Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 139

Unfortunately, the current Japan is in the hands of these idiots.And the only person who can make a decision, or the backbone of this group of idiots, is not here.

However, only one of them remained silent and listened to the surrounding opinions.

A silent old man sitting in the middle of the round table.

The chaotic discussion had no result. The silent old man waved his hand slightly, and the surroundings immediately became quiet, everyone watching him.

The old man who became the focus of everyone in an instant opened his eyes.

The old man was wearing a tea-green kimono and his face was covered with wrinkles.

Although the old man's figure looks a little short, but it gives people a sense of stability and majesty.

After slowly examining the people around him, the old man spoke slowly.

"You all seem to have made a mistake."

The old man's voice was very calm, and the content was just a mere accusation.

However, after hearing this, the attendees were involuntarily surprised.

The old man continued.

"Today, you are not here to discuss what the country should do in the future. This is not what you can control. The only one who has the final decision is the Prime Minister Shuki Xuanwu who is not present."

Yes, this is the fact, they cannot decide the future direction of Japan at all.Although when the tough prime minister was there, as long as he made a decision, this group of "upper elites" who wanted to show their authority and existence would oppose him.

However, only when they truly face the crisis of destruction will they remember that there is another prime minister who can make the Bunitan Empire a little taboo.

Shumu Xuanwu with the name of Eastern Bismarck!

"But... But, Father Tongyuan!"

The man in military uniform who was about to speak, stopped after a cold glance by the old man and was silent.

That was Fujitang, he knew the real whereabouts of Shumu Xuanwu, it was not what was said outside, just recuperating due to illness.That man with unlimited energy, even if he is really sick and unable to walk, he will sit in a wheelchair and be pushed to work.

Just like the little girl in a wheelchair he wanted to kill.

"Then I, on behalf of Prime Minister Shumu, declare what he means."

Having said that, the old man paused.

"Resolutely resist!"

The surrounding air suddenly became tense.

The old man continued.

"There is no need to ask the EU and the Chinese Federation for help. The land of our motherland must be protected by our hands. This is what Prime Minister Shumu meant, and he also asked everyone to discuss it on this basis.

The old man's majestic words changed the atmosphere again.

With a clear goal, the discussion that followed finally started to get on the right track. Although this group of people are idiots, they will become smarter in the face of the threat of death.

People are forced out!

Chapter 119 Preparations for Defeat (Part 1)

In the room where Japan and Europe were combined, there were finally only two people left.

The old man who has been sitting at the center of the round table, and the young soldier who has been standing behind him.

The old man picked up the teapot on the table and filled his cup with tea, and shook his head helplessly.

"I'm overwhelmed? But it's really tiring to be strong, Fujido."

The young soldier was silent.

Seeing the young soldier standing silently, the old man continued.

"Sure enough, my character is still not suitable for publicity. So Shumu is more difficult to do than me. But at least he is better at dealing with these kinds of things. Bismarck in the East is not advertised. Fictitious name!"

The old man took a sip of tea.

When he put the teacup back on the table, the silent young soldier, Fujido Kyoshiro, who has the titles of Western Military Iron Wall, Japan's First Swordsman, and Hero Captain who defeated the Bunitanian Knight, finally Speak.

"Resolutely resist?"

"Sounds contrived!"

The old man's voice was as calm as ever.

Although this sentence contains my strong emotional will, it seems that there is some arrogance in it.But if it is this old man, he does have this conceited qualification.

"But you have to say that to those guys. They are all guys who are unwilling to take responsibility. They just follow others blindly. Trash, a bunch of trash."


"In short, they are a group of guys who won't do anything unless they have to, and there are people who support Shumu. It's best to get them all out."

Fujido became silent again.

Originally, Fujitang was not a subordinate of this old man.

Fujido was originally a prominent figure in the military, with a formal military rank.Only his superior officers can order him.And this old man is not Fujitang's superior.This old man is not even a soldier, let alone a government official.

However, it is such a person who has the power and power that even the prime minister of Japan does not have.

Moreover, Fujido knew the truth, ostensibly he was recuperating due to illness.However, in fact, Japanese Prime Minister Shumu Xuanwu has passed away.

Why has the news of the prime minister's death been concealed?

Who is hiding it for what?

And, why on earth did the Bunitan Empire and Japan not enter a state of war?

Fujido knew all these reasons.


All this is because of this old man.

The largest compound enterprise group in Japan, a major economic power, and the former president of the Kirigahara Consortium.

In fact, he is the master of this Japan, the power surpasses the prime minister and surpasses the emperor.

After thinking for a while, Fujido said cautiously.

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