Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 158

Lelouch also saw clearly the side-to-side situation on the chessboard, his brain was running fast, and he had found a way to reverse it.

"Ah, Cyclonus, about twenty minutes!"

Lival thought for a moment and replied.This is the time when I came from school just now.However, the road back and forth is different. If you go back, you should not be able to walk through the secret passage of Ashford College, so the distance is a little longer.This also shows that Lival's driving just now is not his top speed.

Worthy of being a motorcycle fan!

"Then, please drive safely when you go back!"

Lelouch bypassed Livar and came to the place where the old chess player had sat.

"Ah! You want to drop!"

Lival asked in surprise, the situation on the chessboard, even a novice he could see, the black chess pieces had been forced to a desperate situation. To sum up with a simple idiom, it was a game of nine deaths.

"Well, no problem! It can be solved in five minutes!"

Lelouch replied confidently. Through his opponent's layout and the understanding of the elderly chess players, his opponent's strength has been analyzed clearly.

It's just a middle-level chess player who overwhelms the old chess player with his own identity, it's no big deal.Compared to the game against the middle-aged nobleman in front of him, Lulu Xiu cared more about what he had ordered this old chess player.

"Boss, what I said last time!"

"I know, I'll order it!"

The old chess player, who is also the owner of this restaurant, whispered back.

"Five minutes, twenty seconds with one hand!"

Seeing Lu Luxiu chatting with the old guy, the middle-aged nobleman knocked on the chessboard and reminded him.


Lelouch picked up the black chess piece representing the king and replied softly.

"Huh? Come out first? Hahaha..."

The middle-aged aristocrat laughed presumptuously when he saw that Lulu Xiu actually left the king first.At this moment, in his heart, all the previous prudence to Lu Le Xiu had been turned into contempt.

It was just a student after all.

Chapter 132 The Lunch Break of Xia Li and Mi Lei

While Lulu Xiu used the king to reverse the game, Ashford Academy was in a leisurely lunch break.In the beautiful vestibule garden, there is a group of tables and chairs for students to rest, all over every corner of the garden.The layout of the tables and chairs is very good, they are all in a relatively open garden, while not obstructing the surrounding scenery and garden style.

And in the only place in the center that is different from the other tables and chairs, three eye-catching girls are having lunch there.But for lunch, there is very little meat on it, mostly colorful vegetables or fruits.

It should be said that it is worthy of a girl's lunch!

"Really, Lulu guy, Lulu guy, Lulu..."

One of them was a very cute girl with long orange soft hair. While waving the fork in her hand, she complained loudly about someone who was not here, her emerald green eyes flashed with childishness. The temperament is still immature.However, her shoulders are not narrow, and her figure is quite good.

Of course, she is the Shari Finet who was bullied by Lelouch in the locker room of the swimming club just now. As an elite of the swimming club, the body washed out by the water is perfect and exquisite without a trace. Cellulite, unfolded in a coordinated manner according to the golden ratio.The silky skin was crystal clear, and there was a slight blush in the white, like Venus, the god of beauty in a picture scroll.

It's worthy of being one of the most popular beauties in the academy, but it's a pity that she is already famous.

"What's wrong? It's just a twelfth losing streak. If you hear your complaints, the other clubs who only get the chance to get along with Lelouch only once a week are going to rebel!"

One of them, she is a different type of beauty from Xia Li.Well, how can I say, she is more like a college student than a high school student, even if she is more mature, it won't make people feel wrong.The golden and colored hair is very dazzling in the sun, reflecting the beautiful light, the soft ends of the hair split on the shoulders and back, forming a bright wave, and the delicate features are dotted with two light blue gems, like the sea Generally, it complements the golden waves.

Coupled with the towering and plump double and peaks, the slender waist with a full grip, and the pretty buttocks, she looks like a sexy goddess who makes the devil jealous.

She is the goddess who likes to play pranks the most in the private Ashford Academy, and the president of the student council that all the students look forward to-Miley Ashford.It was also the little girl who revised the marriage contract with Lulu when she was young.

From the surname, it can be guessed that Mi Lei has a certain connection with this private school, which is actually the case.When Japan was occupied by the Bunitanian Empire and named it the Eleventh District, the Grand Duke Ashford moved from the Bunitanian Empire to the Eleventh District, and then established this exclusively for the Bunitanians Private school for school.

