Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 157

At this time, most of the students were still near the teaching building, waiting for class, so there were no people around.However, given the size of Ashford Academy, even if it is after school, there are relatively few people.

Therefore, just as he walked through a small forest, Lelouch suddenly stopped, turned around and picked up Elise who was recording in the notebook, and walked into the nearby forest.

Here, Lelouch's spirit can no longer feel the existence of anyone.


Elise, who was suddenly picked up, let out a scream, and then immediately covered her little cherry mouth.This unexpected situation did not surprise her too much. In other words, Lelouch's sudden attack was the unique benefit of being a clerk.

As long as Lulu Xiu's interest comes, he can be attacked anytime and anywhere.

Or to put it another way, it is to be favored by His Royal Highness Lelouch whom nearly a thousand girls in the college dream of.

Hugging Elise into the woods, Lelouch put her directly on the soft grass, and then untied the girl's student uniform with ease.And Elise also skillfully opened the zipper of Lelouch's trousers, and took out the huge weapon he had just looted on the bodies of the members of the swimming club.

The little Lulu Xiu, who was exposed to the air, held his head high, showing no signs of venting on the nine girls several times, and was still full of vitality.Elise opened her small mouth and tried her best to swallow the masculine thing that nearly a thousand female classmates were crazy about, and tried her best to lick the meridians with her tongue.

Enjoying the service of the small mouth above Elise, Lelouch’s big hand was on her untied chest, and the two huge breast balls were tortured wantonly, while the lower body was pumping back and forth unceremoniously, feeling With Elise's warm mouth and soft tongue.

Because time was a bit tight, Lelouch stuck in Elise’s mouth for about a minute, then pulled out the clone, then separated the girl’s legs and lifted the skirt that covered her lower body. Stepping back from the cute white inner inner wall, just like that, directly unfolding the thin layer of cloth in the middle, aiming the huge penis at the entrance of the girl's vagina, and stabbing it in unceremoniously.

Elise, who had long been moved, was very moist, and Lelouch's penis could drive straight in, piercing to the end easily, hitting the girl's heart.

"Ahhh... Lulu... Master Luluxiu, I came into my body, so happy, so happy, please, please enjoy Elise's body freely, and destroy Elise completely Come on, Master Lelouch!"

In Elise’s alluring gasping and groaning, Lelouch’s body moved quickly, and almost brought out a phantom. He hurried in and out of the dignified and beautiful girl under her body, moving her from body to soul , Complete possession of taint.

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One

At the gate of the academy, a three-wheeled motorcycle was already waiting there.Sitting in the driving chair was a teenager with blue curvy hair. His mid-section haircut looked like two separate pieces of melon skin, but his appearance was very delicate and his flexible eyes had a sly look.

Probably because the waiting time was too long, he was playing with his mobile phone boringly. With Lelouch's keen sense of hearing, he knew that the other party was playing a popular mobile game.

He is a good friend of Lelouch in the academy, a male student named Livar Carradimont, as a member of the student union, but as a miscellaneous existence.At the same time, the president of the student union, Mire Ashford, who is called the goddess who loves pranks the most, judged him to be a frivolous, clumsy, and commotion.

By the way, my interest is locomotives!

It seemed that he heard the footsteps of Lelouch, Livar put down the phone he was playing with, raised his head, saw Lelouch who was approaching from a distance, and immediately waved his hand to say hello to his friend.

"Yo, Lelouch, why is it so late?"

"It's nothing, why? That old man can't wait!"

Lelouch walked to the three-wheeled motorcycle, opened the door, and sat in the passenger seat, then took the motorcycle helmet hung on the back, and asked rhetorically.

Originally, as a student, it was not allowed to drive this kind of seemingly dangerous three-wheel friction car, but the so-called privileges are available everywhere.Because as a member of the Student Union, although it is just a chore, it also has many privileges.In addition, he usually uses three-wheeled motorcycles and travels with Lu Lu Xiu. Therefore, as long as there is no special order from Mi Lei, he is responsible for the security of the school and the relevant persons in charge can only open their eyes and close their eyes.

What's more, Ashford Academy, which itself is a private school, has all the rules and regulations arranged by the chairman himself.But now the chairman of the board is not in Japan all year round. As the only daughter of the board of directors, Mi Lei, the president of the student union, has become the owner of this top academy in the 11 districts.Based on the character of this goddess who is known as the most mischievous goddess, the so-called school rules are probably the same as the character who likes to prank, always changing.

