Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 186

Didi di...

The sound of the communicator disconnected came from the other side, causing a bad premonition to rise in Lelouch's heart.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Opposite the communicator, the body that had just talked to Lelouch had been destroyed. Although the pilot escaped in time through the cockpit ejection device, the crisis was not resolved.

Because behind the fallen Sutherland, there are two Sutherland fuselages, holding their machine guns at the white fuselage that has never been seen before.

"You guy!"

The sacrifice of their companions gave the two of them time to react. Although they were laymen, they were separated at the time, so they were far apart. Even with their crude driving skills, there was plenty of room to aim. shooting.

Unlike a formal knight holding a gun and shooting with one hand, two Sutherland aiming with both hands can also accurately hit the opponent's unknown Knightmare.


At the moment they pulled the trigger, the mysterious white body stretched the arm of the right hand in front of them, opening a strange light shield.The bullets they fired were all bounced off by the thin light shield.

"What? Bounce the live ammunition away!"

The chance was finally obtained, but the result of the battle from the other side made Lelouch extremely disappointed.

"Ah, what should I do? It's on the west side..."

The screams came again!

"It's a useless terrorist, just a chance, not a knight of the round table! Except for Karen, there is no one in this group worth looking forward to!"

While Lelouch criticized the combat effectiveness of the terrorists, the two Sutherland that were shooting had been easily resolved by the mysterious white body, the Lancelot piloted by Suzaku.

One was instantly destroyed by the hook, while the other was bullied in front of him. The heel from the sky slammed on the head, and the cockpit immediately popped out of the body.

"Okay, it works! If it's this Lancelot! One breath..."

Inside the white plane, it was the first time to drive a Knightmare, but the Suzaku had a record of crashing the four planes, and said to himself excitedly.Although it was the first time, he felt that this Lancelot was like his clone, driven by an arm, and extremely dexterous. No matter what he wanted to do, this Lancelot could clearly follow his instructions. do it.

He has merged with this Lancelot.

"N4 and N5 hold him! When the follow-up troops arrive, they will surround him!"

Lelouch had already felt that something unexpected happened. On the battlefield, the commanders feared most were accidents.Therefore, we must now take everything back to our own control.Knocking on the chessboard, Lulu Xiu quickly issued instructions.

"I know!"


Two reinforced Sutherland rushed up from behind, shooting with guns.However, the bullet was bounced off by the strange light shield again.Not only that, because in the course of the battle, I was already familiar with the fuselage, so Suzaku rushed directly to the two enemy fuselages with his hand on the light shield. The short sword on the back of the hand instantly destroyed the heads of the two aircraft .

"Too fast! Can't stop this guy at all!"

With the last communication, the cockpits of the two Sutherland ejected and fled instantly.

"Hey, what's the matter!"

Listening to the drop of the communication on the other side, Lu Lu Xiu's bad feelings grew stronger.

"What happened? Could it be...Ace machine!"

Throwing the chessboard away, Lelouch grabbed Veretta's hair tied behind his head and pulled her up from her crotch.

"Veretta, are there any great knights in the 11th district?"

"Impossible. The most powerful knights in the 11th district are concentrated in the Tokyo Concession. The main pure-blooded me, Jeremya, and Kuel are three people. However, even us, it is impossible to be so short. I have destroyed so many Sutherland in time, and I have never heard of the white body!"

Veretta, who was suddenly pulled up, had extremely moist lips and looked extremely coquettish. Hearing Lelouch's question, her face stagnated, and she shook her head gently and replied.

"A white mecha that I haven't heard of? Ace Knight? Is it that..."

A strange thought faintly emerged in Lelouch's mind. He probably guessed the real body of the white machine.

"Really, I owe the emperor brother an unnecessary favor! But this way you can..."

At the same time, Clovis, who was originally angry, saw Lancelot's terrifying record on the strategic dashboard, and finally showed a relaxed smile on his face.Although I owe someone a favor, as long as you can get that person, everything is worth it.


The driving skill is second only to Karen's fan key, waiting at the end of the narrow alley to defend against the opponent's attack.But that white machine, faster than his bullets, jumped on the walls on both sides of the alley. Before he could react, it appeared in front of him like lightning.


There was a huge collision sound, and the mysterious white body did not slow down at all. It directly carried the head of the plane with its arm, and the momentum brought by the speed instantly took him to fly.


Sutherland's catapult device was ordered by the faithful executor of the program, and the fan was about to bounce out the moment Sutherland hit the opposite wall, making him escape.

"P1, P1...Could it be..."

The didi sound on the opposite side clearly told Lelouch that the terrorist captain Fan Yao also followed in the footsteps of those in front.

So far, all the terrorists have been wiped out except for Karen, whom Lelouch values ​​most.In other words, on the chessboard, in addition to his king, as well as the queen of Karen, all the chess pieces have been wiped out by a knight of the opponent.

"The enemy, is there really only one machine? Then, there is only one possibility!"

Lelouch put down the communicator, his face was extremely solemn, and now, he finally confirmed his guess.In such a short period of time, apart from the seventh-generation Knightmare, Lancelot, whose performance almost surpassed that of the Knights of the Round Table, who else could wipe out the terrorists in such a short period of time.

"Have you finally found your driver? Lancelot!"


Veretta repeated suspiciously. Of course she knew the name. The title that had been vacant for a long time among the Twelve Knights of the Round Table was the strongest existence among the previous generation of Knights of the Round Table.Only a long time ago, in that bloody night emblem rebellion, the sixth knight of the round table at the time, that is, Princess Marianna, the mother of Lelouch, was beheaded.

Because of this relationship, this ominous title has never been inherited.

But why now...

"Oh, it's the monster body, besides us, the person driving that thing can be found!"

Compared to Veretta, who knew nothing about it, CC was clearly someone who knew the meaning of Lelouch's words.It was just in her impression that the chaotic machine was not something humans could control at all.

Even if it is a heroic spirit, although the physical quality and response can meet and exceed the requirements of the body, there is no way for Yggdrasill to resonate.Only special talents who can get the approval of that machine body and can use him freely can truly exert his powerful combat effectiveness.

Among the legendary twelve knights of the round table, the strongest power of Lancelot!

While Lelouch and CC guessed the enemy’s true body and were shocked by the enemy’s terrorist capabilities, they sent a special guide to the control room of the Technical Department in the distance. Royd, Cecil and others were also using computers to observe the loss. Lancelot's actual combat situation and statistics.

"The data is higher than expected, so amazing!"

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