Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 136

"Plus fish?"

"Haha, no. Just kidding. That's impossible."


Seeing Nanali's cute dazed expression, the teenager opposite smiled softly.

Lulu Xiu behind Nanali looked at them silently, the scene and the characters in front of him had an incredible feeling.If it was the old man, he would never let his sister Nanali contact outsiders like this.

However, it is different now.In other words, only he is different.

There was only that young man, and even if he was by Nanali's side, Lelouch would have no objection.That young man would not touch Lelouch's inner guard.

As long as you see this scene, your mood will relax.

Such a relaxed mood.

Just this mood.

What a blessing to be able to make people feel such a truly relaxed mood!In a foreign country, or an enemy country that is about to war, can meet such a friend of the same age.

Whether it is good to myself, to Nanali, or to anyone else, it is very happy.

As a result, the three have been playing on the beach until the evening.

As a result of the fishing, Suzaku and Nanali fished for eight in a group, gave up fishing, and stayed with Nanali to take care of her, which was naturally zero harvest.

Although it is the season of long days and short nights, the weather still becomes a bit chilly in the evening.

Lelouch put the shirt prepared in advance on Nanaly who was sitting in the wheelchair, and the Suzaku who saw this scene was deeply moved.

"I'm well prepared."

When she saw Lelouch come out holding Nanali before, Suzaku wondered why she had to wear such a coat under such a hot sun, but it was for this time.

"Nanali rarely walks outside, so of course you have to be more prepared."

Lelouch answered naturally, without the slightest pride.

"You, you can probably become a very qualified'maid'."

The impression points gained during the day were instantly suppressed by Lelouch's small move.

"I don't know if you praise me or hurt me!"

Lelouch smiled triumphantly, hugged Nanali again in a princess hug, and walked towards the wheelchair parked in the woods near the beach.

Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen

The mountain road to return to the villa ran crookedly among the pine forest.

The road is covered with gravel. Although it is not as soft as the beach by the sea, it takes considerable effort to push a wheelchair on it.Although for Lelouch, there is no problem with this level of obstacles, but the Suzaku walking in front still picked up the branches on the ground that might block the wheelchair and threw them into the woods beside the road.

This thoughtful act won the double smiles of Lelouch and Nanali.Perhaps, being exiled to Japan as hostages was not all painful, at least, they knew Suzaku and Kagura.

It is getting late and the inside of the pine forest gradually darkens. The afterglow of the setting sun swayed through the dense bushes on the mountain path below, giving this quiet forest a touch of elegance.

"In short, after a day of fishing practice today, I have summed up a set of theory and experience. Suzaku, next time I come, I will definitely surpass you."

The sea is no longer visible, only the salty sea breeze is blowing slowly.

Lu Lu Xiu, who was still worried about the results of fishing just now, made a persistent declaration of war.

"You guy is still the same."

Ten meters away, Suzaku, who has the ability to move beyond ordinary people, was busy clearing the way forward and at the same time responding to Lelouch's provocation.

"Haha, this is the character of Onixanma."

At the center of the two teenagers, the blind girl in a wheelchair gave out a happy laugh, reverberating in the quiet woods.

"But, Nanali. This guy is a little white fishing, isn't it your first time fishing."

"What is fishing Xiaobai?"

"Just a stupid person who can't catch a small fish."


Nanali's voice was filled with infinite surprise.

"Idiot, don't teach Nanali these messy things."

There was a hint of anger in Lelouch's voice.

In the same conversation and laughter, the three of them crossed the forest path, and the road in front became smooth.Moving on, they soon reached the back door of the villa, just as the three of them were about to walk out of the woods.

The footsteps of Suzaku who was walking in front suddenly stopped and stood in the middle of the road.


"Suzaku-san, what's the matter?"

Lulu Xiu pushed Nanali's wheelchair, stopped slowly, and asked one after another.

"Sorry, Lelouch!"

While speaking, Suzaku turned and walked towards the pine forest just past.

"You go back first, I have something forgotten."

Lulu Xiu sighed.

"You still say me, don't you still remain the same."

Although he said that, Lelouch noticed that from the time Suzaku stopped, his right hand had not left the handle of the wooden knife stuck on his waist.

What a keen sense, have you found it!

"Hahaha, that said."

Suzaku seemed to notice Lelouch's intense gaze, and ran up while smiling.Soon, he ran past Lelouch and Nanali, and the figure that had grown slightly taller when they first met, disappeared into the woods in the blink of an eye.

"That guy, really hasn't changed at all."

Looking at Suzaku's back, Lelouch muttered in a low voice.

Obviously after most of the fishing training, that guy, Suzaku's footsteps did not seem to be exhausted at all.He is as energetic as when he just woke up in the morning, is his physical strength unlimited?

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