Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 116

This was the first order from Lu Lu Xiu and the first step to spread the glory of the emperor.Only let the emperor appear in front of the world, showing her perfect face, slender appearance, delicate temperament, and almost foul cuteness.

Just like the parade of modern idols, the domestic riots caused by the deaths of hundreds of officials and eunuchs have not yet calmed down. When the Indian Peninsula and Siberia also had a spear of independence and splitting, the ruler of the Chinese Federation was only seven years old, but He began his journey to inspect his empire and walked out of the deep Zhu Forbidden City.

The emperor who stepped out of the Forbidden City of Zhu and came to the outside world for the first time caused a sensation and influence, obviously far beyond Lulu Xiu's expectations.Of course, this is also related to Lelouch who was a Bunitanian, who was not very familiar with the Chinese Federation, an ancient country with a history of five thousand years.

The emperor is called the oligarch, and it is an existence beyond the reach of ordinary people.Like the sun in the sky, great and dazzling.

Although even in the modern era where television and media have become popular, because the eunuch has controlled the power of the Chinese Federation and weakened the influence of the emperor, Jiang Lihua has not appeared in the four billion people except for the time he inherited the throne. before.Nominally as the supreme ruler of the Chinese Federation, he has been deeply restrained by the eunuchs in the deep palace.

Therefore, once they leave, the four billion people who have endured seven years of curiosity will all boil.Speaking of it, the huge Chinese Federation is more boring than Japan and lacks vitality. The appearance of Lihua, like a beacon, a sun, instantly illuminates every corner of the Chinese land and attracts everyone's attention.

The charming, slender and weak little emperor took away everyone's heart and love almost at the moment he appeared.Especially the people who feel the breath after humans at close range have become the most loyal fans and fanatics of the emperor.

This fanatic wind towards the emperor, following in the footsteps of the emperor, spread rapidly towards the territory of the Chinese Federation, and soon formed a belief.And with people's beliefs, the emperor, or the queen of mankind, and Lulu Xiu, who is the king of mankind, the power of belief they received has increased geometrically.

Fortunately, Lulu Xiu, Lihua's body and soul, under the pure belief of more and more humans, began to sublimate from heroic spirit to god.

Chapter 104 The Uneasy Bunitania

As the emperor traveled around the world, the situation in the Chinese Federation quickly stabilized. The Indian Peninsula and Siberia, which had a hint of independence, also calmed down instantly and surrendered to the emperor's power called Meng.

However, just as the dragon of the Chinese Federation gradually awakened in the footsteps of the emperor, the sacred Bunitania Empire, thousands of miles away, also smelled an unusual breath at the same time.

Pandora’s Palace, the Chamber of Assembly of the sacred Bunitania Empire, the 98th emperor, Chalulu DI Bunitania, is reading the secret information from the Chinese Federation.

The time of the Chinese Federation is evening, but it is just early morning in Bunitania on the other side of the earth.Even the emperor who claims to have unlimited energy, Chalulu needs to rest.However, he who was supposed to stay in the palace of a certain imperial concubine, now dressed in a simple suit, came to Pandora Palace to look through the information with his own hands, and he could understand the importance of this information.

At least in the past few years, the information that was able to be read by the Emperor himself was probably only this time.

Bismarck, who respectfully waited aside, thought to himself, but this information did have this value.Because of this information, after he personally checked it, he felt the situation was serious, so he suddenly entered the palace at this time and gave it to the Emperor.

"That little guy kidnapped half of the people in the world and made himself the only faith of four billion people. It's okay if it's accidentally, but if she can, it's dangerous!"

After just reading it again, Chalulu has already made a clear analysis of what happened far in the Chinese Federation.This horrible reading and analysis ability is an ability he has tempered for decades.Otherwise, no matter how strong the energy is, in a limited time, it is impossible to control the entire huge empire meticulously.

"Well, I think of Emperor Hirohito of Japan during World War II. But those Japanese are also full of almost crazy worship of their emperor! If the Chinese Federation becomes like that, they occupy half of the world's population, The potential for war erupted is probably the sum of us and the EU."

Bismarck expressed his worries. It was because of the example of Japan there that Bismarck was so nervous about the influence of the little emperor of the Chinese Federation on this tour of the world.Except for a small number of intelligence personnel who are extremely loyal to the empire, most of the spies lurking in the Chinese Federation have become fans of the little emperor, and even sold the intelligence of the empire to the Chinese Federation.

If the Chinese Federation uses this to declare war on Bunitania!

Just imagine, Bismarck can predict the horror of that scene.Fighting alone, the Chinese Federation is the only one who can fight against the empire, plus that huge population base.The tenth district that the empire has just acquired will soon be submerged under the army of the Chinese Federation, and the situation in Japan will quickly stabilize, and the cherry stone energy that the empire needs most will be cut off by Japan.

What a lethal blow to the Bunitanian chariot that has gradually popularized the Knightmare Frame in the military.

"Bismarck, the situation of the emperor is very different from that of Japan in World War II. The emperor relied on the Bushido culture inherited by their nation, experienced thousands of years of influence, and was then deliberately created for worship."

Chaluru tirelessly explained to his love that after Mariana's death, the only thing he could be honest with was Bismarck.

