Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 125

Lelouch probably resisted the guy who wanted to take Nanali away. With his strength, ordinary soldiers were not his opponents at all.However, the despicable "they" took Nanali hostage, and when he was unable to resist, they shamelessly attacked him with a gun!

From Fujitang, Suzaku knows that some soldiers with superb marksmanship can accurately hit the weakness of the enemy's body without harming the opponent's life, making the opponent lose the power to resist.And those people, after injuring Lelouch, perhaps out of revenge, were actually injected with drugs.

Those bastards!

Suzaku quietly looked at Lulu Xiu in his arms, the anger in his heart was suppressed to the extreme.He tried hard to put the body in his arms, which is heavy for his own wrist strength, on the bed.

Lelouch's eyelids were tightly closed, and his strong physical quality made his breathing gradually calm down after he was completely unconscious.However, judging from his attack on Suzaku just now, it is probably that the last words of Lelouch before he lost consciousness did not confirm the figure of Suzaku. He did not realize that Suzaku had actually arrived here.

But even so, he did tell Suzaku.

That said.

"Sister, please, save Nanaly!"

It's not a game, it's not an illusion. He clearly heard the words for help from the proud Lelouch's mouth, and the words for help from the person named Suzaku.

Then, this request sealed Suzaku's other feelings, only the endless murderous aura filled his chest, which could explode at any time.

Just when Suzaku got up and was ready to act.

Ta Ta Ta Ta!

A familiar sound of footsteps gradually approached, and then a red figure slowly appeared in his line of sight.

"Master Vermilion, you really did not disappoint His Highness Lelouch and His Highness Nanali!"

The whole body was dyed with a layer of red Tolia, and he walked in step by step from outside.The golden scabbard that had never been unsheathed was now empty, and in her right hand, she held a knight sword that was still holding red liquid.

There was a strong fishy smell, which was disgusting.

That is the smell of blood.

"Miss Tolia!"

Suzaku slowly got up and looked at the bloody knight who seemed to have come back from the Shura field.

"Sure enough, it was Tiaohu Lishan! Her Royal Highness Nanali was taken away by them!"

Tolia looked around the messy room and said with a sigh of relief after hearing Lelouch's steady breathing.


It's them again!

The "they" who wounded Lulu Xiu and took Nanali away.

Through Toria's words, Suzaku instantly sorted out what hadn't been done in Lulo Xiu's words before.The "them" seemed to have known Tolia's combat effectiveness a long time ago, so they led her away in advance, and then "their" companion broke into the hut, wounded Lelouch, and took Nanali away.

Yes, the fact is like this, there is no need to doubt that the "them" are in the same group as the group of people who captured Fujitang.The murderers behind the "them" are also ambitions and conspirators who intend to use Lelouch and Nana to provoke a war between Japan and Bunitania.

There is no doubt that this person is the prime minister of Japan and the biological father of Shuque, Shuki Xuanwu.


Realizing this, the determination in Suzaku's eyes did not change at all, and the clenched fists were just like his determination.

Cross! Cross!

With the sound of the armor shaking, Tolia brought the bloody knight's sword, came to the bed, knelt down on one knee, and carefully examined Lelouch's body.

"It seems that they didn't mean to kill His Royal Highness, they were all skin injuries. With His physique, he should have recovered long ago, how..."

Tolia simply checked Lelouch's body, and didn't notice the internal condition of Lelouch's body.

"They used drugs!"

Suzaku gritted his teeth and explained.

"That's it! Master Suzaku, I must stay to protect the safety of Her Royal Highness Lelouch, and the safety of Her Royal Highness Nanali, please! I hope you, bring your Royal Highness Nanali back safely! If your Royal Highness Nanali is true If the encounter with him is unpredictable, His Highness Lulu Xiu will never be able to live alone. At that time, I will also be with the Lord..."

Tolia ripped off Lelouch's blood-stained clothes and began to clean his wounds.

"Everything, please!"

Suzaku stared at Lelouch who was sleeping on the bed for a while, then turned around, and when he passed Tolia, he stopped again.

"I see! Wait, Lelouch, Miss Tolia, I will definitely save Nanali back, I must..."

While moaning, Suzaku rushed out of the room.


I need power. I don’t have power now. If this is the case, I need power and need to realize the power agreed upon with him and my friends.

where is it?Where are you going?

To get.

That's right!

Only there, in the dojo, the burden of Teacher Fujitang, where he has the power to fulfill his promise, the power to fulfill the agreement with his friends, and the power to rescue the girl he likes from the hands of the devil.

The figure of the young man ran again, Suzaku forcibly resisted the exhaustion of his body, and returned to the dojo again, standing next to the burden Fujitang had left in the dojo.

Picking up the heavy classical samurai sword, Suzaku's mind reverberated in the words he had said to himself during the daytime against Fujido-sensei.

"Once the sword is drawn, you should be conscious."

"Once a true sword is drawn, it cannot be sheathed without the blood. Also, the consciousness of blood is itself a sword."



The scabbard was pulled out halfway, and Suzaku's cold face was reflected on the bright blade. The cold light made his heart tremble, and he remembered Luloxiu's ridicule to Tengtang.

"It's more serious than the deterioration of public security! Soldiers actually dropped their swords!"

Teacher Fujido, you know that this will happen, so you chose to put the knife in the dojo!Because you have the consciousness of death!

However, Teacher Fujitang, you are a pure soldier. There is no order, but you can only choose to compromise!But, I am not, for Nanali, for Lulu Xiu, I choose to draw the sword, even if the other party is my father!

It’s not about enlightenment, but I have to do it, I have to do it!

Chapter One Hundred and Eleven

"This is generally over smoothly."

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