Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 179

"For you to believe in me, let you win! Jump on the train and get rid of the guy behind you first!"

"I know!"

Facing the train coming from the front, Karen swiftly jumped up. The huge and heavy Glasgow was like a sensitive wild cat in her hand, jumping on the train's wagon, quickly pulling away from the chase.

"Do you think you can escape from me like this? This tactic..."


Jeremia, who was too late to dodge, jumped up, holding a gun in his right hand, blocking the front of the train with his left hand, and then commanded the men behind him.It was in order to prevent this unexpected situation that he would bring a subordinate, as expected.

"Yes, My Lord!"

The knight who followed the commander responded, and then jumped up from behind Jeremia, just like Karen before, planning to go through the train to chase the terrorist who was quickly moving away.

However, at the moment he jumped up, from the ruins on the left, a familiar sound suddenly sounded. It was the sound of the hook.After that, he didn’t know what was happening in mid-air. He felt the driving Sutherland shook violently. The body shook violently, was knocked down by a huge force, and fell heavily on the rails. Under the action of inertia, he rolled down the rail bridge.


Jeremia looked up in surprise. The two hooks that had repelled his subordinates were quickly recovering, following the sound of the twisting of the steel cables. In the ruins on the left, there was a machine that was indistinguishable from his body. Sutherland was squatting there.

"Even to beat one's own people!"

Jeremyia was very angry and asked loudly.

"Which unit are you from? The enemy is the one with only one arm..."

Before Jeremya's words were finished, the opponent shot at him with a machine gun of the same standard as his right hand. This was the answer to him.

Ta ta ta...

"Could it be that... is a terrorist!"

Sutherland's armor is indeed much stronger than Kallen's Glasgow. It was hit by so many bullets in the front, and except for the surface is a little dented, there was no obvious damage.

However, the opponent seemed to have discovered this very quickly, turned the muzzle, and aimed at the joints of the ankles supporting the huge body below. A series of bullets accurately shot into the gaps of the joints, and instantly clicked the circuit and the fragile joint Off.


Electric sparks splashed all over, and Jeremia's left leg was instantly scrapped, and the huge body couldn't support it, and he immediately fell to the ground.

"You guys!"

In anger, Jeremia didn't think about how the opponent took his own body, took out the machine gun, and planned to fight back on the spot, very brave.


According to the stranger’s instructions, Karen was already ready to take a detour. Without waiting for the mysterious man’s order, he accurately caught the gap at the moment when Jeremia pulled out the machine gun and planned to fight back. He charged at full speed toward his back on the rails.

"Damn it, it's the red Glasgow. Only retreat here!"

Even in the anger, but the strong sense of combat still made Jeremia aware of the attack after he came, and was flanked back and forth when he lost his mobility. Even if it was his pride, he did not dare to say that he could absolutely counterattack.

What's more, the red Glasgow's melee combat ability and the precise marksmanship of the terrorists who captured Sutherland made him feel tricky.


Pressing the button of the ejection device, Jeremia's cockpit ejected immediately when Kallen was within ten meters of him, and fell into the ruins several hundred meters away, and immediately disappeared.


Karen looked at the cockpit where Jeremia escaped in surprise.Although it was a desperate decision, I didn't expect the stranger to actually make it.Not only saved himself, but also destroyed two Sutherland that she couldn't deal with.

However, Karen also raised a doubt in her heart at the same time.

"That person, how did you snatch the enemy's Sutherland!"

At this time, she no longer suspected that the other party had bad intentions.If two Sutherland were sacrificed just to gain their trust, the price would be too high.

However, when she turned her head to look, the ruins were gone, and the mysterious man had been lost.

"Where did you go?"

Karen didn't think he was dreaming, two Sutherland that had been destroyed were lying there.

At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Hey, Karen! What's the matter with that communication?"

It's the leader of their organization, the voice they want.

Karen looked back, and on the rails behind him, Fan Yao and a few companions ran over.

"Hey? Even fan you..."

Karen immediately guessed that they, like himself, had been summoned by the mysterious man.

"Well, Yoshida will be here soon!"

Fan Yao nodded, glanced at the two destroyed Sutherland, and replied.

Soon after, several people also joined them with their weapons.It was Yoshida and the others that the fan wanted to talk about before, and at this moment, the communicator on his waist rang again.The mysterious person's voice came from inside again.

"Are you the captain?"

The voice asked.


Fan had to hesitate for a moment, and replied with some hesitation.From the tone of his speech, it can be inferred that the other party is just an ordinary person, not even the most basic leader.

But for mysterious people, this kind of leader is just right.

Although he has no ability, he is very self-aware, and can calmly analyze the situation and accept the opinions of others.

"The stuff in the train that stopped there will be given to you as a gift! That's a prop for winning!"

After confirming the identity of Shan Yao, the mysterious man said again.

"If you want to win with this, just follow my command!"

Everyone opened the train carriage, and everyone including Karen was stunned by what was in front of them.

That turned out to be the mass-produced Knightmare-Sutherland currently in service in the Bunitanian Empire, which was the type used to hunt down Kallen before.

There are all kinds of guns, ammunition and energy batteries in every carriage.

"There are also here, there are countless ammunition and munitions, great!"

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