Under the gaze of this mysterious gaze, Suzaku suddenly lost the ability to speak, and his face was flushed.

Suddenly, Suzaku noticed that Lelouch, who was kneeling on one knee in front of Nanali, was turning his head and looking at him solemnly, his face reflected in his clear eyes.

Eyes with strange colors.

Suzaku thought this way, but it was very beautiful, with an inherent nobility and mystery.I don’t know what Nana’s eyes look like. As Lelouch’s sister, her eyes must be beautiful sea blue!

Very cute and gentle colors!

He suddenly felt that he had to say something, so he spoke.

"Well, if you have time, can you invite you to a place?"


In the quiet room, only the sunlight from the open windows illuminates the surrounding, spacious and bright.The smooth floor can almost reflect people's shadows, there is no extra decoration around, only a few copybooks are hung on the wall, the wild grass dancing with dragons and phoenixes, with a strange ancient charm.

But the strange charm that permeated the room was soon awakened by the sudden opening of the door.

Pulling the door open, Suzaku stood at the entrance and made a please gesture to the three people behind Lulu Xiu.

Lulu Xiu pushed Nanali into this strange room and said.

"here is?"

"Dojo, Kendo!"

Suzaku followed into the room called the dojo and introduced.


Lelouch seemed to have heard this word.

"Well, just fight with bamboo swords."

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