Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 185

There was no abnormality before starting, and Cecil gave the next instruction to let Suzaku board the plane.

Suzaku, who was wounded and put on Lancelot's white driving suit, sat on the control chair of the cockpit and entered Lancelot's body.

"Driver Z-01, confirmed that it is in place, and the individual identification information is registered. Confirm the coordination rate of man-machine docking"

The person in charge of Lancelot's various procedures reported the machine's activation status in time.

The Suzaku, who had changed into the Lancelot characteristic white driving suit, sat in the cockpit and then entered Lancelot's body.

"Yggdrasill confirmed with resonance. The rejection response is weak, the driver's resistance is weak, and the device pressure response is weak, all within the allowable range."

"So far, it's all the same as the data!"

Listening to the timely reports from his subordinates, Lloyd's mood has been tense, but so far, there has been no emergencies other than data.

Suzaku holds the joystick and enters the relevant password on the control panel.Although he was driving for the first time, his strong mental qualities and extraordinary memory allowed him to calmly follow the instructions in the manual. So far, everything is normal.

Moreover, the Suzaku sitting on it feels very good, there is a feeling of blood connection, and Lancelot!

"The system is all normal, the backup setting is complete, the status is confirmed, and the second pressurization is complete!"

All the start-up work has been completed. The high-speed driving wheel of Lancelot’s leg was also put down and landed on the launch track underfoot. At the same time, the wires and sockets connecting the various inspection devices behind the body were quickly disconnected. .


Lancelot's palm rotated a few times, and after making the final confirmation of the activity, he bent over and supported the ground with one hand, and the silver legs also stretched a distance, and made a pose for attack at any time.


Suzaku looked at the electronic screen and said the last command to start the program.The driving wheels of Lancelot's high-speed machine began to spin and accelerate.

"LANCELOT, start!"

"LANCELOT, start!"

As soon as Cecil's words fell, Lancelot flew out like a wild horse running out of the rein.


Lancelot's instantaneous burst of speed immediately set off a huge wave of air, and the air was forcibly torn apart under the huge sprint, and it was blown towards the warship that opened the hatch in the rear.

"Hahaha... Do you try your best from the beginning?"

The strong wind blew the unprepared Lloyd to the ground in an instant, but he laughed happily like a child.Even if he was blown down by Lancelot's start-up, he couldn't hide his excitement and joy.The Lancelot that he painstakingly made was finally launched.

This is what Lloyd needs, this explosive power, this speed!

It was more perfect and stronger than he predicted.

And Cecil, who is alongside him, is a woman, but under this powerful wave, it seems like a reef standing in the waves, motionless, just blocking his eyes with his hands, holding himself down by the wind. Tousled hair.Looking at the vigorous back of Lancelot galloping in the wind, he muttered.

"Quite fast, twice as fast as expected!"

"Faster than written in the manual!"

At the same time, in Lancelot's cockpit, which was shot out like a cannonball, Suzaku also sighed like Cecil.Although it is the first time to start, the performance of Lancelot obviously far exceeds the data obtained by the test.

This also shows from the side that Suzaku's quality has reached the point of being able to control such a body and start at full speed from the beginning.

Although Lancelot was the seventh-generation Knightmare of the prototype type, it was completely different from every other generation of Knightmare before.That kind of huge gap is like the first-generation Knightmare that has just been developed and can only be active in front of you, and the current Empire’s mass-produced model, the sixth-generation Knightmare.

Because Lancelot, the name itself belongs to one of the twelve knights of the round table sequence.The body of the Twelve Knights of the Round Table is the most powerful existence in the body of the same generation.

In other words, Lancelot, although it is a prototype of the seventh-generation Knightmare, is manufactured in accordance with the seventh-generation ace suit, which is the suit for the Knights of the Round Table.

Lloyd completely ignored the driver and created this chaotic body. To be clear, it is not something that humans can control at all. For the driver's physical fitness, it has reached almost abnormal requirements.

But today, there is a pervert, and I did it!

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Four

"Ah, what is that? As far as Sutherland is concerned, it's too..."

The red alarm that the enemy approached quickly sounded. Sitting in Jade City in Sutherland, which was obtained from the mysterious man, was enjoying the joy of defeating Bunitania. After hearing the alarm, he dumbly looked back at the screen.

However, on the electronic image, the enemy image captured by radar, which was just across the street 100 meters away, flashed in front of him at a speed that the naked eye could not capture, and then blasted his head with a punch.

The automatic ejection device in the cockpit has not been activated yet, and Yucheng, who is afraid of death, has actively pressed the button to eject the cockpit.Not enough, with his reaction speed, the other party really wants to kill him, and he can still do it easily.However, what is strange is that the white body did not pursue it, but moved on and rushed towards the next target.

It was precisely because Yucheng escaped too fast that he didn't tell his companions about the mysterious white body.

"Ha ha ha... If you work harder, Clovis's defensive circle will completely collapse!"

I don’t know that a mysterious Knightmare has joined the battle. Lulu Xiu, who is lurking in the middle of the building, is happily enjoying the joy of victory. The Veretta in his crotch is also struggling with the root that has been launched once, but still High-spirited clone.

At this moment, the communicator rang suddenly.

"This is Group B, confirm the enemy shadow!"

"Huh? Are there any reinforcements! Actually, the actual combat is still somewhat different!"

On the chessboard, at this time, the enemy's chess pieces should have been played out, but in reality, with the strong military strength of Bunitania, this level of loss has not yet reached the level of real damage.

It's just that Lu Lu Xiu was a little surprised to be able to endure it until now and still retain the reserve force.

It seems that in the past eight years, Clovis is not without a trace of growth.

"What about the situation?"

"All escaped! But the four machines were..."

The voice on the other side was filled with infinite horror.

"How about the number of enemies?"

Lulu Xiu raised his eyebrows lightly and asked.

"One machine! One machine!"

The trembling voice clearly showed his inner shock and fear.


There was a rare look of surprise on Lulu Xiu's face. This was the first time he showed a surprised expression since he commanded this battle.

Immediately afterwards, the surviving members of Group B continued to report the situation and at the same time expressed their own guesses. However, before he could finish his words, he was replaced by a scream.

"Is that a new model? It's the first time I saw that white model! Hmm..."

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