Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 103

After Tengtang's back disappeared in the dojo, Lelouch turned his head and said to Suzaku.


Zhuque glanced at Lu Lu Xiu gratefully, and brought Lu Lu Xiu and the others over without Tengtang's permission. It was indeed somewhat improper.However, after hesitating for a while, Suzaku still reminded.

"If you have anything you want, wouldn't it be better to ask my servant? People who live here hate Bunitania."

It should be said that in Japan, there is no such thing as a good impression of Bunitania!

So, there is no need to say what happens when a person goes outside casually.Although Lelouch's black hair was very close to the Japanese, he knew that he was a foreigner at a glance, plus the noble and gorgeous clothes.Moreover, there are rumors in the town that the prince and prince of Bunitania are staying in this home, which can be guessed by the group of children who find fault a few days ago.

Maybe Lelouch didn't take the group of children to heart, but it was always maliciously besieged, which was always bad.In case some accident happens someday, those adults who have long been very dissatisfied with Bunitania might hurt them impulsively.

The reason why children hate Bunitania is originally the consciousness formed under the guidance of those adults.

After stopping Suzaku's words, Lelouch's face turned menacing again, and he glared at him.

"So don't you also hate it?"

"Of course."

Suzaku answered of course.

"So why do you do this?"

"You want me to say it several times, I hate bullying the weak."

Forget about this young man, he would never allow anyone to hurt his sister.Even if the opponent is the Empress of Bunitania, the weak is still weak.

Suzaku looked at Nanaly in the wheelchair next to Lelouch, and secretly made up his mind.Blindness and disability, this kind of thing happened to such a delicate and lovely little girl, it was cruel enough, how could anyone be allowed to hurt her again?

Never allowed!

"In short, you don't want to go out alone in the future."

Taking a deep breath, Suzaku said with a serious expression.


"If this goes on, maybe you really won't be able to come back. If that's the case, my dad in your country will..."


However, at the moment Suzaku said it.

Lulu Xiu's expression changed drastically, and the gentle aura surrounding him instantly became like a cold winter, extremely cold.

"That kind of man is not a father!"

With a loud shout like a volcanic eruption, the agitated sound vibrated the entire dojo, and the air completely stagnated.

Suzaku couldn't help but gaped, and could not help being overwhelmed by his momentum, staring at him dumbly.Fujitang, who changed his clothes in the back room, stopped his movements and listened to the sound of the dojo.

Soon, Lelouch also noticed his gaffe.He tightened his surprised face, turned to the side, looked at Nanalie who was sitting in the wheelchair with his mouth open slightly, and said softly: "Sorry, Nanalie, I scared you!"


Nanali shook her head gently, and held his hands accurately.She knew why Lelouch was so gaffe. She already knew what happened at the Pandora Palace that day.

All things were taken care of by my brother alone!

Nanali knew, so she would never mind Lelouch's vent.

The wind blows into the dojo from outside.

Lelouch calmed down her chest, put Nanaly's hand back into the blanket, turned and walked behind the wheelchair.

"We went back."

He finished speaking in a low voice, pushing Nanaly and walking towards the hallway.However, after walking a few steps, he stopped again for some reason.

"That, that..."

He said more hesitantly than before.

"Thank you, thank you for bringing us here!"

Nanali's world seemed to be opened up a little bit. Only by contacting new things and people can children grow up normally. In the past few days, Lelouch has understood this truth.

Can't take care of Nanali under her wings forever, as her own impunity, that's only for her to muster the courage and move forward to the unknown world!Of course, Lelouch will always guard her forever!

Suzaku did not answer, he was still stunned by Lelouch's roar just now.

Lelouch's feet moved again.

When he left the hallway of the dojo and crossed the threshold, Suzaku finally made a sound.



Lulu Xiu turned around in surprise.

The eyes are indeed an incredible color.

Suzaku looked into those eyes and said hesitantly.

"Well, if you want to go out next time, just come and tell me."


"If I have time, I will go with you."

The eyes of inconceivable colors were wide.

Staring at yourself seriously.

"I will think about it."

The door closed with a quack, and the light footsteps and the sound of wheels rolling on the floor faded away.

Suzaku was still sitting on the ground.


What stupid thing did I say?

That guy is obviously the most hated Bunitanian.

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