Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 115

Suzaku quickly got up, looked at the serious wind and sand, lowered the wooden knife slightly, his face was serious.


With a shout, Suzaku seized the opportunity and attacked again.

Unfortunately, in the face of the serious wind and sand, Suzaku's every move was completely seen by her.

Faster than Suzaku's speed, a cold light flashed, slashing heavily on the hilt where Suzaku was holding the sword.Even for women, the power from the sword changed Suzaku's posture.Fortunately, the person he used to practice against was Fujitang, so his body did not fly out, but at this moment, Fengsha lifted his foot like lightning, and it hit Suzaku's belly.


Suzaku let out a scream, and the young body was kicked out. Although the wind and sand use soft energy, he cannot resist the strength of an adult.Suzaku's back directly hit Xianbo behind him, and before he could relax, his arms were already locked by a pair of heavy hands.

"Hey Hey……"

Amidst the yin laughter, Qianye Fengsha, Chaobinai Sangwu, and Bubu Qiaoxue all gathered together and began to take care of Suzaku gently.

Obviously, Lu Lu Xiu saw the next situation.Suzaku who was beaten into a pig's head, and the embarrassed Four Sacred Swords.


Kagura claps his hands.

"Ahem! The order is lifted, you should step back and rest for a while!"

The first is the Four Sacred Swords. Kagura didn't know these four soldiers, so he first asked them to retreat.

"Suzaku, so are you, go and deal with your face!"

Afterwards, Kagura Ya's eyes moved to Suzaku's body, his face was puffed up, and he tried to resist the smile in his heart, and reminded.

Pighead Suzaku gave Kagura a hateful look, but it was a pity that the other party was a girl, otherwise even if she was his cousin, Suzaku would definitely not let her go.However, as the loser's side, even after being severely devastated, Suzaku's eyes remained persistent.

"Lelouch, I know I am not your opponent now, but when I become stronger, I will definitely challenge you! (In order to have the power to protect Nanali)"

Suzaku stretched out a fist at Lelouch and issued a solemn declaration.Unfortunately, his pig-headed face is totally inconsistent with this solemn atmosphere.

"Okay, I'm waiting for you!"

Without mocking Suzaku, Lelouch also stretched out a fist and bumped his fist together.

This is an agreement between men.

Chapter 103: The Adorable Son Who Cruises the World

Three days later, the followers of Bunitania finally came!The forces of the Aries Imperial Palace headed by the Ashford family sent personnel to Japan in various names and methods, and then found Lelouch's location.

So far, Lelouch and Nanaly, who were studying in Japan in name, have also got rid of the dilemma of not having a servant or subordinate to serve.At the same time, Tolia didn't have to personally take action every time to clean up those peeping mice, and could stay at ease beside Lelouch and Nanali.With the addition of Suzaku and Kagura who are about the same age, life seems to have really become better.

At this time, Lelouch also assured the emperor's affairs and told his accomplice CC, and asked her to go to the Chinese Federation to help the emperor stabilize the situation, and for the imperial war against Japan soon.

On the night that CC was sent away, Lu Lu Xiu contacted the little emperor who had just lain down in his heart.



The little emperor’s voice was filled with infinite joy and surprise. Ever since she knew that Lelouch had been sent as a hostage to hostile Japan, she had been worried in her heart.The civil and military officials who were killed last time, as well as the eunuchs, were the victims of this worry.If Lulu Xiu didn't calm her down in time, the entire Zhu Forbidden City would have been destroyed by the emperor's wrath.

The destruction that a violent dragon can cause is terrifying to think about.

"All the time, I have forgotten that there is a very powerful weapon in your body! Until recently, I discovered that if you can release this powerful force, you don't need to let the old prime minister run around. Go, select the vacant officials and personnel."


Xiaotianzi's mind was a little confused.

"That's cute!"


Xiao Tianzi obviously heard this word for the first time.

"Yes, cute! Lihua, you didn't realize your own charm at all. This charm is cute! Your cute look and temperament that is almost foul is cute! Use this powerful weapon, maybe as long as With a little push in the back, you can easily conquer the four billion people of the Chinese Federation, pour the soul from the body, and make them completely your fans."

Lelouch said excitedly, this is a method he thought of after he learned about the special culture of Japan from Kagura Yeah to allow Lihua to completely control the Chinese Federation in a short time.

"The gods are man-made, you have all the conditions to become a cute god, no, plus your own post-human status, let your footsteps and figures walk everywhere in the Chinese Federation! Let all the people, All admire your peerless appearance."

"At that time, all you need is a word. All people will go through the fire and water for you, go forward and succeed, and forget their lives."

Most of the so-called social elites and government officials collected from Lu Xiu's information about Japan are the hardworking ants in the pyramid.However, in Japan, there are still a strange group of people outside this pyramid.

They have the craziest beliefs and pursuits. They have a passion and fascination for a thing that surpasses fanatics for gods. They are fearless, for a name, a voice, a picture, and a model.Staying up all night, waiting in the twelfth lunar month, braving the wind and rain, lining up in the sun and rain.

Just to pursue the most beautiful things in the world!

This special group of people is called otaku, scientific name, and anime lovers!

What they are after is all cute things, cute existence.

Regardless of the appearance, body, temperament, voice... everything about the Son of Heaven has almost reached the extreme, surpassing human imagination.At least, in the eyes of Lu Lu Xiu, no one in this world can surpass the little emperor, Jiang Lihua in the word cuteness!

Nanaly can't either.

"If this can help my brother, I will do it!"

Xiao Lihua's voice is still pitiful, but it contains a trace of determination.

"I have told CC about all the things and plans. She has already set off for the Chinese Federation! When she arrives, everything will follow her arrangements!"

Thinking of the last time Lihua and CC met for the first time, Lu Luxiu smiled inwardly.Lihua was given a smashed CC by Lihua. With her slightly black temper, once she saw the real Lihua, she didn’t know how to train Lihua. I hope she won’t be too much!

"I understand, I will listen to Sister CC!"

Lihua didn't seem to hear the ridicule in Lelouch's words. Also, not only was she only seven years old, she was also confined in the remote and deep palace. Except for those palace ladies and eunuchs, she had never contacted outsiders, even people who had normal conversations. There is no one either.Her mind is probably the same as that of a three or four-year-old child.

"Well, go to bed early. If the plan goes well, the day we meet may not be far away!"

"Yes, my brother!"

Listening to Lihua's unique slender tone, Lu Luxiu ended the call.CC's mental stance had completely disappeared from his feelings, Lelouch turned around and looked in the direction of Bunitania.

"Chalulu, the day we meet, it will not be far away! I will trample you under your feet and make you confess what you did to me and Nanali!"

The next day, through a secret channel, CC successfully arrived at the Forbidden City of Zhu of the Chinese Federation, and met the emperor of Loli, Jiang Lihua, who was only seven years old and ruled over half of the world's population!

"Cruise the world!"

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