Of course, the actual situation can't be so exaggerated, but for her beloved lover, Lelouch Lampelloki, it is not surprising that she occasionally violates the school rules or modifies a few innocuous systems.

A woman in love sometimes does something out of the ordinary in order to please the person she likes.

"Actually, if you don't tell me, I can guess that there must be another girl who has been harmed by you! I really envy you, Lelouch! As long as you are there, all male students in our school will probably never have a girlfriend. Up!"

Toot toot!

With a sigh of envy, Lival started his motorcycle, rushed out of the gate of the academy, and drove quickly towards the hotel.The time that Lelouch wasted must be bought back here.Although this friend has no concept of money, as an intermediary, Lival himself can also get a lot of commissions.

What's more, according to Lelouch, earning money from those stupid nobles is a very happy thing.

"That should be talking about yourself, the other group of guys have a lot of girlfriends outside, but you don't want it!"

"Probably! As long as we Bunitanians are willing, those ELEVENs are not rushing to post them upside down, and they are guaranteed to be virgins! But you should know that I hate these!"

"So when you were in school, just keep your first time! Maybe when you are thirty, you can really become a legendary magician!"

"Ah, if that's the case, don't let it go!"

The confident and bitter conversation continued under the pressure of the wind brought by Cyclonus.

In the case of speeding, the original half-hour journey was reached within 20 minutes.The motorcycle itself is a relatively small means of transportation. Shortcuts and speeding can shorten the time to reach by one-third, which is not incredible.Of course, this requires excellent driving skills, and it is not recommended for those who have only experienced drivers of the lowest level.

"This is the image of the terrorist explosion that occurred in Osaka a few days ago. The tragedy caused the deaths of eight Bunitanians and 51 others..."

The television is reporting recent terrorist attacks in various parts of Japan. Although Japan has been occupied by the Holy Bunitanian Empire and divided into eleven districts for seven years, it is not for the invaders of the Bunitanian Empire. The resistance has never stopped.

Perhaps it is because it is far away from Bunitania, and Japan was unwilling to lose in the war. The resistance movement in the 11th district was the strongest among the colonies conquered by the Bunitania Empire.

The eight dead Bunitanians, and fifty-one, were not reported. In other words, those fifty-one who lost something were not eligible to be reported.

The Japanese called ELEVEN!


In the street TV report, the closed door was pushed open, and the sweaty old chess player sitting in front of the chessboard saw the two familiar figures pushing in and got up as if he saw a savior. There was a voice of relief.

"Saved! There is no problem at school!"

This kind of desperate situation on the chessboard is indeed a torment for the old man's heart, especially when the opponent is still a nobleman.

"What, student!"

Acquainted with the light outside the door, the middle-aged nobleman sitting opposite the door squinted his eyes and saw the two teenagers in student uniforms who walked in.The uniforms of the private Ashford Academy are quite famous in the Tokyo concession.

"Huh, what! Noble?"

Lelouch walked closer and saw the middle-aged nobleman sitting on the sofa, replied unwillingly.

Hearing Lelouch's words, the middle-aged nobleman did not become irritated. As a student of Ashford College, the other party was definitely a pure Bunitanian, and perhaps even the family had a noble title.

Moreover, the face of the other party exposed to the light exudes a cold and noble arrogance, this kind of temperament, as a noble, he has only experienced it in the few nobles of the empire.

Therefore, even though he replied sarcastically with the provocative tone of Lelouch, he still asked Lelouch's name in addition at the end.

"It's great to be young! Some are time, some are regretful time! What's your name?"

"Lelouch Lampelloki!"

Lampelloki, seems to have heard of this surname, he should be a nobleman in Bunitania!

The middle-aged nobleman recalled the surname Lampelloki, and felt a little impression, secretly thanking that he did not offend the noble youth in front of him.It's not uncommon for aristocrats like this kind of rebellious teenager who was born to be aristocratic, but disdainful of aristocratic identity, and went outside to gamble.

"Hello! You can't win it anyway, right!"

While the middle-aged noble was meditating, Lival behind Luloxiu walked to the chessboard, saw the chess game on the chessboard, exclaimed.On the chessboard, the black king can be said to have been forced to a dead end.

"Lival, it takes a few minutes to leave before the next class!"

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