Because of the influence of the Ashford family, the Bunitanians studying here have almost concentrated 90% of the children of nobles in the entire 11th district.

"But he was taken away by Libar!"

Forking up a tomato, Xia Li bitterly took it into her mouth and bit it into pieces, as if this tomato was the nasty Lelouch.

"It's another play! Whether it's chess or poker games, Lelouch is very good!"

Mi Lei used a spoon to scoop up a spoonful of fruit salad, put it in her mouth, and replied.

"The two of them don't have the consciousness of the student union members! They are gambling! They have such a good mind, and Lu Luming is not short of money! But they always use his mind in strange places!"

Xia Li waved the knife and fork with the second tomato in it, and complained about Livar.

"Want to say,'Our little Lu Lu Mingming is a serious and good boy'! So cute!"

Mi Lei closed her eyes, she seemed to be fantasizing about something ambiguous in her mind, and there was a chuckle in her voice.

"Obviously, I was fed just now, and now I am separated for a while, and I start to miss him! Lulu Xiu is really sinful!"

"I said! President!"

Xia Li pouted her mouth in dissatisfaction, but she had no words to refute. Indeed, even now, she could still feel the hot liquid that Lulu Xiu left in her body, boiling and burning.

Thinking of the pleasure of ascending to heaven, Xia Li's face flushed, and she concentrated on her lunch.

"However, I am really envious. Your figure, the perfect curve that you exercised in swimming, is really fascinating, otherwise Lelouch wouldn't be going to the swimming club twice a week!"

Although Xia Li is in the swimming club, it does attract Lelouch, but in addition to class time, whether it is on holidays or at night, Xia Li has the opportunity to be alone with Lelouch.There is an important reason why Lu Lu Xiu likes to go to the swimming club. The girls with the best body and the most beautiful faces are mostly concentrated in the swimming club, except for Xia Li and Mi Lei.

"What are you talking about! President, your figure is better than ours! We have to spend a lot of time and energy every day to maintain this figure through swimming. But you have not exercised much, and you have this sexy His figure! Ah, really, if only I could meet Lulu sooner!"

It's a pity that now the body has been transformed into a heroic spirit. No matter how you exercise, your body will not change!

Xia Li and Lelouch only met a year ago, and she just entered the first grade of Ashford Academy, and she happened to be in the same class.Lu Lu Xiu, known as the prince of academy, was originally a lustful playboy in the heart of pure Xia Li!Even after receiving hints from a few friends, she did not take the initiative to embrace Lelouch.On the contrary, because several of his friends were lost, they were only used as props to vent their desires and hopes, they were full of dissatisfaction with Lelouch.

However, in a chance encounter on the street, Xia Li saw another side of Lulu Xiu that was unknown.

When a selling ELEVEN was being bullied by a group of Bunitanians, he did not fear that the other party was so big and powerful. He stood up and stopped the atrocities of this group of people. Just a few words just made this. Groups of bad boys in Bunitania had to give up their actions.

From that moment on, Xia Li's view of Lulu Xiu changed!

Taking this as an opportunity, Xia Li began to involuntarily come into contact with Lu Lu Xiu in her daily communication. In the process of getting along, she was slowly attracted by the noble and mysterious temperament of Lu Lu Xiu, the other's knowledge, wisdom, There was also the kind of mystery that made Xia Li unable to extricate herself from falling in love with him.

And Lulu Xiu, who originally only regarded Xia Li as an ordinary flower idiot, also saw a girl who was unique in her relationship with Xia Li.A girl who was completely different from his life, but deeply attracted him.

This girl is very ordinary and has a wealthy family. She goes to a well-known elite school, and her grades are neither good nor bad. Every year on Valentine's Day, she always receives a few love letters from an unknown person. She is afraid of horror movies. Don't like to eat carrots, the biggest enemy in life is weight.

Xia Li liked herself, it was a secret that almost no one knew in school, but she didn't seem to notice anything.She likes him so much: watching him blush, thinking that he can't read quietly, caring about his contact with every girl, whether it is birthdays or holidays, always want to be the only person by his side... so so I like it so much that I can't like it anymore.

However, shy and simple, she has never dared to say that to him-I like you.

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