Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 121

"Leave your luggage inside."

"That's true!"

After Fujido comes back, he will probably be very troubled.Speaking of it, it should have been a long time since then, and my father's affairs seemed to have dragged on a long time.

Lelouch laughed cheerfully this time, with a hint of joking.

"You are so careless."

"Shut up, just hand over the key to the teacher."

As if it was proved once again that his head was not as good as Lelouch, Suzaku became angry, raised his fist, and chased Lelouch.Lu Lu Xiu, who had been on guard for a long time, turned around and ran, leaving a string of happy laughter echoing in the silent corridor.

Chapter 108 Special Deals

Long silence...

At least three cigarette butts were added to the ashtray on the table.Of course, this was not made by Fujitang. He didn't drink alcohol or cigarettes. They were all smoked by the middle-aged man in front of the owner of this house.

The smell of cheap cigarettes is not very good, with a dizzying odor that has not been dispersed for a long time.

The curtains are drawn down, and the interior is completely reliant on artificial lighting. The faint white light, through the smoke that has not completely dissipated, brings a sense of mysterious haziness.

It is indeed a well-known Shumu House, and its interior decoration can be said to be luxurious.There are heavy bookcases on both sides of the room.It is full of books that give people a sense of dignity.The fleece under my feet is very long, and the sofa that Fujitang is sitting on is obviously leather. The non-Japanese furnishings are probably my own taste.

Prime Minister Shumu was originally a very Westernized person who was not in line with the local area.I heard that he is also very experienced in studying abroad. It is said that he was able to take the position of prime minister not because of family power, but because of his international feeling.As for whether that is true or not, Fujido is not sure.

Fujitang sat on the sofa and finally finished reading the materials handed over.

He exhaled deeply, and then spoke quietly.

"Is this information true?"

Fujido tried not to show the fierce feelings in his heart, but his unstable fingers still brought an undetectable tremor.This kind of situation is generally absolutely impossible to appear in the life experience of this person named Fujitang.

However, this thin information is like a heavy mountain, and his finger bones are a little white.

The middle-aged man sitting in the front nodded coldly.

"If this information is inaccurate, I will have to dismiss all our spy staff!"

After speaking, the middle-aged man, the Japanese Prime Minister Shumu Xuanwu, showed a smile on his face.

He knew Fujido's thoughts clearly. The smile seemed to say so. For a politician, through a person's facial expression and unabashed tone, he can infer the fluctuations and thoughts in the other's heart.

This is almost equivalent to a magical sixth sense!

Only the best politician, after experiencing countless events and personal tempering, can awaken such a talent.This also proved from the side that Shumu Xuanwu was excellent, he was a born politician.

"What are you surprised now, Fujitang, you who are called the iron wall of the Western Army."


Fujido continued to remain silent, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock caused by the information on the information.

"The other party is a rare tyrant in history, a tiger wolf desperately eager for blood! The Ninety-eighth Emperor Chaluru DI Bunitania of Bunitania! If it's someone who knows that man a little bit, this It’s not surprising."

"He was not a man who would always work smoothly and softly!"

Xuanwu said, with a hint of admiration and a hint of vigilance in his tone.Even he, for that man, had no choice but to bow down.To belittle opponents through slander is just a cowardly performance. The truly strong are not afraid of any challenge.

Therefore, even when the whole of Japan is cursing and slandering that horrible man and that horrible country, only Shumu Xuanwu is still cautious, searching for everything about Bunitania. And the information of that man.

"Although it is only a period of time, when our country is biased towards the EU and the Chinese Federation, we can see that the situation will become like this."

"So what's the countermeasure?"

"According to the other party's official statement, we are currently holding temporary military exercises in the East Indian Ocean, and we have also implemented corresponding actions. We have already issued reinforcements to the Okinawa Command and instructions for emergency simulation training."

"That won't work, it will give the enemy a word of truth."

Fujido called the opponent directly the enemy.

"Demonstrations against exercises may become the fuse for the start of war."

"It's better to say that it will definitely become like that. Make no mistake, Fujitang! The other party has already come to find the ballast, and it has reached this point before we say whether it is OK, in case it is meaningless."

Xuanwu finished speaking mercilessly, then laughed again.

"Originally, it was not someone else who made this design, it was me."


Fujido looked at the face silently, clenched his fists, and made a creaking noise.

Xuanwu stopped laughing.

He stared back at Fujido with cloudy and dim eyes.

"Are you still normal! That's what your expression says! Fujido, is it normal? Indeed, I may have lost myself. That's right, once a war starts, we Japan will definitely not be able to defeat Bunitania."


"Absolutely, just like an ant challenging a giant with a knife made of pine needles, there is no chance of winning, it can only be easily crushed to death!"

Xuanwu used his fingers to make a child play with ants, and gently pressed the opponent to death with his fingers.


But these words and actions only made Fujitang's eyes become colder.

"Sawazaki, who is in charge of military affairs, believed my words and honestly strengthened the defense line. But that is true. In fact, Bunitania will invade our country tomorrow, and Japan will soon lose."

At that time...

Fujitang put his hand on his chest and touched the button of the military uniform with his fingers, which was his unconscious movement.

Fujitang ignored those and said.

"Knowing you will lose!"

He asked carefully.

"Your Excellency, why do you want to worsen the situation to such a degree?"

"Well, what are you talking about?"

Xuanwu shrugged his shoulders.

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