Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 124

Suzaku endured the sharp pain in his arm and shouted loudly.

Even so, Lelouch didn't stop resisting, but kicked Suzaku's abdomen, grabbed his hair, and desperately tried to pull down this body, just like the kids who fought with him before.

However, the once powerful force can easily knock down one's own power, as if disappeared without a trace.The fist that fell on him was light and without a trace of power.However, that strong emotion was transmitted to the depths of Suzaku's soul through those weak fists and legs.

In order to protect her sister and Nanali, knowing that she can't win, she also desperately faced and resisted the enemy!

"Damn it, what's the matter with you!"

Suzaku couldn't help but screamed, and forced Lelouch down, dripping blood from the open wound, spilling on Suzaku's clothes and face.

At the moment when Lelouch was pressed to the ground, Suzaku was shocked.

Because he changed the direction of his body during the dispute, he saw that the eyes of Lelouch in his arms were obviously not ordinary colors.

The color changed, and the clear pupils became cloudy and out of focus, like a puppet that had lost consciousness, without a trace of expression.

And Lelouch's struggling strength, after being pressed down, quickly weakened, from the original softness to more weak and weak.This made Suzaku's back feel a chill, but the worst thing didn't seem to happen.

The proof is that Lu Lu Xiu used his last strength to firmly grasp his chest.Then, he muttered something in a low voice.

"Father...Father Emperor..."

For a moment, Suzaku relaxed. He thought that Lelouch was unconsciously seeking help.

However, it is not like that.

The empty pupils stared into the distance, and Lulu Xiu's face was full of endless resentment.

He was dominated by unstoppable anger.

"My father really expected this kind of thing and abandoned us! My father! Why? Why do you want to break the peaceful life that we have so hard to obtain, why have you escaped here, and have not let us go, why..."

Listening to Lelouch's mumbling, something was accurately put together. In Suzaku's heart, there was something that I didn't want to see, something I didn't want to hear.

The posture appeared clearly.


Why he, why this black-haired boy would be so wary of the people in this family.Except for Suzaku, why doesn't Lelouch have extreme contact with other people?Because he knew it from the beginning.

It wasn't Suzaku's vague anxiety, but it was clearly aware of it.

"All enemies in this house!"

He knew it from the beginning and understood it from the beginning.

With his unparalleled calmness and heaviness as he continued the friendship game leisurely, he realized this.

That's why, that's why. He has always closed his heart, closed Nanaly's world, never get close to anyone, and guards everything around him, all people.

That's right!

Because for him, other people are undoubtedly the "enemies" that threaten their lives.

Chapter 110 Lu Lu Xiu's Request (Part 2)

As an elder brother, Lulu Xiu, in order to protect his sister and Nanali, they "escaped" from Bunitania to Japan in order to avoid those who secretly disadvantaged them after their mother died.Then, after coming to Japan, in the face of the hostile people, Luloxiu once again built a line of defense to firmly protect Nanali.

He did it this way, because that was everything to him, the only reason for his existence, and the only sustenance of his life.

But this is the case!


Why would he only be close to himself?

Why would he accompany him to play friendly games?

why?Choose yourself, the only son who can kill their man at any time!


Lelouch's words brought the Vermillion Bird who had been lost for a while back to his senses.

"Lelouch! Cheer up! Where is Nanaly? And Miss Tolia?"

Suzaku gently shook Lulu Xiu's body, and asked one after another.

"Despicable guy, using Nanaly as a hostage. Shameless bastard, using a gun, Tolia, come back quickly, dangerous..."

Lu Lu Xiu, confused, struggled with his hands feebly, telling the last memory in his mind.

"Fool, don't close your eyes! You have to protect Nanaly! You said that! Wake up quickly, fool, I tell you to wake up quickly!"

Although from Lelouch's unconscious words, Suzaku inferred a part of what happened in this cabin just now, but the most important Nanali was still missing.

"Nanali! Zhu, Suzaku, Nanali..."

Lelouch showed no signs of lucidity at all, Suzaku became even more anxious when he saw his reaction.

"Hurry up, what's wrong with Nanaly? Lelouch, give me a clearer mind!"

"Sorry, I misunderstood you at first! I'm sorry, so only Nanali..."


Lulu Xiu, who was delirious, was undoubtedly the most frank words from his heart, but the content of those words deeply moved Suzaku.He had never thought that Lu Lu Xiu, who had been antagonistic to him, would actually see him like this in his heart.


These three words were too heavy for Suzaku to bear.

"So only Nanaly... She must protect her!"

The eyes without focus still hadn't recovered, but Lulu Xiu desperately grabbed Suzaku's skirt, and it made him have difficulty breathing.

"Nanali, they took it away! Suzaku, we must protect Nanali, please, save her! Please, save Nanali, save my sister..."

Lulu Xiu's words gradually stopped, this time he really lost consciousness.

Of course, he was not dead.

The chest of the white shirt undulates more rhythmically than when he is awake.Suzaku also vaguely understood that it was a lot of blood loss and a strong drug addiction that caused him to fall into a coma.Although Suzaku didn't know it, he had heard of drugs that could make people in this state, and Lelouch had mentioned it before losing consciousness.

Calm down and take a closer look, the bedroom is in a mess.

He therefore also understood what happened here.

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