Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 180

"Listen to what he said!"

I have never seen so many weapons, even including the enemy's new Knightmare, everyone cheered happily, and temporarily put down their vigilance against mysterious people.

"So much, what is it..."

Karen muttered to herself in shock. She was shocked to see the mysterious man driving Sutherland to rescue her before.However, that mysterious man actually took so many intact Sutherland and gave it to them as a gift.

At first, what the mysterious person said to her resurfaced in her mind.

"If you want to win, just listen to me!"

It works, if it is him!

Karen clenched her fists, her face was firm, and she had returned to her body without fear of any enemy's courage.

"The woman sitting in Glasgow!"

"Yes, I am!"

Hearing that the mysterious man suddenly communicated with him, Karen stayed for a while, calmed down his excitement, and replied.

"Just keep it like this!"


"Your body can confuse the enemy!"


Karen is not stupid, and soon understood the meaning of mysterious people. If they were replaced by Sutherland, they would only be exposed to the enemy. As long as her red color persists for a few days, it can attract the attention of the enemy and reduce the companion They are exposed to danger.

"How is the energy? It should be exhausted soon!"

"Well, about fifteen minutes!"

He actually broke the energy situation of his body in one go, so amazing!

Karen's confidence in the mysterious person who hadn't met yet became stronger.

"Then replace the battery! You are the most critical for the next battle! You should prepare first, and after ten minutes, I will give you the next instructions!"

After the mysterious man gave the last instruction, he hung up the communication.

Chapter 150 Code Name Q1

On the outskirts of Shinjuku slums, a huge command ship docked.The whole is like the bridge of a large aircraft carrier, with a huge dashboard tiled underneath. No, it is not appropriate to use "like" here.In fact, this is an aircraft carrier.But this is not an aircraft carrier at sea, but a land ship.

From the outside, it looks like a huge spider crawling on the ground.Being able to contain twenty Knightmare easily, it is a symbol of the strongest and proud Bunitanian army, a movable fortress, anyone who looks at it will know that it is the key to the whole battle.

Because on this, sitting the commander-in-chief of the entire army, he is also the governor of this eleven district, the third prince of the holy Bunitania Empire, Clovis LA Bunitania.

"The terrorists mixed in ELEVEN still did not give up resistance, but our army's overwhelming advantage has not changed!"

In the command ship, Barlett carefully observed the distribution of his own military power on the giant strategic dashboard.Above, the blue coordinates representing the imperial army have almost covered the entire dial, which also shows that most of the Shinjuku slum area has completely fallen into their grasp.

And now, the army is clearing ELEVEN in the slum area and the terrorists hidden inside.

"Of course! Compared to this..."

The owner of this command ship, Clovis sitting on the upper seat in the back, with one hand resting his chin, looking down at General Bartlett and a kind of staff officer below, confidently said.He was full of confidence in the Bunitanian army.

However, the purpose of this action is not the humble Japanese monkey, but the man.

"I understand, poison gas container!"

General Bartlett nodded. On the bridge, only he understood what Clovis was talking about.The poisonous gas container is an external statement, and the truth is only known to a few people.


Clovis once again reminded that although this operation was claimed to be annihilating terrorists possessing poisonous gas, it may not be able to conceal the facts from the local people.

"White Prince" Xiunazer, the second prince of the empire, the prime minister of the empire, the first heir to the throne.There is also the battlefield goddess of the empire, the most powerful force in the military, the second empress Cornelia.

Those two people would not be deceived by such a casual excuse.

"Yes, we will continue to search for things about her. According to our combat plan, after all the ELEVEN in Shinjuku slums have been cleaned up, she will be found out immediately!"

General Bartlett is Clovis's most respected confidant. He is a relationship that makes all the glory and the loss all hurt. Naturally, I know that this matter must not be exposed.Although those people are the brothers and sisters of Clovis, they are also rivals for the throne.

"That's good, regardless of life or death!"

After hearing the words of General Bartlett, Clovis nodded in satisfaction. Although this person is not very good in appearance, he still has the ability. Of course, the most important thing is loyalty, loyalty to himself, and will not betray.

Now, just waiting for that person to be arrested!

On the other side, in the slum area of ​​Shinjuku.Ten minutes have passed, Karen and his companions have unloaded and equipped the materials on the train, and Sutherland has also started debugging.But even at this time, there are still skeptical people among this group of rebels.

"Is it really okay?"

This is a livid man. If it weren't for a turban similar to the others on his forehead, from the appearance and temperament, he was more like a gangster than a terrorist who resisted the rule of Bunitania.

Moreover, the reason for this person's objection was not without it. While adapting to Sutherland's manipulation, he discovered that some of these Sutherland, which was given to them as gifts, had been disassembled.

"IFF (Signal Recognition System) has been removed! This may be the enemy's trap!"

"From the perspective of the overall situation, the countermeasures occupy an overwhelming advantage, and there is no need to set up traps!"

In Sutherland, the fan who had already figured out the general operation situation replied indifferently.Although certainly not as good as the knights of Bunitania, as long as they can be manipulated, it is fine!

Moreover, according to the instructions of the person just now, it is not necessary for them to confront the Bunitanian army head-on.

"You guys will come to the indicated place soon!"

Manipulating Sutherland to move his body, Fan wanted to remind him that he had decided to follow the instructions of the mysterious man.Although he has neither received military training nor has any rich combat experience or strategy.But his vision and overall outlook are the best among the crowd. Judging from the performance of that mysterious person, the other party's purpose should be the same as theirs.

As long as he can defeat Bunitania and save his compatriots, even if he is used by the opponent, he is willing to do so.


At this moment, in the communicator, the mysterious person's voice came out again.

"Are you ready? You don't have to be proficient, as long as you can make Sutherland take action! Basically, there shouldn't be much change from Glasgow!"

"Well, although you can't do complex operations, you should be able to participate in battle!"

Fan wanted to reply.

"That's good! From now on, I will use the code name to call it inside! As the captain, you are P1, and others follow the analogy! As for the woman in Glasgow, your code name is Q1, understand?"

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