"However, this little emperor conquered the souls of four billion people purely with his own personal charm, and passively became the only god in their hearts!"

The active and passive effects are completely different, and the results achieved by the two different methods are even more different.

Active means liking, passive means doing things you don't like or even hate under external pressure!A person who does one thing passively under external pressure, if he does not have a particularly strong talent or opportunity, his efficiency is calculated by one.The other one takes the initiative and can devote himself to it. His efficiency is at least one hundred.

A full one-hundred-fold gap may be a bit exaggerated in reality. The nominally same result, if it is considered the time, energy, and the merits of the results, this one-hundred-fold gap may still have some reservations.

From Chaluru's perspective, looking at this issue from the ruler of a country, four billion people actively recognize and believe in the same person, and that person still passively accepts this love and worship.

This gap can no longer be calculated with data.

"Bismarck, how do you feel when you see this little guy!"

The solemn expression appeared on Chalulu's face for the first time, frowning slightly.

"It's too slender, so weak as if it's not a human being! But at the first sight of her, I couldn't bear the urge to protect her and take care of her."

Bismarck closed his eyes, recalled his first impression of seeing the little emperor on TV, and admitted frankly.

"Hahahaha...Even our first knight will have this emotion when seeing her, what do you think of other ordinary people?"

Hearing Chaluru's reminder, Bismarck finally understood the true meaning of the danger mentioned in His Majesty's words.Four billion people have been kidnapped. It can be said, but they were kidnapped voluntarily.And for the person who kidnapped them, they only have endless worship and belief in their hearts.

The Son of Heaven is their only god.And they are the most loyal believers of the emperor.

"Then do we temporarily slow down our attack on Japan and set the target on the Chinese Federation!"

Bismarck was worried. As a pure knight, he didn't think as far as Chaluru. Hearing his analysis, Bismarck was even more worried.After all, the war potential of the Chinese Federation is too terrifying, but Japan is an absolute target that the empire needs to conquer.

"Bismarck, you are too nervous! Japan is the primary goal of the empire. We have been preparing for it for three years. The chariot of the empire needs cherry stone, and the new type of Knightmare Frame also needs cherry stone, a material with huge energy. Can drive. Without enough Knightmare Frame and huge energy, even if the empire can defeat the East China Sea and South China Sea Fleet of the Chinese Federation, it will face failure on land!"

Seeing the worry of the first knight, Chalulu waved his hand and calmed down.

"There is no absolute advantage. I want to defeat the Chinese Federation, which has half of the world's population on land! It is absolutely impossible for the current Bunitania!"

Although Charuru is crazy, he is not stupid. Even when he rules over one third of the world's territory and one quarter of the ocean, he still maintains absolute sanity.Therefore, he knew very well that it was almost impossible to occupy the Chinese Federation militarily.

Moreover, the empire does not need to conquer that ancient and huge country at all.

"In this case, the only way to speed up that plan!"

Bismarck has a solemn expression. As long as that plan can be realized, even if the Chinese Federation and the EU join forces, it will not be able to stop the advancement of the empire.The world will belong to Bunitania, to the great Highness Chalulu.

And Bismarck, with this feat, will become a new legend, leave his mark in history, and write a knight's myth.

"Yes, from the beginning, our goal of conquering the world was to complete our plan, as long as the Chinese Federation interfered with our actions..."

As Chalulu spoke, spread his five fingers and grabbed hard in front, as if he was holding the entire world in his hands.No, if the plan is realized, he can indeed control the whole world.And he Chaluru will also become the god of the new world.

"I see! Bismarck will clear all obstacles and enemies in front of the empire for you!"

Bismarck knelt on one knee, pressed his right fist heavily on the heart of his left chest, and swore.

Chapter 105 Happy Childhood

Time passed slowly, but nostalgic.Since the hot spring bathing together, Kagura has stayed at Sugiji Shrine.Moreover, because Nanali tried to take the second step, the small world that Lelouch created for Nanali had opened a channel to the outside world.

Thanks to this, Lelouch and Nanali have spent more time with the cousins ​​of Suzaku and Kagura.Adding Tolia, a 15-year-old girl who is actually the same age as Lelouch, her pale and bitter childhood seemed to be extremely colorful.

At least for Lelouch and Nanaly, who were born in the royal family but were sent to the empire as hostages, and the eldest son of Japan’s first Menshuki family, who was called a wild child and rejected by all children of the same age. For Kagura, who is a princess, but is not seen by anyone, a normal childhood is such a precious and even hopeful dream.

After traveling through the entire Shuki Shrine, today, the five moved their target to the mountain behind the shrine. The private hot spring of Kagura is at the foot of that mountain.

Suzaku, who has lived here since he was a child, is not named for nothing. Since he went to school at the age of five, the large Shuki Shrine has been unable to satisfy Suzaku’s growing curiosity, and he is naturally fond of it. The unique personality of sports, as long as school, he will almost come to this mountain to play.Especially during holidays, I spend all day on this mountain.

In addition to the natural talents that Suzaku possesses, they are trained here.Especially after being fascinated by kendo, after systematic training, the nearby mountains and forests have completely become places for Suzaku to study.

It is this unique external environment and natural qualities that have made Suzaku today.

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