Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 182

Hugging Lelouch's CC from behind, he had fully understood all of Lelouch's action plans at this time.Indeed, Clovis, who had lost his quantitative advantage, was mastered of the soldier's course of action in this special and complicated environment, and would only step into Lelouch's trap one by one, and then be eliminated one by one.

Unless there is a miracle, Clovis' defeat is set!

"P1, P4, P7 move one hundred meters to the right, and the hook lock is launched at three o'clock!"

After winning the first battle, Lelouch gave another order.

"Okay, everyone just follow the voice's instructions to defeat Bunitania!"

I personally experienced the rich achievements indicated by the mysterious person, and finally there was a sense of confidence and excitement in the fan's voice.

"Really, no way!"

Likewise, at this time, Yucheng, who had always been disgusted with the mysterious person, had to obey the instructions of the other party. That person had already given them a hope of victory with practical actions.

"Not okay? P5!"

Lu Lu Xiu had long been dissatisfied with the thorn in Yucheng!If it weren't for using them to deal with Bunitania, Lelouch would not easily bypass him based on the tone he spoke to himself.

Of course, there is still a long time to come!

Sometimes, an additional voice of opposition can make it easier for him to control this group of terrorists and gain their trust.

The other people Lulu Xiu don't care, and can even give it up at will, but Karen is different, that flame girl, Q1 on the battlefield, he must get, and must get it.

"Don't call me by such a strange name!"

Yucheng replied dissatisfied, and finally got into the cockpit of Sutherland and joined the battle.


According to Lelouch's instructions, the Sutherland team who used to copy Karen also fell into the pocket that Lelouch ordered the fan to wrap.Afterwards, the first three of the unfolded cones were instantly destroyed, and the cockpit was separated.For the next one, Karin made up a note from behind and ruined the head with a punch.

"The enemy is moving towards T-28!"

The observers were still reporting that on the command ship, General Bartlett, who was in charge of the battle, was already covered with sweat.

"Let the Laszlo, let the Gulawi team go up..."

Compared to Barlett, Clovis, who had been watching him, obviously found more things.He is not the kind of vase who knows nothing about war. It should be said that even his sister Euphemia, known as the imperial vase queen, still knows how to drive the Knightmare and some military knowledge.

What's more, he is the governor of the 11th district.

"Could it be that... the body of our army was attacked by terrorists!"

Clovis exploded an incredible fact in one go, but this is also the answer that best explains the current situation.

"Gulavy Qing left urgently, and the body signal disappeared!"

"Damn, change the communication code, our communication has been tapped!"

"Done, it's the fourth time!"

I have to say that although Barlett bears the name of a general, he is not a soldier at all. Some of the most basic tactics and analysis are not available. Only now did he remember that his body was taken by terrorists. After leaving, the communication was naturally tapped, which also explained why the previous actions were exposed to the enemy, and even stepped into the trap ambushed by the enemy.

"Do it again!"

Bartlett has begun to chaos.

"What a gaffe this is!"

At the critical moment, Clovis, who had been sitting behind, stood up and scolded loudly.

"very sorry!"

Barlett wiped the sweat from his head, his face was ugly.To show this kind of weak posture in front of the lord who is loyal to him is indeed too gaffe.

"good afternoon!"

Fortunately, just when Bartlett was embarrassed by how to explain his successive mistakes and caused such heavy losses, an image suddenly flashed in front of the strategic dashboard.

The out-of-tune tone made Bartlett look back and didn't know who this annoying guy was.

Director of the Special Dispatch Guide Technology Department-Lloyd Asbrud.

However, for him now, this nasty guy has actually become his savior.

"What's the matter? We are still in combat operations..."

Although he was relieved by Lloyd, Bartlett's tone was still unceremonious.

"I mean, it's just that we should send our special guide weapon out!"

Lloyd shrugged innocently and smiled.But at this time, his usual smile on his face turned out to be the best irony for Bartlett and the staff officer on the command ship.

"This is not the time to talk about this!"

Barlett hasn't answered yet, Clovis has already walked up from behind and said in a harsh tone.Although the attention was drawn to the sudden appearance of Lloyd, Clovis, as the third prince, could not let his elder brother, the most taboo second prince Shunezer's people, participate in this battle.

This can only prove his own incompetence, not to mention that his troops are still there.The outer security forces, as well as his guards.He stayed there intact, ready to accept his dispatch.

However, just as Clovis and Lloyd were talking, Lelouch and the terrorists acting under his direction did not stop and continued to annihilate the remaining combat power of Bunitania.

"R2, launch the hook lock!"

"B7, armored car!"

"Squad N is going forward like this!"


The explosions and gunshots were more intense than before, but in contrast, the wailing and screams of tragic deaths became less and less.Because at this moment, it is not the unarmed ELEVEN civilians who are being massacred, but the Bunitanian army.

"Gill's reaction disappeared!"

"Nazuo's reaction disappeared!"

"The mechanical armor force has been wiped out!"

"All the Knightmare who broke into the ghetto of Shinjuku lost their response!"

"Send ground personnel and start rescuing the knights!"

There were numerous battle reports, but there was no good news.

"Damn it, give me command!"

Finally, seeing that the coordinates representing his own forces in the city were completely wiped out, Clovis immediately shut down the communication with Lloyd and took over the command.

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