Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 200

The black-bellied queen with poisonous tongue completely lost her previous cunning and arrogance at this moment, her body trembled violently, her soft limbs were like water snakes, tightly entwining the man transformed into a beast.

"Ahhh...CC! Me, I'm coming soon too!"

Lulu Xiu spit out the two jade peaks on CC's chest that he had bitten a piece of red, and grabbed her lips with one bite. The tongues of the two rolled around in each other's mouth, grabbing each other's body fluid.At the same time, the tightly connected parts below also produced a kind of wonderful pulsation.

The penis sunken deep in the girl’s deepest part expands again, pushing the girl’s vagina and uterus to the limit. Then, the desire to accumulate to the extreme is like a volcanic eruption, and the hot lava forms a torrent of torrents, which is toward the female's birth of small lives. The uterus rushed away, and the uterus that was pushed to the limit was filled with thick and hot semen in an instant.

At the same time, Hua Xin's CC, which was filled with a powerful blow by Lu Lu Xiu's life essence, also uttered a cry that could penetrate the soundproof wall, turning her feelings into a clear spring, showering on the lover's part. Pure liquids are mixed together, just like their hearts, tightly fused together, regardless of each other.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, CC, you are great!"

The dissatisfaction and complaints in his heart have disappeared at this moment. Lelouch maintains the state of combining with CC. The avatar that has finished venting swells again at the moment of malaise, and then pumps slowly without stopping, the murky liquid follows his Pulling it out, dripping on the bed sheet, the pink soft flesh that was exposed again, with Lulu Xiu's insertion, wrapped his penis, sinking in and turning out again.

The loud "pop" has also been replaced by a continuous "sizzling" sound of water.

"Well, I am also very comfortable!"

CC stroked Lelouch's back, lying motionless on the bed, enjoying his trickling thrusts.

"Well, what's the matter, now I can say!"

"Today, when I used GEASS, it failed!"

Lu Lu Xiu stroked the Yufeng on CC's chest with both hands, transforming them into various shapes, while kissing and licking his mouth while asking the doubts in his heart.

"On the second time!"

"Don't you know it yourself? Also, everyone's GEASS is different, that is the most true desire from the heart. Therefore, your GEASS ability, you still need to discover it yourself!"

CC's lazy voice answered slowly.

"Sure enough!"

Although I did not get the detailed answer I wanted to know, what I have learned so far is enough.Just like CC said, the specific abilities of GEASS need to be studied and familiarized by himself.

However, now is not the time to be familiar with the weapon of GEASS, but to enjoy the wonderful body of the witch of CC.

Chapter One Hundred and Sixty Four

The next morning, Lelouch, who got up from CC's body, took a cold bath, and after having breakfast with Nanali, he went to school.As for Mi Lei and Xia Li, they have already gone to the Student Union one step in advance. The morning is the beginning of the school day. Some things need to be arranged by the Student Union.

Heading to the classroom alone, after passing a small bridge across an artificial river, Lulu Xiu stopped, looked at the red GEASS mark in the depths of his eyes reflected on the water surface, and analyzed the current intelligence of this force.

"Since you can't get the specific information of GEASS from CC, you can only research it yourself! If you don't even understand how to use it, this effective weapon will only become a tasteless one, and in case of a critical moment , It fails just like yesterday's situation, then trouble!"

"At present, it can probably be speculated that it may only be used once for the same person. However, Karen’s situation is somewhat special. She has very strong mental power and may break free. Therefore, it is not effective for people with strong mental power, or The possibility of not being able to use it a second time!"

"You need to experiment with a few people before you can draw a conclusion that is closer to the truth!"


At this moment, a man's voice came from the other side.

Lu Luxiu looked up and saw that he was the teacher in the next class.

"Don't dawdle here, class will be coming soon!"

"Oh, got it!"


Lelouch agreed with a smile, and opened the GEASS of his left eye. A red mark emerged from the depths of his eyes, turning into a flying firebird, flying into the depths of the eyes of the oncoming teacher.

"Teacher, tell me the topic of the exam next time!"

The command that could not be resisted, through the eyes of Lelouch, distorted the opponent's ethics, spirit, will, and world.

"Edinburgh's shame and the journey to the New World, and about the Civil War..."

The teacher who had just walked over to the bridge stopped and quietly looked at Lelouch's eyes and answered his question.

(The power of GEASS has not failed, so the rest may be...)

Lulu Xiu secretly analyzed, and then closed the GEASS of his left eye.

When Lelouch stopped GEASS, the teacher also woke up and lost the memory of just now, making him a little dazed.

Before giving him time to think, Lelouch turned on GEASS for the second time and asked the same question again.

"Teacher, tell me the topic of the exam next time!"

"Don't be kidding, study hard! If it's you, it should be easy to get good grades!"

This time, the teacher in charge did not follow Lelouch's order, and walked past him directly, while replying in the teacher's tone.

"I know!"

Lulu Xiu watched the teacher leave, and had already reached the conclusion he wanted.

"Sure enough, it can only be used once for the same person, and the effective time and effect are related to the will of the person being casted by GEASS, that is, the spiritual power. Next, it is time to solve Karen's problem!"

The event that was out of control returned to the right track again, and the worries in Lelouch's heart finally subsided.

At the same time, while Lelouch was experimenting with GEASS abilities and thinking about how to solve the information about the Shinjuku incident that was leaked to Karen yesterday.In the classroom he went to, Karen was also leaning on the balcony alone, looking down at the students coming to class below, but holding a mobile phone in his hand, talking with someone.

"How is it? Long-lost school!"

It was the voice of a man.

"Red restraint, yesterday was history class!"

Karen replied boredly, if she let the girls around her yesterday see it, she would definitely be surprised.The current Karen, there is still a trace of a deep boudoir.

In the sloppy tone, there is a kind of strength and awe-inspiring that is different from that of a girl, and no one can ignore a strong sense of existence.

"Um, I'll go back to your side!"

There was a hint of impatience for the current environment in Karen's voice.

He is obviously Japanese, but he lives in a noble school in Bunitania.She is a strong and active girl, but she has to pretend to be a weak lady.I obviously like to go straight, but I want to talk to my classmates about cosmetics and dressing.

too tired!

In this school!

"The military is very tightly guarded. For the time being, you can hide in that place. In Japan, there is no safer place than there!"

Unfortunately, the voice on the phone broke Karen's extravagant hopes.

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