Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 181

The communicator paused abruptly and then turned to Karen in the red Glasgow.

(Q1, the queen of chess!)

Hearing what the mysterious person called him, Karen's eyes flashed with imperceptible shyness and excitement.Because of family relations, she is not ignorant of chess and her companions.

Long ago, when she and her brother were young, the nominal father taught herself and her brother a game, a game that is very popular in Bunitania.


In chess, the most important thing, without a doubt, is the king!Secondly, it is to assist the king, Q!

That is the queen!

If you use chess pieces to describe this battle, there is no doubt that the mysterious man who helped them win is the king who decides everything.Judging from what the mysterious person said to him before and the code given to him.

That person, I hope I...

Be his queen!

The queen who helped him win!

"I see! My code name is Q1!"

Karen solemnly replied.

This is a code name that only belongs to me, and it will always belong to me!

She feels very good now!

She is eager to fight, galloping on the battlefield, in front of that person, showing her Q1 value.As for the fan who asked them to be named P1, she ignored it.

P refers to Pawn, the chess soldier.

"Who are you? Even your name is fine!"

After hearing the mysterious man's instructions, Fan Yao asked one last sentence.Although he said that, he was still affected by the livid man just now.

"That won't work, what if the communication is tapped? Why do you think I should call you by code names!"

There was a slight chuckle in the voice.

"Ah, sorry, I was rude!"

Fan wanted to find that his face was a little hot and asked such a stupid question. It seemed that he was really stimulated by these "gifts".

"Speaking of the topic, Q1, now you can proceed along the street in the northeast direction! If you follow the plan, the enemy Sutherland will arrive there in forty-three seconds. There will probably be two units! You don’t need to face it, just Just need to be wiped out across the wall!"

"Cut, what are you talking about!"

Next to Fanyao, a bleak man sipped disdainfully, not believing what the mysterious man said.

But Shan Yao ignored him, just gave him a warning look, and then said to the others.

"Everyone, confirm the weapon!"

"Hey, do you really want to listen to that guy?"

The livid man said loudly that he, who was ignored by his companions, seemed to want to attract everyone's attention.

"Do you have a better way? Or just watch the compatriots being massacred by Bunitania!"

The second woman in the group of rebels, a girl with beautiful long blue hair, yelled at the sluggish man.

"Inoue was right. Now we can only choose to trust that person! Even if it is a trap, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, we can't give up!"

Next to the blue-haired woman, a man who was confirming the weapon in his hand also joined the ranks of condemning the sluggish man.

"Okay, everyone don't quarrel!"

At any rate, with a code name of Q1, Fan had a rare show of his decisiveness, and stopped the quarrel of his companions.

"Yucheng, if you have time here to question that person's decision, it is better to think about how to execute his orders and save more compatriots! No more people can be sacrificed because of us!"

"Cut, I get it!"

The livid man named Yucheng tilted his head and said unwillingly.Although his resistance was very heavy, he couldn't oppose the opinions of everyone including Shan Yao.

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty One

"The enemy track was found at Point F-31, the red Glasgow in the report!"

"Are you feigning? Be clever!"

In the land command ship, Clovis heard the report from his subordinates and said something disdainfully.This level of battle does not require him to appear in person.

Below, the staff have spread out the strategic dashboard three-dimensionally, displaying the actions of their own troops on it.General Bartlett stood in front of the strategic dashboard and used communicators to directly communicate commands to the troops in the entire combat area.

Near the reported enemy coordinates, a small group of Sutherland is approaching.However, behind the target, there are two Sutherland closer there to clear the enemy.

"The Laszlo team just moved forward so that Wigan and Barreri would go together, and attack from behind!"

However, the Sutherland who acted under the orders of General Bartlett were perfectly exposed to Lelouch sitting in the Sutherland in Veretta.

He was the mysterious man who gave Karen and Fan to wait for instructions from the rebels.

"3! 2!!"

Following the instructions of the mysterious man, the fans lurking behind the wall asked for a line. After the time was up, no matter what, they fired directly at the wall in front of them.The moment they pulled the trigger, two Sutherland from Bunitania drove by on the opposite side and were submerged in the fire that demanded them.


Before the cockpit was too late, Sutherland, which was penetrated by countless bullets, exploded and buried the pilot together.At the same time, in the land command ship outside the Shinjuku slum, the coordinates of two Sutherland were also lost on the strategic dashboard.

"Qing Wigan and Qing Barry LOST at the same time!"

The observer reports directly.

"Well! Ambushed?"

For the first time, Clovis sat in his seat with a hint of surprise on his face.However, he has temporarily handed over the command to Barlett and the staff, so although he saw his own losses, he still did not move.

However, whether he moved or not, the result was the same.In the distance, after arranging everything, Lelouch drove Sutherland from Veretta, hiding in the middle of an abandoned building with the two women.

"Hmm, identification signal is a double-edged sword! Moreover, if terrorists also act according to my instructions, it is equivalent to me occupying all the conditions! In this complex environment, combat power It is impossible to expand at all, Clovis's quantitative advantage can be directly offset!"

Before lurking, he picked up a chessboard and chess pieces from the ground.At this moment, he really seemed to be playing chess with the enemy, placing the chessboard on Veretta who was lying between his hips, moving the chess pieces with his right hand, and holding the communicator with Karen and the others in his left hand.

"That's it, this is your plan! There is no challenge at all!"

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