Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 172

The contract was completed, and the existence of the king of mankind was directly connected to the root cause. The mysterious world of C began to vibrate violently. In this endless world, a towering temple entered Lelouch's sight.

At the top of the temple, a majestic body, like an emperor, looked down at the ground under his feet.

"Following the Twilight of the Gods, does the myth begin again! It is called the reincarnation of fate!"

The familiar voice shook Lelouch's eardrums.

That is the voice of his father, His Majesty the Emperor of the Holy Bunitanian Empire, Charuru DI Bunitania, the voice of the strongest man in the world.

It is also the person who is most unlikely to forgive Lelouch!

"So, you are there! Chaluru DI Bunitania, wait! I'll be back soon!"

Lu Lu Xiu stared at the majestic figure closely.

Let you taste the same taste-

Take away your beloved things, destroy your personality, destroy your will, and beat you to the point where you can't lift your head.

Depriving you of everything, not even giving you the right to die, does not allow you to escape responsibility.As long as your old bones are still alive in this world, you will continue to suffer, pain, and scream.

Regardless of its merits.

This is your end, I decided.

After enduring the hatred for eight years, Lelouch was at this moment, in order to resist the man he absolutely couldn't agree with-his father.

Raised the flag of rebellion.

The devil is born at this moment!

Chapter 144 The Absolute Order

"Hmm... I said!"

The two people who had kissed deeply separated slowly, CC let go of his right hand, and stood on the right side of Lulu Xiu neatly, his body pressed tightly against him.Lulu Xiu's right hand was still around CC's waist, and his left hand covered his eyes, smiling coldly.

"Bunitanians who hate Bunitania, how should they live!"

"Are you an ist?"

The scarface officer's expression was surprised. He hadn't heard of the Bunitanians who opposed Bunitania.Within Bunitania, there is a group of pan-activists who oppose Bunitania’s foreign aggressive wars. The most important of these are international pacifists.

Modernists, although they have many factions and natures, including the national policy of Bunitania, belong to war and aggressorism.At the same time, the opposite of the doctrine implemented in Bunitania is the pacifist!

Pacifists, also known as non-war activists, oppose all forms of war or violence, pursue peaceful and non-violent methods, and resolve conflicts and confrontations between people.

At the same time, pacifists are divided into radical pacifists and moderate pacifists.

Radical pacifists usually oppose all forms and types of wars. They often do not distinguish the nature of wars. Even if it is a war to defend their own country, they do not distinguish the social roots of the war. They believe that the violence between the two sides can be resolved through peaceful negotiations and consultations. .

Moderate pacifists refer to a group of politicians who deal with domestic politics and international relations with moderate means and the idea of ​​avoiding war in politics. The dove of peace is their symbol.

And Lelouch's "Bunitanians hating Bunitania" made Scarface officers only think of activists.No wonder that as soon as he appeared, he kept staring at the dead Japanese monkeys nearby.

"Fist! Haha, I'm not that kind of boring thing! Why, don't you shoot anymore! The opponent is obviously just a student!"

Signed a contract with CC, and saw the root of Lu Lu Xiu. At this time, his body was exuding a force of pressure, and the mark of the king of mankind was like a beating heart, slowly fluctuating.


The scared officer's hand holding a pistol was trembling unconsciously. Just like Lelouch said, the other party was just a student, but the sense of oppression was even more majestic than facing His Royal Highness Clovis. He couldn't pull the trigger at all.

"Or, you have already noticed it. Only people with death consciousness can shoot!"


Lu Lu Xiu, who was sneered constantly, finally put down his left hand and opened his eyes. In the depths of his mysterious violet eyes, a pair of red V-shaped wings, like a fire The bird, spreading its wings to fly, is printed in the center of the pupil.

"Lelouch VI Bonitania ordered again—you guys! Go to death!"

Lelouch stared at the group of servants in front of him, and gave the first absolute order after obtaining the ability of GEASS.

The next moment, the world is distorted!

All the soldiers who looked into the eyes of Lelouch, their eyes were forcibly distorted after receiving the command from Lelouch’s sight, the thoughts, will, and spirit deep in their brains!Everyone's expressions became extremely enthusiastic, and there was a red light around those eyes, which looked strange.

"Hmm...ahhahaha...Yes, Your·Highness!"

The Scarfaced Officer smiled strangely and issued the most orderly slogan, aiming the pistol aimed at Lelouch at the artery of his neck.

Kaka Kaka...

The sound of more than a dozen pistols opening the insurance sounded, and all the soldiers behind the Scarface Officer followed Lelouch's orders, following the actions of the Scarface Officer, pointing the muzzle of their pistols at their own aorta.


The Scarface officer gave an order and pulled the trigger of the pistol first.

Puff puff puff...

Subsequently, the sound of bullets hitting the body sounded one after another, and bright flowers bloomed in the air with red blood.The Bunitanian soldier who had just finished the massacre died under his own gun and became a companion to the group of dead Japanese in the corner, lying on the ground silently.

"GEASS for absolute orders?"

CC watched indifferently at the group that fell to the ground and planned to attack them before, but now they lost their lives, muttering.

In the past time, she had also bestowed some GEASS on other people, but none of them was as terrifying as Lelouch.Absolute orders belong only to the power of the king and can arbitrarily distort the ethics, ideas, beliefs, and will of the objects ordered!

"You really got an incredible power! Lelouch!"

CC turned his head groaningly, and immediately saw the red GEASS mark in Lelouch's eyes that was about to fly.

"As soon as I got GEASS, I evolved to the state of GEASS with eyes, Lelouch, you really deserve to be the man I picked! (Marianna, your plan finally succeeded, Lelouch's GEASS adaptability, even Exceeded our expectations)"

"Isn't this taken for granted? Since you are a king, all humans should obey my orders!"

Lelouch's face was very calm, he knew better than CC about the power of his GEASS.GEASS was originally a manifestation of human desire. As the king, Lulu Xiu, the GEASS he holds, is naturally the king's power.

"Okay, time is almost up, we should go to Karen too! If it was her, I would not have watched her compatriots and comrades being slaughtered indiscriminately by Bunitania. What I want is not one. Corpse!"

Putting away GEASS, Lelouch glanced around the room, frowning slightly.

"Now, let's grab a Knightmare in Bunitania. With the communicators of the terrorists and Bunitania, we can offset the difference in combat power brought by quantity and quality!"

"I see, what a boring man!"

CC shrugged boredly, and said loudly.

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