Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 135

Came to the beach, where Suzaku had already moved a small chair so that Nana could sit on it.

This division of labor is purely determined by the strength of the wrist, but the two children still refuse to give each other before the final decision.Although Suzaku also has enough strength and looks much stronger than Lelouch who is fair and thin, but she is not good-looking. It seems to be an idiom tailored specifically for Lelouch. The small body contains Power far beyond adults.

Finally, Suzaku, who was not reconciled, said to Nanali, "Suzaku-san, I am very happy that you have this kind of intention, but I can't let Onixan hold Ma. So, I beg you for the chair and other preparations. Up!"

"Yo Xi, just leave it to me!"

Hearing Nanaly's request, the energetic Suzaku immediately patted her chest and agreed with excitement.

So, after carrying Nanali to the beach, Suzaku was busy taking care of her by her side immediately.Although they are all small things that are very simple and can't even touch Nanaly, just being able to get close to the girl in her mind is already a very happy thing for Suzaku.

The decadence and despair in that rainy night seemed to have completely disappeared from Suzaku.

"Yes, Nanaly. I'll help you with the fishing rod, you just need to take the line slowly."

"Is it like this?"

Suzaku's diligence seemed to have finally paid off. Nanali did not refuse Suzaku's move to hold the fishing rod for her, and smiled and made a movement of turning the fishing rod coil.


"Yeah. Very good, very good! But you can't wind the thread all at once. The front of the hook is very sharp, and it is very dangerous to be scratched. It feels like it is about to stop. Then throw it away."

"It's my first time fishing!"

"Really? But Nanali learns very quickly!"


"Well, yeah, the action of holding the fishing rod is very standard, right, how about there? Ah, I don't need to say!

With the helpless voice of Suzaku, Lulu Xiu's face suddenly became dark.

The fishing rod in his hand, on the rotating coil, is empty, as clean as a semi-finished product that has just left the factory and has not had time to wrap the fishing line.From the fast spinning coil and the slightly shaking fishing rod, it is almost certain that this is caused by the brute force of Lelouch.

Lelouch, whose eyes were always watchful for Suzaku's every move, followed Suzaku's instructions to Nanali and threw the fishing rod out forcefully. There was no limit to the power, and the fishing hook that flew out directly drained the fishing line. .

And Suzaku, who was the entrepreneur and instructor of this incident, stood beside Nanaly, expounding her feelings in a very calm tone.

"Lelouch, you must not drift to an uninhabited island. If you say, there is absolutely no chance of surviving there."

This is probably the only place Suzaku can be proud of. Perhaps Lulu Xiu's strength is indeed so strong that Suzaku can't match it, but from the experience of survival in the wild, he has always been pampered and at best has bought fruits. From the inside out, he is completely a layman.

"How can something like that happen!"

Lelouch threw away the fishing rod in his hand, took out the second one from the bag Suzaku had brought, opened it, and shot back.

"Damn it! What happened, this fishing rod! Why did the fishing line finish so quickly."

"That's because you used too much power."

Suzaku's head hurts again.

"It's because of the quality of this thing, cutting corners. Hurry up and contact the guy who sold this, Suzaku! I ask him to compensate for my mental and economic losses."

This time, Lelouch stabilized the coil that was about to fly in time, and the hook landed in the distant sea, but the coil that stopped suddenly, with the huge pulling force, broke the fishing line.

"This, I said..."

"Forget it, originally, using such a thin line to catch prey is not in my style. At this time, it is more reasonable to cast the net directly!"

Lelouch threw away the second fishing rod, instead of getting the third one, he came to Nanali.

"You, now you are fighting against fishing enthusiasts all over the world!"

Suzaku glanced enviously at Lelouch who had intimate contact with Nanaly, and replied helplessly again.

At this time, Nanali's voice came from nearby.

"Hey? Suzaku, something is so heavy on the fish line."

"Yeah! The fish got the bait, the fish got the bait. Nanali, just continue to wind up like this!"

"No problem, slowly, slowly."

"Uh, uh!"

"Yes, yes, that's it, it's a little too close, it's great!"

"Have you caught it?"

"Well, Nanali did a good job fishing!"

"Wow! What kind of fish did you catch?"

"All tilapia, grilled or cooked in soup is good."

"Huh? That, is it going to be eaten?"

"It's a bit small, what should I do? Do you want to let it go?"

"Ah, yes. Then, please let it go."


Suzaku took the fishing line, dexterously picked the small red fish off the hook, and threw the small fish back into the sea.

With the sound of poof falling into the water, the figure of the fish disappeared directly into the sea.

Then, Suzaku took the fishing rod from Nanali and said.

"Let's catch a bigger one this time, Nanali."

"Good, good."

"By the way, I haven't told Nanaly yet. What we are fishing now is for dinner today."

"Hey? Is that really the case?"

"Well, really."

Although he said this seriously, Suzaku's face was full of smiles.Then, Suzaku skillfully waved the fishing rod again, and the hook dropped accurately into the distant sea.

"Okay, Nanaly, do it again."

"Ah, yes. I will definitely work hard."

"Well, very good, ideal. Then let's catch an extra fish next!"

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