Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 138

Yes, that matter has never been mentioned since it happened, whether Nanali, Suzaku, or himself.

However, Lelouch knew very well—

Suzaku will not leave them!

Unless they leave Suzaku first!

This is the price of salvation. If there is the unsheathed blade, we are his scabbard.Without our consent, Suzaku will always...

However, what Lelouch didn't expect was that a few years later, his other sister, replacing him and Nanaly, became the new scabbard of Suzaku.However, nothing changed in the end. In other words, that fate was more cruel to Suzaku than the gentle Nanali.

Because, Nanali still has at least a trace of guilt for Suzaku, but the girl would only use Suzaku as a prop to please her brother.

The girl who is more gentle than Nanali, but her heart is extremely strong!

——The thick trunk is the trunk of the largest pine tree in this pine forest.

No matter how strong the wind was, the tree did not sway at all. The thick trunk completely covered the flow of air.Behind the tree trunk, Suzaku was watching the darkening night before her eyes.

Although he held the wooden knife handle at his waist in his left hand, his eyes were staring straight ahead.He kept this posture until the surroundings were completely shrouded in darkness.

"Are you still here!"

The boy's talking to himself was soon overwhelmed by the slowly blowing black night wind.

Chapter 118-Turbulent Japan

The current situation is very turbulent. Everyone feels panic, murderous aura and fear of the coming war.

This is the current situation in Japan.

“In the early morning of the 9th, the Governor’s House of the Holy Bunitanian Empire officially proposed a revised draft of the bioelectronics-related technology agreement. This is obviously a sanctions policy against our country. For this, Prime Minister Shuki, who is in convalescence, immediately issued A solemn protest statement. And I want to submit this incident to the International Court of Justice for a ruling."

"Look. This is the traces of the airstrikes carried out by the Holy Bunitanian Empire in Hanoi last month. Because it is not difficult to see that the so-called'attack of the Holy Bunitanian Empire was to destroy the guerrillas. "Military strongholds" is completely nonsense. The violent Holy Bunitanian Empire has also drawn unrelated civilians into the flames of war. This is clear from here!"

"The International Association for Human Rights NAR also issued a formal warning against the colonial policy of aggression carried out by the Holy Bunitan Empire. However, the Holy Bunitan Empire has adopted an attitude of ignoring this, and this has also aroused countries around the world. The dissatisfaction of the people"

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Holy Bunetan Empire issued a statement of protest against the last terrorist bombing in Manila, and its spearhead was directed at my country and slandered my country as a supporter of the terrorist attack. This statement is completely groundless. , Those ruthless Bunitanians"

"For the large-scale military exercises conducted by the Holy Bunitanian Empire recently, Prime Minister Shumu Xuanwu, who was still recuperating due to illness, stated in the sanatorium, "Our country will not succumb if Bunitania The empire is trying to extend the blood-stained claws to the country we love, and we will do our best to resist aggression.' statement"

"The aggressor Bunitanian Empire finally began to interfere in our country's sakuradite distribution."

The situation became clearer and clearer. Between Japan and the Holy Bunitanian Empire, a road of no return has been embarked on.

Wars are unavoidable. The only thing that is still uncertain is when the war will break out!

It is difficult to tell whether it is a Japanese or European style room.

Judging from the old hanging scrolls that decorate the room, it is completely Japanese style, but from the round table in the middle of the room, it is full of European style.And around the round table, there are a dozen chairs that can be called cultural relics and artworks.

Around the table, the age span of the people sitting on the chairs is also quite large.Although most of them are around 40 years old, there are also young people who seem to be around 30 and seem to be only in their 20s.There are even those who seem to be in their seventies.

Sitting behind the old man in a kimono in the middle of the round table, there is a young man standing.This tall, well-proportioned young man has a straight waist and looks like he is in his own right. Although he looks only in his early thirties, he exudes something beyond his age. Sense of maturity.

The faces of people sitting around the round table were full of serious expressions.

In other words, it was an expression of helpless despair.

In front of these people, under the dim light, a huge piece of paper spread out on the round table.There are countless vertical and horizontal lines drawn on the paper, and brown land and blue ocean are all over the lines.

Needless to say, this is a map, a map of confrontation between the military forces of Japan and the Bunitan Empire.Judging from the lines and arrows above, Japan and Bunitania look like a tiny earthworm, facing a giant goshawk.

There is no escape, and no resistance!

If no one breaks the silence in front of him, I am afraid that this atmosphere can last until dawn.

Finally, some of the people sitting in the chair spoke slowly.

"These guys in the Bunitania Empire, we must not let them act recklessly."

It seemed that this became an opportunity to break the silence, and everyone present all spoke up.

"Such a blatant provocation, if we don't respond, we will definitely be treated like a fool by the other party."

"The enemy's fleet has arrived near Ishigaki Island. This is a clear violation of territorial waters."

"But now Prime Minister Shumu is still recuperating!"

"The first is the strongest, and the second is the worst!"

"However, the current situation is that there is no movement in the EU. After all, it is an Asian country far away from it. What if we take sakuradite to be narrow?"

"Originally, the EU and the Bunitan Empire have an ambiguous relationship. What if the EU and the Bunitan Empire unite because of our threats?"

"I can't compare to the Chinese Federation. With our identity as people of the same race and being in Asia, they will definitely not sit back and watch Japan fall behind."

"Idiot, although the Chinese Federation has made some progress after that emperor's tour of the world, the age of that emperor is too young. Unless she is determined to go to war on Bunitania, she will never risk the just stable situation. Involved in the war. Moreover, if you see that the situation is not good, or even, no, it will definitely go with the Bunitan Empire.

"Yes, how can the defense of one's own country ask other countries to do it."

"No, the current situation is that the Bunitanian Empire is too powerful. Have you heard that? Glasgow seems to have been deployed in the Bunitanian army."

"Huh? What can something like SF toys do?"

"In short, we must prepare for all defenses now and wait for the opportunity. I believe that even if the EU or the Chinese Federation is good, they certainly do not want us to become a colony of Bunitania. At that time, Sakuradite The distribution will be completely controlled by Bunitania. As long as we show them the determination and strength of the Japanese resistance, they will definitely take some action."

"Did you start to lose heart before the war started?"

"Even restricting speech has a certain limit. Although it is a routine military exercise, there is no way to restrict media coverage. If this continues, it may be difficult to control the voice of domestic protest."

"It's just a matter of time. Huh, at this time, I'm afraid the destroyer of Bunitania is swaggering in Tokyo Bay with the national flag."

"Because of this, we must act first to be strong. At least, we must join hands with the Chinese Federation. The emperor is still young, as long as we pay a certain price, she said, half of the people in the world will fight for her! "

"This is a good method. It is said that even in Japan, millions of young people worship the little emperor, and her status is like a god in the eyes of those people!"

"But now we can't think about those at all. There is neither time nor opportunity."

"Then what can you do?"

The discussion continued without results.

No, this is not a discussion at all.

Discussions that have neither content nor results can not be called discussions at all.

This behavior should be called an "idiot".

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