Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 167


"Wait, this thing is not mine!"

The wonderful reunion made Lulu Xiu's heart full of joy, but if the other party treated him as a terrorist, the surprise in his heart instantly turned into depression.Quickly waving his hands, Lu Lu Xiu quickly explained.

"At this time, I still want to lie, don't pretend!"

It's a pity that Suzaku, probably the Bunitanian soldier who hadn't recognized Lelouch, kicked it over again.Before the power brought by the rotation approached, the wind pressure had already blown Lelouch's hair.

"I didn't say it!"


Once again, using his arm to fend off the opponent's fierce blow, Lelouch made a fist with his left hand, pointed it at the abdomen of the soldier in the air, and slammed it over.

Suzaku deserves to be Suzaku, his skills are many times stronger than seven years ago.Facing the powerful punch that Lu Lu Xiu was close at hand, his hands quickly crossed to protect him, blocking Lu Lu Xiu's straight punch.


The huge impact caused a gust of wind pressure at the place where the two of them were in contact, shaking them back at the same time.

Suzaku, who hadn't focused, turned back on the truck wall again.With his previous experience, Lelouch wouldn't be polite to him this time, his backing right foot slammed on the ground, his body instantly ejected, and he caught up with the Suzaku who had just landed.

The figure that suddenly appeared in front of her surprised Suzaku. However, before he could react, the palm of the other party's right hand was already firmly pressed against his helmet.Then Zhonghong hit the iron wall behind him heavily.


The sturdy electronic soldier protective helmet slammed into the steel car door and smashed together. Although it was not injured, Suzaku was also dizzy under the force of the counter-shock.

"not good!"

It was originally not the opponent's opponent, if there is no helmet protection, then...

However, just when Suzaku was about to fight to the death, the terrifying enemy suddenly stopped and said a name that shocked him.

"Huh, you are!"

The helmet was completely shattered, revealing the true face of the soldier below.Yes, although there are some discrepancies, it hasn't changed much from the Suzaku when he was a child, but it has become a little more mature.

Lu Lu Xiu put down the hand that pressed the opponent.


Suzaku stared at Lelouch's face in shock when he was called out by the enemy, and then recognized his friends who had been seven years apart.

"Lu Lu Xiu! Is it Lu Lu Xiu!"

Chapter One Hundred and Forty Chapter CC's Suggestion

"Lu Lu Xiu, could it be said that this poisonous gas is you..."

Suzaku was still surprised at the reunion with her friend just now, and the next moment she saw the huge sealed cabin behind Luluxiu, her face sank and hesitated.

"poison gas?"

Lelouch repeated it in surprise, and then guessed that the poison gas in Suzaku's mouth was referring to the sealed cabin behind him where CC was being held.

(It turns out that this is probably Suzaku’s boss, or the official words of Bunitania. The poison gas created by terrorists and then collected by honorary Bunitanians is really a lie that makes the most of it. Too!)

Lelouch said disdainfully.

"Even if it contains poisonous gas, it is made by Bunitania!"

"This one……"

Suzaku knew very well in his heart that it was Lelouch who was here, and as the other party, it was absolutely impossible to be a terrorist!Therefore, their honorary Bunitanians were deceived!

Moreover, now, Suzaku has to face another problem.

Lelouch appeared in front of him again!

What are you afraid of!

Seeing Suzaku's awakening, Lulu Xiu looked at the military uniform on his body, with a smile on his face, and asked indifferently.

"Speaking of it, you seem to be a soldier in Bunitania!"

Although it was a question, in front of the facts, it was in a positive tone.

"Well, after the separation, a lot of things happened!"

Suzaku turned his face hesitantly, did not look at Lelouch's eyes, and returned calmly.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you here? Could it be that terrorists caught it?"

"No, I'm just an innocent involved in this incident!"

(Slow man, what are you doing there!)

At this time, CC, who was still locked in the airtight cabin, was unhappy.

It was said that she would be rescued, but in the end we started chatting with Suzaku!CC was in a rage that was not in a good mood, and directly released his mental stand and opened the opening device of the airtight cabin.

(CC, you!)

Sensing CC's mental stance, Lelouch stopped the conversation with Suzaku and looked back at the sealed cabin.


With a soft sound, a burst of strong light suddenly burst out from the tightly closed joint of the airtight cabin, stabbing and looking down at the Suzaku in the airtight cabin with Lulu Xiu.Then, but with the sound of chucking jets, the fixing devices above the airtight cabin suddenly detached!White air jets out from inside, quickly cooling the surrounding air.

Feeling the white gas ejected from the airtight cabin, the Suzaku, who subconsciously regarded the gas as poison gas, would face the dazzling light, and Lulu Xiu staring at the airtight cabin fell to the ground.

"Be careful!"

However, although the injected gas was very cold, it did not seem to have any strange smell, and the body did not feel any discomfort.Feeling that there is no danger, the Suzaku leaping on Lelouch saw that his friend's eyes were still staring straight at the airtight chamber, and he turned his head to look.

The sight that appeared before him immediately stunned him!

The radiant airtight cabin, the semicircular device is like a blooming lotus, divided into four parts to bloom slowly!In the center of the lotus flower, a mysterious girl appeared from the light, her long green hair drifted towards the sky in the direction of the lotus blooming, her fair skin was even cut through by the ice and snow, and her body was tightly bound in a white piece. In restrained clothes.The mouth and nose were wrapped in a white cloth, his slender hands were tied behind his back, and his slender legs were also tightly trapped in a white robe.

The space in the airtight cabin is very narrow, so although the girl's body is delicate, she still has to bend into a ball to stay inside safely.This caused her body to stretch out, revealing her delicate and moving without reservation.

At least, Lelouch, who has been living with the other party for seven years, and who enjoyed caressing his body for countless days and nights, was deeply fascinated by this mysterious girl's posture.

(This is CC, my most beloved woman!)

"Not poison gas!"

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