Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 166

Having said so much, Lloyd finally stated the purpose of this trip.The female noncommissioned officer behind him, Cecil Krumi, asked about the goal of the operation.

"Also, what is the thing that was robbed? Is it that important?"

"Chemical weapons, that is, poison gas!"

Bartlett did not agree to Lloyd's request, but answered Cecil's question.

Although he is the commander of this battle, he does not have the authority to allow special dispatches to join the battle.Besides, in order not to reveal the secret, even if he had the authority, he did not dare to easily agree.

Chapter 139: Reunion in Seven Years

"Fully entered the subway passage!"

After closing the mobile phone, the carriage was completely darkened, and Lelouch could only observe the surrounding environment through the mental stand of the outside.The speed of the truck is slowing down, and it seems that the male driver's injury is almost unsupported.

After all, Veretta did not show mercy. Although it was driven, a bullet still pierced the bulletproof glass of the truck, and the flying glass fragments, one of which, like a sharp knife, pierced the driver's chest.

At this moment, he covers his chest with his left hand and holds the steering wheel with his right hand.

But even so, the limit is almost reached!Warm blood still constantly seeped from the cracks between the fingers of his left hand.The red blood has completely dyed the seat deep red.

Consciousness was slowly breaking away. There was a huge fault on the road ahead, but the driver didn't notice it at all, and continued to move on.


The truck driving through the faulty road shook sharply, lifted up high, and then fell sharply, hitting the hard ground severely.Even Lu Lu Xiu behind the carriage was bounced, let alone the seriously injured driver in the cab!

The bumps caused by the huge drop of the truck directly caused the driver's left hand covering his chest to fall, and a large amount of blood burst from the blocked wound, which wet the front steering wheel.The strong feeling of weakness caused by excessive blood loss made him no longer have the strength to lift his left hand, and his body also lost all strength, leaning on the blood-red seat.


At this moment, the truck that was moving on hit a huge piece of concrete on the road and finally stopped.The wheel still turned faithfully on the ground, and the violent friction sound reverberated in the silent subway, exposing its location to the ears of the Bunitan army looking for the truck.

"Ahem...Is it okay?"

The driver had a foreboding that he was the end of his life.

"Come on! Fan, you must find here!"

The driver, who didn't know his location at all, was exposed, extinguished the truck's engine with difficulty, and then opened the door on the left side of the rear compartment with the last trace of strength.

(This fool doesn't seem to know that he exposed his position to Bunitania, but is still looking forward to his companions. Doesn't he know that this will wipe them out!)

The mysterious voice sounded in Lelouch's mind again.

It's CC!

"Don't say that, CC! It's really pitiful for a dead person like this!"

Lelouch stood in front of the airtight cabin and looked at the direction of the cab. Although the opponent's head was a bit sluggish, this kind of companionship that felt like death was still worthy of appreciation.At least, in the resistance organizations that Lulu Xiu has seen, there are still such pure companionships, and there are very few people who even dedicated their lives to this!

"Oh, Lelouch! When will you have this kind of boring sympathy! Okay, let me out quickly! The feeling in it is really bad!"

It is a pity that CC sneered at Lelouch's sympathetic feeling. When Lelouch, who regarded all mankind as pawns, would care about this cheap companionship!After all, it's just a kind of emotion that touches the scene.

Just like a white paper towel, no matter how clean and pure, as long as the nose is wiped, it will be thrown away as garbage.

This whim feeling is the same!

"You really are a woman with a strong sense of self!"

Lelouch shook his head helplessly for CC's cynicism.

Obviously he started the topic, but at the moment of unfolding it moved to another place where the bull's head was wrong. This is the way of life of CC, a very awkward woman who has lived for a thousand years.

Only when I was with Lelouch, did the girls show their coquettish and shameless side.

For such a CC, even if he knew that the other party was teasing himself, Lulu Xiu had no idea to refuse, not that he could not, but not.Such a CC will only show her true side in front of Lelouch.

With the opened carriages, Lulu Xiu could clearly see what the sealed cabin looked like.

A huge semicircular device is filled with various cooling devices and sealed fixed instruments. On it, there is a gas pipeline connected to the side.

"It seems that there is no need for violence!"

Lelouch walked around the airtight cabin, and finally selected the lid-like thing at the top.

"It's on the top, the open place!"

However, just as Lelouch was about to climb to the top of the airtight cabin and open the device, there was a very slight but very tight footsteps from behind him.


Lelouch turned his head in an instant, and a soldier in a special combat uniform happened to rush over, a jump, his dexterous body was spinning fast in mid-air, and his right foot was pulled up with the sound of wind, and he kicked his head fiercely. unit.


The left hand that was holding the airtight cabin instantly stopped in front of him, and his palm blocked the fierce flying kick.However, even so, the immense power from his feet still caused Lulu Xiu, who was caught off guard, to be shaken back a few steps and crashed into the airtight cabin.

(What a strong power, this feeling... Is it Suzaku?)

Originally, he was still surprised by the strength of the opponent's foot, but the next moment, the familiar aura on the opponent's body made Lu Lu Xiu even more surprised.

(How is it possible to block my foot with one hand!)

Compared to Lelouch, the Bunitanian soldier covered in combat uniforms was even more surprised. He was very clear about his strength. Among his peers, his strength had almost no opponents, and he also used this kick. He lost the body weight of the run-up and jump, but was stopped by the opponent with one hand.

"Are you the leader of the terrorist, really amazing!"


Feiteng's body surplus was not exhausted, and the soldier's body twisted unimaginably in the air, and his other foot traversed an arc, kicking towards Lu Lu Xiu's side again.

"The soldiers of Bunitania, this kind of skill, even among the knights, is an outstanding existence! Used by overkill!"

Lu Luxiu said in a leisurely manner. When the opponent's foot was about to kick him to the side of the face, he violently raised his right hand and accurately grasped the opponent's ankle, then flung him to the driver's cab The wall was thrown out.

"It's a pity to be too self-conscious!"


The soldier who was thrown out volleyed and changed the direction of landing. He stepped on the hard alloy door with his feet on the hard alloy door and rushed to Lulu Xiu next to the sealed cabin again.

"You are not allowed to enter anymore! Use poison gas instead!"

The words spoken by the soldiers made Lelouch more confirm the identity of the opponent.Although there are some changes, there is no doubt that this voice belongs to Suzaku!

Seven years ago, in order to protect him and his sister Nanaly, he did not hesitate to kill his father's person.A companion approved by him and his sister Nanaly, the only trusted friend!

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