Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 122

On the frowning face, a gloomy smile appeared again.

"It should be said, I don't know what you are talking about. Fujitang, are you saying that I use the mass media to create domestic anti-Buritanian public opinion? Or simply listen to the rhetoric of the EU and the Chinese Federation? Or is it Deliberately manipulating the allocation rate of sakuradite to anger Bunitania?"

"Including all of those."

It is not so much that Fujitang's eyes are sharp now, it is more murderous.

He sprayed dangerous murderous aura from his body.

Of course...that boy must not be able to see, the other side of Fujitang.

Xuanwu seemed to hate Tengtang's murderous intent, and slapped his hands lightly, turning his back.However, the smile did not disappear.

He looked aside and said mockingly.

"You have no right to blame me, Fujitang. Pretending to be my confidant, my son who is close to me, but once you look at the other side, you plan to plot against me. What right do you have to blame me?"

"what did you say!"

"It was the old man Tongyuan who instructed you."

Fujido's broad shoulders shook suddenly.

Xuanwu looked at him sideways.

"The old man's method is still the same, easy to see through. Or, do you really think I don't know? Forget it, you are the watcher following me, and you approached me and went in and out of my house for this reason. No, not just to say You, the successive prime ministers of this country will carry the same burden and are forced to carry it."

At this time, Xuanwu's tone became a bit disgusting.

"Freedom and democracy are actually just empty shells. As a result, this country has not changed from before it was defeated in the war sixty years ago. A small group of monster-like paranoias hold power. Yes, the country It’s just such a structure. Do you remember the words when the kid just came to Japan last year and met us? "This is how Japan is now, everyone lives like ants, and the structure of society is like a pyramid, from the bottom The peak is completely made of the same bricks. People don’t know why they exist and why they live. From the white-collar workers at the bottom of the company to the civil servants in these countries, everyone is a long-lasting blue and black suit, dressed in three to seven points. His head travels between his home and his desk from morning to night. Japanese society is made up of straight lines drawn by these blue-black ants. Every day there is no suspense, no fluctuations, no stimulation!' But, that way. if!"

Xuanwu picked up the cigarette box placed on the table and drew a cigarette to light the fire. Purple smoke like a snake floated in the room.

In this room, Xuanwu smoked the only cheap cigarettes and laughed again.

He smiled and faced Fujitang again.

"Don't you think this sentence is very philosophical? Ever since I heard that paragraph, I have been thinking about everything in Japan now, and I found out that I actually said exactly the same thing as that kid!"

"Tear down and rebuild, Japan can be reborn from the ashes under tremendous pressure! Hehehe..."

Xuanwu's words brought a wry smile.

"Do you believe this sentence? Fujido! No matter how I try my best to maintain this gray pyramid society and slow down his decay. However, there is no time! The destruction of Japan is inevitable, even if it is not in my hands, It will also end in the hands of my next successor!"

"In that case, the person in power doesn't have to be Kirahara? Right, Fujido."

For an instant.

A terrible cold hit Fujitang's back.

Something flashed in his mind like lightning.

"You, can't say..."

Fujido couldn't help standing up from the sofa.

"For that, do you want to sell this country, Japan, to Bunitania? Just to expand your own power, trigger an unprofitable war, and live as a foreign running dog?"

Xuanwu didn't answer, just smiled.

"Are you going to kill me? Fujitang."


"You can't do it! You didn't accept such an order from Tongyuan. Moreover, even Tongyuan can't change the situation that has developed to the present."

Fujido clenched his fists, like a stone, this kind of performance was too rigorous.

Hard, this alone can be a murder weapon.

Xuanwu glared at that fist and snorted.

Then, Xuanwu suddenly changed the subject.

"Speaking of the gifts of the two Bunitanias who are raised in my house."


"That can only be handled by this side. Originally, this is what the other party hoped."

"what did you say?"

"It's not their father's instructions, he hasn't been cold-blooded to that point after all. It's just that the factional struggle within the family is terrible. If they are alive, someone over there will be uncomfortable anyway. Moreover, I will also be very uncomfortable. Even with Suzaku, I don’t want to put my life on the possibility that the little devil won’t hate me in the future!"

Another jigsaw puzzle is inserted.

"Is that your business partner? In exchange for the lives of your two children, you can get the status of the governor of the country that is about to become a subsidiary?"

"How is it possible. They are not such generous merchants! That's only incidental. But, it's a good promise. If the two brats die in Japan, no one will be able to stop Bunitania. It’s said that in Bunitania, the second empress Cornelia, the third empress Euphemia, and the fifth empress Karin all have an extremely close relationship with the kid named Lelouch! If they learn about their marriage contract, they died in Japan! Can you imagine how a few infatuated women went crazy? What's more, they still hold unparalleled power behind them!"


"Even though being involved in war and dying is a trite script, it is an easy-to-understand script. Besides, I am not good enough to follow the other party's ideas to the point. I will keep alive and use that as a containment. At least until the end of the matter. After that, it can be used as a guarantee to prevent them from breaching the contract."


"The girl will be the transaction deposit. You don't need to irritate those women completely, but you can make another kid hate Japan and Bunitania so much, you don't even share it!"

With that, Xuanwu's face eased again.

He licked his upper lip with his yellow tongue, like an ugly lizard in front of his prey.

At that time, Fujido noticed it for the first time.

The face of the man sitting in front of him, no, it was the body, exuding a gloomy desire that was completely out of the ordinary, and a cloudy desire that far exceeded it.

Xuanwu's face still kept a gloomy smile to describe too dark.

"To be honest, if it weren't for the other side to secretly pressure, the forces headed by Ashford would force Bunitania, and I would not dare to do it at this time! And, during this period, those two Little devil, there is a relationship with Suzaku and Kagura. You should know very well that if this continues, Suzaku’s future will definitely be destroyed in the hands of that little witch! So, with compassion, I will personally guide her on the road, not only It’s for Japan and Suzaku!"


Fujido has nothing to say. It is obviously for his own conspiracy to kill the blind little girl, but he uses Japan and his son as an excuse.

"How can you be so shameless!"

"Also, I will also give you a choice. Although the time is short, it has been hard for you to be the bodyguard of the shameless Inunzi. In the future, either abandon Tongyuan and take orders from me, or sleep in the ground of Shumu's house, whatever you choose."

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