Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 102

Suzaku's hands gestured, he probably wouldn't understand, Suzaku thought.

"It turned out to be a training ground!"

Lelouch nodded unexpectedly to Suzaku, indicating that he understood.Simply put, it is the same place as the training ground!In the Hanging Garden, the maternal queen Mariana used to teach Sister Cornelia, Bertolis and Nonet three swordsmanship.

"Training field? Is this your name?"

Suzaku looked at Lelouch unexpectedly, and the other party understood it so quickly.He couldn't help but doubt again, is the other party really the prince of Bunitania?

"Well, in my sky garden, I also built a training ground, which is used by the queen mother to teach Queen Cornelia and the others! But we don't use bamboo swords, we use wooden knight swords!"

The sky garden, by hearing the name, it must be a very incredible floor, worthy of the prince of Bunitania.

Suzaku smashed his mouth and extinguished the jealousy in his heart. He didn't care much about the luxurious enjoyment. He was more interested in Kendo than gardens and the like.

Moreover, there is a good example in front of me, Suzaku said, pointing to the standard golden knight sword on Tolia's waist.

"Knight sword, is this... the kind of big sister's waist?"


Lulu Xiu nodded, and raised his hand suddenly. Next to him is a wood grain wall with a huge picture frame hanging on it. What is written on it in snaking ink. Judging from the handwriting, it should be from the Chinese Federation. Traditional characters.Although Lulu Xiu's knowledge is not weak, he doesn't know this kind of retro font.

He pointed to the word and asked.

"How do you pronounce that."

"Don't ask such a difficult question."

Suzaku's face sank and looked extremely ugly, because he didn't even know what that word was.

"This is your dojo."

The corners of Lu Lu Xiu's mouth curled up slightly, and he deliberately asked.

"It's my dojo."

Suzaku clenched his fists.

(Doesn’t this damned fellow know that enough is enough? It’s human nature to beat people without slapping their faces and curse without revealing their shortcomings!)

"What's the difference? I can't even recognize the calligraphy and painting in my dojo. I really am a fool!"

However, Lelouch didn't mean to let Suzaku let go, and attacked a guy who was unkind to her in front of his most beloved sister. Lelouch was happy about this kind of thing.Moreover, if Suzaku can be sacrificed to open Nana's tightly closed world and let her walk out of grief and melancholy, it would be worth it.

"Brother, please don't say that about Suzaku-jun, I think there must be a deeper reason for this, Suzaku-jun!"

When I heard my brother arguing with Suzaku again with a smile, Nanali's face was also blooming, filled with a sweet smile, and said roundly.

Chapter 90 Nanaly laughed

"Nanali is still understanding, not like someone!"

I didn't hear the meaning of the "deeper reason" in Nanali's words at all. Suzaku only knew that the weak and cute little girl was helping herself, and she grinned happily.

Looking at the contented Suzaku, Lelouch and Tolia looked at each other, and had a deeper understanding of Suzaku's dullness.

Usually, Suzaku can't be so "stupid", maybe it is because of Nanali's existence that Suzaku's IQ has plummeted!

The three of them laughed as Suzaku laughed.


At this moment, a heavy and steady footstep sounded from a distance, quickly approaching.

"Is the teacher here?"


"Well, my swordsman teacher, Fujido Kyoshiro, the number one master of Japanese kendo, is still a soldier!"

Suzaku answered proudly, rushing out of the dojo, standing at the hallway to welcome his teacher.

"Teacher, you are here!"

"Well, can't wait?"

A hearty voice came in from outside the corridor.

"It was the man hiding behind the screen the day I first arrived!"

Tolia walked behind Lulu Xiu and whispered in his ear.Lelouch nodded, and he felt the breath of the other party.

"No, I just came too, that, teacher, I brought three guests here!"

"The guests?"

With a puzzled expression, the tall Tengtang walked in from the entrance and immediately saw the three of Lulu Xiu.His eyes stayed on the two princes Lulu Xiu and Nanali for a while, and Fujitang's eyes finally fell on Tolia behind them.

As a swordsman, his interest in Toria is far greater than the pair of Proton brothers and sisters.

Feeling Tengtang's gaze, Tolia raised her head and greeted him. His sharp gaze pierced Tengtang's body with endless pressure, and his breath was frozen.

I discovered it last time, and the feeling of being so close this time is really a strong sense of oppression!

The confrontation of gaze was frustrated, Fujitang was not discouraged at all, but his aura grew stronger.However, he also gave up continuing to confront Tolia, and turned to look at Lelouch and Nanali.

"When meeting for the first time, the two princes are well, I am Fujidō Kyoshiro!"

Tengtang was not paying attention to the weak Nanali, his attention was all attracted by Lu Lu Xiu.

What a peerless prince, the dragon among men!

Fujitang's own breathing, in other words, his breathing and movements, were all suppressed by the breath of the boy who was close at hand.

"Hello, I am Lelouch VI Bunitania!"

Lulu Xiu nodded, although he looked up at Tengtang, he had a hint of looking down.

"Hello, this is Nanali VI Bunitania, please forgive me for not being able to get up!"

"Toria Pendragon!"

The self-introduction of Nanali and Tolia is the same as when they first met Xuanwu.

Fujido nodded, and walked towards the door at the end of the shrine. He was going to change into the dojo kimono in the back room.

"Suzaku, since your teacher has arrived, then we should also leave!"

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