Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 171

(Change your identity and create a Messianic savior. For these desperate Japanese who are being slaughtered, he will become a banner and truly fire the first shot to subvert the Bunitan Empire!)

Ding Ding Ding!

When Lelouch was communicating with CC, when the guards who had found nothing were about to leave, suddenly, at this moment, the mobile phone in Lelouch's arms suddenly rang.The crisp bell ringed and opened it, and it was Xia Li!

Libar, that idiot, hasn't he gone back yet!

Lelouch secretly said sorry to Xia Li, and immediately turned off the phone.

(Hey, after going back this time, Xia Li must have said it!)

However, it is not a matter of thinking about how to explain to Xia Li after returning. The sound of the phone also exposed the existence of Lu Lu Xiu and CC.The guards soldiers who were about to leave stopped, turned around again, and looked in the direction of the sound.

This time they looked very carefully and found the inconspicuous passage exit.

"So there are bugs hiding there, come out!"

The familiar arrogant voice sounded again, which belonged to Suzaku's boss.

"It seems that the luck of this group of guys is really bad! You mean, right? CC!"

Lelouch put the phone back in his pocket, and shrugged his shoulders indifferently toward the CC behind him in a very cool posture.

"I want to kill that idiot by myself!"

The anger against Suzaku's survival was transferred to the Scarfaced Officer, CC took the lead to go out, Lelouch sighed and followed behind.

"Oh! Almost missed the goal, kid, not bad! But your luck will end here!"

Seeing the mysterious girl in white restraints coming out of the passage, the Scarfaced Officer looked surprised, and then saw the Bunitanian student who was following the girl, with a wider smile on his face.

"This scene is a good match for the terrorists at the end, isn't it? However, as a student, it's already pretty good. It's a Bunitanian!!"

The Scarface Officer's gaze moved back and forth between Lelouch and CC several times, and finally fell on the face of a cold Lelouch.Sneered again and again.Having received the indiscriminate attack order from Clovis, he has also put down his concerns about Lelouch's identity.

What about students from Bunitania!

What about the nobles of the empire!

Can it be bigger than the third prince of Clovis!

"In the past, bring that woman here, the hero's farce of saving the United States is over! Of course, there is also your future!"

Seeing a few soldiers walking towards him under the order of the officer, Lelouch's eyes were full of disdain.However, just when he was about to do it, a flash of light flashed across Lelouch's brain.

From the moment he appeared, Lelouch didn't keep his eyes on the Scarfaced Officer, but at the few Japanese who fell in the pool of blood.

Obviously unarmed civilians, after the country was occupied and became the existence of ELEVEN, he still could not escape the doom of death, and was slaughtered by the group of high-ranking Bunitan soldiers.

No matter how cold-hearted Lelouch was, seeing this cruel scene made his soul suffer a huge shock.

Clenching his fists, Lu Lu Xiu suddenly looked back at CC.

"CC, take this opportunity, give me GEASS!"

"Huh, are you serious?"

CC asked in surprise.

Long ago, CC wanted to give GEASS to Lelouch, but at that time, Lelouch didn't need this kind of power at all, and her wish had already been fulfilled, GEASS!It's the same whether there is.And Lelouch didn't want to stop his body from growing because of getting GEASS too early.

But now, Lulu Xiu is seventeen years old, and the time is fully ripe!

"Well, GEASS is the power to manipulate people's hearts, and I need this power now!"

Lelouch looked back again and looked at the murderers who had just made the massacre in front of him. There was no emotion in his eyes, as indifferently as if he was looking at a group of lifeless garbage.

"What are you two guys talking about, aren't you afraid of death?"

The Scarface Officer drew the pistol again. The pistol that wounded Suzaku was already full of magazines. The other bullets, except for the one still in Suzaku's body, were all inside. The Japanese people on the ground took their lives away.

"Huh, bear with me for a while! After I get GEASS, it will happen that you become my sacrifice to GEASS!"

Lulu Xiu had already pronounced the death penalty for this group of soldiers.With no one else, CC walked directly to Lu Luxiu, then opened his hands, hugged her lover firmly, and kissed each other.


There was a sudden explosion in his head, and Lelouch seemed to have come to another world, and countless pictures flashed through Lelouch's mind like fast-forward film.Countless people with red GEASS marks on their heads appeared in front of him.

Then, the picture stays at two touching eyes, or to be more precise, two different worlds, different planets, are touching each other.

One is CC, and the other is approaching, Lulu Xiu himself!

Then, the link is complete!

——This is a contract.

CC's voice not only vibrates the tympanic membrane, but also spreads throughout the body. Yes, it can be said to resound through the soul, if there is a soul.

——Give you strength, in return, you will realize one of my wishes.

-After making a contract, you will live as a different existence from human beings.

——The power of the king will make you lonely.

——If you have this kind of consciousness...

Mysterious, magnificent and broad!

At this time, CC has become a bridge of communication between Lelouch and the C world, representing the root, and recognizing the existence of Lelouch, as the dependence of the root in the world, her figure looks like a god.

Her sense of majesty, tolerance, and absolute worldview broke down her genes one by one, recreating the existence of Lulu Xiu from nothingness.

People call this feeling awe.

Yes, at this time Lu Lu Xiu felt awe at the CC in front of him.

It is the awe of human existence, the awe of the root cause.

Therefore, Lelouch took CC's hand.

Affirmed her words.

"This contract, I have concluded!"

"Forever, with me!"

"Forever, I will be with you, even at the end of the world!"

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