Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 117

However, even this kind of Suzaku has things that cannot be done, such as pushing a heavy all-metal wheelchair on this rugged mountain road. In the wheelchair, there is also a girl who is blind and has inconvenient legs.

"Are you a foreign student! Is it okay not to go to school?"

Suzaku, who led the way in front, was clearly walking forward, but his face was facing behind him.He stared at the slender young man pushing the wheelchair and walking freely on this rugged mountain road without the slightest fatigue.

Obviously he is so thin and slender, but he has physical strength and strength far beyond his own.

Although this fact has been known for a long time, Suzaku is still indignant at the moment when I see it, and can still perform well in front of the goddess in my mind, being taken first by the opponent's overwhelming advantage.

Lu Lu Xiu, this dead sister!

Because of this, he and Lelouch, who had become very good friends to outsiders, would deliberately break each other a few words every time they were together.But the two people who seem to dislike each other on the surface are only looking at the one sitting in a wheelchair.

"No need? You can do it at home if you study."

"Even if you say that, it's actually a bad brain."

"It's a pity that my academic ability far exceeds yours. Otherwise, do you want me to teach you?"

"I don't want it, idiot."

"It's rare that people are so kind."

"Your statement is really hot."

The conversation between the two still maintained this feeling, but to outsiders, the two little guys really looked like their best friends.And from the perspective and identity of being out of gregariousness, the so-called gathering of objects and grouping of people is probably the case.

What's more, they were originally living in the same home.Even if I didn't plan that way, I could meet each other almost every day.As agreed, the two will go together when going out.As long as Suzaku is by his side, the bad kids nearby can't cause Lelouch to trouble.

The time that belongs to boys has increased, and the relationship between Nanali and Kagura Ye has been rusty from the very beginning, to closeness, and even now that there is nothing to talk about. Some topics that belong to girls are Lelouch It can't be inserted.

The so-called secret garden for little girls!

And by the way...

"Suzaku is really good at sports!"

Nana Li deserves to be Lelouch's younger sister, and the soft and delicate tone of blessing that is not only not offensive, but only makes people think of cuteness and innocence.


Suzaku scratched his head in embarrassment. Although his physical strength couldn't keep up with the abnormal state of Lelouch, among his peers, Suzaku believed that no one could compare to him.

"This guy is just a pure physical idiot, Nanali, and a super idiot."

Kagura was attached to Nanali's ear, but she spoke quietly and loudly with a voice that Lelouch and Suzaku could clearly hear.

"What are you talking about! You bean sprouts boy."

It was obviously said by Kagura Ye, but Suzaku, who dared not mad at Kagura Ye, turned its target to Lulu Xiu.Anyway, Kagura has been labeled as Lelouch, and it is only natural for him to take responsibility for his own woman as a man with a poisonous tongue.

"Don't speak bad words in front of Nanali, what to do if you teach her badly, this idiot!"

Lu Lu Xiu didn't care at all, and it was not once or twice for Shen Le Ye to take the blame.Since the four people spend more time playing together, except for Tolia, a knight who is not good at speaking, the conversation of the four has always been carried out in this tempestuous mode, and then the calm and the waves are calm under Nanali’s soft words. .

"Both of them stopped!"

Nanali's soft voice instantly extinguished the two burning guys, although the topic had just left her ears and was picked up by Kagura who was laughing aside.

At some point, Suzaku and his sister also became close.Although she was obviously afraid of Suzaku at first, she felt relieved when she saw her brother Lelouch's normal conversation with him, no, after hearing it, coupled with Kagura's relationship.The people who can come in contact are from Lelouch to Toria, to Kagura and Suzaku.

After stepping out of the two-person world with Lulu Xiu, Nanaly finally began to grow!

In this way, the seasons change, autumn passes, the New Year is ushered, and even winter is over.

"In summer, go to Izu, Nanali, where there is Shumu's villa."

"Hey, you didn't even ask me."

"The sea is also very beautiful."

"Is it the sea? But if I swim, a little bit..."

"It doesn't matter, it's shallow until far away, and there's me by my side."

"Wait a minute! What are you talking nonsense? I take care of Nana, so I don't need you!"

"I also want Master Lulu Xiu's care, personal!"

"It's noisy. If you don't want to come, you don't have to come. The dark prince will just peel the pears in the dark at home. Anyway, if you have Kagura with you, you can just leave it to me!"

"Okay, I want to go too. Absolutely. Nana Li is mine, even if you are carrying her around Tokyo Bay, it’s okay, cute big breasts!

"You, you can really say such shameful words with confidence!"

"Ah, that's great, I also want Master Lulouch to swim around Tokyo Bay with me on his back, it's great!"

"Hehe, Onixam is really true."


Is very happy.

Whether it’s Bunitania or Japan, put those aside, forget those, and leave them alone.

Suzaku just felt very happy purely.

He didn't know if this was called a "friend" or not, he didn't know.Until now, he had never felt this way around him.

But very happy.

Only that feeling, that's all, that's it.

It's just that there is only one thing, no, it should be two things.

Except for his father who often watched them playing with dim eyes, and when TV or adults talked about Bunitania, they gradually mixed into contempt and hatred.

Chapter 106 The Teachings of Fujitang

Fujido held the bamboo knife quietly.

There was quiet air floating in the dojo, and the figure stood motionless in the middle posture.It's like a delicate sculpture, but it's definitely not a sculpture.It is water that will flow as soon as it touches.Moreover, it will become a torrent that the opponent cannot see clearly, aiming at a momentary gap and attacking the past.

He exuded such a sense of pressure, and then sent out a sword aura sweeping all around.The aftereffects of the battle with the girl knight from Bunitania have been fully recovered, and Fujitang has reached a higher level.

Although Fujido had a calm expression like a clear lake, in fact, he didn't mean to despise his opponent in his heart.

Standing in front of Fujitang was a small boy who was just ten years old.To the tall Fujitang, he was a young boy who was so small that he could almost be blown away by the wind.However, he was never careless.

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