Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 184

At this moment, Clovis, who gritted his teeth, finally let go of the last trace of arrogance.The enemy he was fighting with was no longer something he could deal with.No one is sure if the opponent is the second Fujitang. At this time, if there is the last straw, in order to preserve the dignity of Bunitania, he can only lay down his self-esteem and ask his emperor brother. The subordinates ask for help.


Lifting his head, Clovis ignored the sweat from his head and called out the name of the person he had just driven away.


Lloyd's image once again obscured the strategic dashboard, appearing in front of Clovis and a kind of General Bartlett.

"Can you win? Your toy!"

Clovis said unceremoniously that even if it is a requester, as the third prince of the empire, he does not need to be humble.What's more, this is also the purpose of the other party here.

Take what you need.

"His Royal Highness, please call him Lancelot!"

Even if the other party is the prince, but the proud work is called a toy, but Lloyd's voice has a cold color.On the big screen, there was obviously a smile on his face, but the cold light deep in the squinted eyes still made the air of the command ship drop a bit of temperature.

Then, before Clovis could answer, the image of Lloyd disappeared.

"His Royal Highness, Lloyd is too rude!"

As soon as the image of Lloyd disappeared, Bartlett and a kind of staff officer all stepped forward and said.At this time, it is best not to mention that Clovis's command ruined all the troops in one fell swoop.

"It's okay, Lloyd doesn't even sell the face of Emperor Xiunazer, let alone me! As long as I can accomplish this combat goal and defeat the terrorists, what is this rudeness!"

Clovis waved his hand and said generously, but the words after him still exposed his unwillingness.As the governor of the 11th district, not only was he unable to eliminate the terrorists below, but he also asked his emperor's brother's troops to help him. No matter what, this feeling was not very good.

"And, if you guys are a bit useful, is there still a chance for Lloyd to play?"

This is the most unwilling point of Clovis!

The subordinates lost, and after their commanding authority, they directly lost all the troops.

"I'm very sorry, Your Highness, it's me who is incompetent!"

The large land command ship remained silent again, but outside the battleship, in a small land battleship less than ten meters away, it was a completely opposite scene.This is a warship that has not received the identification signal of the Bunitanian Army in Area 11.

Because it is a command ship specially dispatched to the guidance technology department.

Chapter 153: Lancelot Attacks

"Guide weapon Z-01, Lancelot, start now. Lancelot, start now."

Correspondent Cecil's voice sounded inside the tractor, and then the operators began to check the status one after another.

"Open the cockpit, Z-01, Lancelot, ready to start! The fixing device is released! Suzaku-kun, have you remembered everything in the manual?"

"Almost remembered!"

Suzaku, who was still wearing a white bandage, said while wearing a white Lancelot driving suit, to the communicator hanging on his lips.

"It's not bad. Although it's just simulated data, it deserves to be at the TOP CLASS level!"

Cecil's praise is not only about physical fitness, but Suzaku's head is not stupid.

"That, about the topic just now!"

The changed clothes Suzaku changed from the decadence before, and his whole body exuded a powerful vigor. Under the tight-fitting driving suit, the body more vigorous than the cheetah was full of dynamic beauty, like a powerful and noble white knight.

"Hey? Ah! Although it is possible, the possibility is almost zero!"

Cecil hesitated, then remembered what Suzaku was talking about.The topic changed too quickly, and she was caught off guard.After finishing his thoughts, Cecil didn't guarantee anything, and replied frankly.

"But, it's not all 0!"

The expression on Suzaku's face was very calm. Cecil's confession made him grateful, but the people who are being massacred in the slums of Shinjuku are all his compatriots. If you add the identity he once had, half of those people can. Be regarded as his people.

Therefore, even if it is not because of this false order, he will stop this war.

"Although this is the case, I hope you will not be too reluctant! Because the new system is installed, the separation device has been removed! Once you are in danger, you..."

Suzaku's determination made Cecil a little bit emotional.This is a gentle child, but unfortunately, this gentleness fell on him, but it was too cruel.Because at this moment, it is the world of Bunitania, and he is just a despised ELEVEN, even if there is an additional title of honorary Bunitania, but for Bunitania, it is just a group of similar The existence of consumables.

The existence of honorary Bunitania is not only unwelcome by Bunitania, but also despised by all ELEVENs in the 11th district.

Betrayed the motherland, betrayed one's soul to the evil people in Bunitania.

It's such an existence that can't be recognized by both parties at the same time.

"Yes, I see! Miss Cecil!"

Cecil's caring words moved Suzaku very much. Since joining the Bunitan army and becoming an honorary Bunitan, it is the first time that he has not been ridiculed and despised by the Bunitanians.And was treated so tenderly.

"This is……"

While talking to Cecil, Suzaku had already arrived in front of Lancelot.

The gray canvas fell off, revealing a Knightmare Frame that looked like a knight in armor. Its silver appearance was exceptionally gorgeous. On the chest like a diamond, there was a red indicator light representing energy, like a magnificent ruby.At the joints and connecting parts of the body, there are layers of armors glowing with golden luster, which firmly inlay this gorgeous body, and also cover the fragile circuits and crankshafts below.

As long as you are not blind, you can clearly see that this is a powerful weapon that combines speed, defense, magnificence, and power to lead the world.

"Yes, the pilot weapon developed by our special guide technology department-LANCELO! The only seventh-generation Knightmare Frame in the world."

Cecil's voice came through the loudspeaker, full of pride and pride.

This powerful machine is unique in the world. Although it is only a test machine, its power has far surpassed any other machine in the same era.It is a pity that it is precisely because he is too powerful, and I know that now, there is no one who can control or even use him normally.

But today, he can finally set foot on the battlefield!

"Then Suzaku, it's almost time for the initial startup!"

Lloyd stared at Lancelot on the screen motionlessly, as well as the various data activated by Lancelot, he couldn't wait to wait.

"The initial start-up starts at stage 20!"

Cecil began to announce the start of the initiation procedure and issued the first order.

"Energy Filler is loaded!"

"Plug connection confirmation! Energy Filler output power increase!"

"When the voltage threshold is reached for about thirty seconds, the nuclear mirror image shifts!"

The person in charge of Lancelot's various procedures reported the machine's activation status in time.After assembling the energy filler used to supply energy, Lancelot's huge white body suddenly had life.

"The driver is in place!"

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