Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 178

CC did not continue to tease Lelouch at this time, but from the words of her lover, she was wise to guess Lelouch's general plan.It has to be said that Lelouch's plan has been launched since the capture of Veletta's Knightmare.

Moreover, as a king, he is summoning all the chess pieces that can be used to confront the enemy.

This is what he said at the beginning, the true meaning of playing chess with Clovis.It is not chess pieces, but human soldiers to fight each other on the real battlefield.

"Moreover, even if you add those idiots, you are at an overwhelming disadvantage in terms of quantity and quality! No, except for the girl named Karen, everyone else is probably just a bunch of cannon fodder!"

CC's voice did not conceal its disdain for Karen's companions. The group of rebels were just ordinary people without any military training. The ability to use weapons was probably already their limit.

Except for the accident of Karen!

"Even if it is cannon fodder, as long as reasonable arrangements are made, miracles can be created, with the example of defeating the strong with the weak. From ancient times to the present, there has never been a lack! And this miracle will be performed in my hands today!"

Lelouch could already see a Knightmare team quickly approaching on the strategic dashboard, galloping towards Karen who had just shot down the helicopter.

It seems that although the helicopter did not cause substantial damage to Kallen, his sacrifice was not worthless.At least, he exposed Karen's position.

As Lelouch said, rejecting General Bartlett’s order to be appointed as the commander, Jeremia personally led a small team of Knightmare to slaughter the unarmed ELEVEN in the ruins of the city in the slum, and at the same time Looking for the trace of the red Glasgow who escaped from his hand.

Could it be that finding an opponent who is driving the Knightmare and is not weak is a good prey for Jeremia, who has been idle in the Tokyo concession for several years.

"Found it, that Glasgow!"


He rushed out of the corner, and the conspicuous red body immediately appeared in Jeremy's sight.Locking the opponent's figure, Jeremia instantly pulled out the machine gun, aimed at the red Glasgow facing him, and started shooting.


The dangerous premonition from behind made Karen noticed Jeremia's appearance in an instant. The moment he pulled the trigger, the red Glasgow had already advanced at full speed, avoiding the opponent's bullets.

Countless bullets relentlessly punched a series of bullet holes on the hard roads and walls, closely following Glasgow.

"What a keen response, it's amazing!"

Jeremia saw the red Glasgow disappear in a corner, and smiled happily.

"One person stays and chases with me, the others go to eliminate the rebels in other areas!"

Speaking to the subordinates behind him, Jeremia chased up in the direction where Karen disappeared. Not only performance, but also the speed, the Sutherland he was driving had an overwhelming advantage.

"Yes, My Lord!"

The two Sutherland separated to the left and right, and the other was closely behind Jeremia, chasing the escaped Karen together.

"Almost! It's time for me to appear!"

In the distance, Lelouch, who believed that Karen would escape Jeremy's pursuit, had already arranged everything, and then picked up the communicator that he picked up from the truck and dialed the code.

"Damn it, there are still thirty minutes!"

In the red Glasgow, who had lost an arm, Karen looked at the energy on the meter for only thirty minutes, a trace of unwillingness and despair in his sad voice.


Nothing is dominant!

Now even the energy is almost exhausted!


Just when Karen was desperate, the communicator tied to the meter suddenly rang.

"Go west!"

An unfamiliar voice came out of the communicator, with a magnetic tone and a command tone that could not be denied.


"Use the rails to move to the west exit!"

Probably after hearing Karen's surprise, the strange voice repeated again.

"Who, why know this code!"

The communicator's channel is only known to her partner, but the other party's voice is something she has never heard before.Karen didn't trust the other person for the first time, but questioned.

"It doesn't matter to anyone, if you want to win, just trust me!"

The tone of the unfamiliar voice did not change at all, but there was a mockery, a strong will, and a belief in victory.


Hearing the word "win", Karen was stunned!

Can you win?

Face Bunitania!

"Trust me, you can win! Stop the slaughter of Bunitania!"

As if he felt Karen's shaking, the confident voice repeated again in the communicator.That unwavering tone and strong confidence instantly infected Karen in despair.

Like a beacon in the dark night, it gave her a light called hope.

Believe this voice!

The impulse surging from the heart made Karen choose to believe in this magical sound, and following her intuition, Karen moved towards the west.

Chapter 149 The Hope of Winning

Glasgow was driving at full speed and quickly came to the west exit. Behind her, Jeremya had already caught up, biting behind Glasgow, and the distance between the two sides was slowly getting closer.

Karen glanced at the Sutherland closely behind her. Judging from the opponent's mode of action, she had recognized that the opponent was the one who forced her to break her arm to escape.

Although she believes that her driving skills are not inferior to anyone, the gap in the body is obvious, not to mention the loss of an arm.

"Hey, what should I do next?"

In a hurry, Karen completely forgot to be wary of the strange voice, and naturally asked for help.

"It's a cowardly ELEVEN. If I keep running away, I can't enjoy the joy of hunting! Dare to let the great master be my hostage and make him disappear. All ELEVEN should die! Only with your life and blood can you Wash away the humiliation you brought to your Highness!"

While Karen asked for that unfamiliar voice, Jeremya had also locked the red Glasgow in front of him, and said excitedly, this time, he would not allow the other party to escape from his own hands.

At this moment, Karen had already jumped onto the bridge and moved along the rails. Right in front, an old-fashioned train was slowly approaching.The unfamiliar voice seemed to confirm that Karen's actions were indeed in accordance with his instructions, and a reply came back again.

A reply confirming Karen's correct choice.

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