Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 201

"But, about that voice!"

Karen was still not reconciled. What she wanted was not to go to her companions, but to get the news of the mysterious person who rescued her and they notified last time.

She still remembered that the other party once told her that he came back to contact them.

"You can't find it by sound alone!"

The other side of the phone replied, not only Karen, on the other side, their resistance organization is also looking for the mysterious man who led them to defeat the invincible Bunitanian army.Unfortunately, from the very beginning, they only heard the voice of the other party, and at the same time, they could be sure that the other party was a young man, about the same age as Karen, and knew nothing about other things, such as his name or appearance.

There is not even a clue to look for.

"Also, Naoto will be happy if Karen goes to school!"

He seemed to know that his words couldn't convince Karen. On the other side of the phone, the fan asked hidden in the secret base, looked at the photo on the table behind him, and replied in an emotional tone.

In that yellowish photo, a wise man was sitting on a rock. Beside him, Karen with a childish face bent over and smiled at the camera. Behind them, he looked a little dull. Fan wants.

The sitting man who occupies most of the photo is named Naoto Hongyue and is Karen's brother.And their resistance organization "Red Moon" was also created by him.Unfortunately, in an operation not long ago, he died under the gun of Bunitania, and even the body was not recovered.

And what he got at the cost of his life was the red-painted Knightmare that Karen drove-Glasgow!


Karen let out an unwilling nasal sound, but Fan wanted to use her dead brother as an excuse, so she couldn't refute it.

"Forget about Shinjuku for now and contact you later!"

As if for fear that Karen would say anything, Fan wanted to hang up the phone.

Didi di...

Hearing the beep from the other side, Karen closed the phone with a gloomy expression.

"Shinjuku, although I also understand...Ah!"

When Karen was talking to herself, saying the word "Shinjuku", a scene suddenly flashed in her memory.

Yesterday, the strange boy said the same thing to himself.

"Never say anything about Shinjuku!"

"Could it be that the voice at that time..."

Karen recalled the conversation with the boy yesterday, but the other person only said a few words at the time, and her attention was focused on the name Shinjuku, but she didn't care much about the other person's voice.

It is necessary to observe!

Thinking of this, Karen turned around and walked towards the classroom.

Soon, the class bell rang, and students of the same grade were filled with teachers.I don't know if it was occasionally or deliberately, Karen and Lelouch, who were full of thoughts, were sitting in front and back, one in front and the other behind.

As a punishment for skipping class yesterday, shortly after the class, the teacher named Lelouch's name and asked him to answer the content of the class yesterday.

Before attending the class, Lulu Xiu, who had learned about the content of yesterday's class from Xia Li, clearly answered the correct answer.

"The first is aristocratic education, especially for rulers to conduct concentrated education and training to cultivate excellent rulers. The second is speed..."

(Yes, although the frivolous tone is a little different from the confident voice, it's very similar. The kind of mysterious tone that makes people feel attracted to it.)

Listening carefully to the voice of the man named Lulu Xiu behind him, Karen compared it with the voice of the mysterious person in his memory in detail, and found that it was very similar.However, she could not be sure just by her voice.

Using the mirror in his hand to reflect the way Lulu Xiu was speaking behind him, his tone of voice was somewhat different from the strong and confident tone of the mysterious person.

(No, the memory of the sound is not reliable, not to mention, the sound through the communicator has changed somewhat!)

It must be tested!

At this time, Lelouch's answer was over.After getting the teacher's "sit down", Lelouch looked back from the teacher and passed Karen in front of him.At that moment, he clearly saw the suspicious look of Karen reflected in the mirror that was quickly put down.

(Have you started to observe me! I only leaked information from Shinjuku, but...)

(If he/she knows my true identity...)

Karen and Lelouch were almost thinking about the same question in their hearts.

(It is necessary to talk in depth!)

Whether it was Lelouch or Karen, for the time being, they didn't want to reveal their identity so quickly.One is carrying a major event, hiding countless unspeakable secrets.One is that he has a special identity, and he is not ready to reunite with that mysterious person or even expose his dual identity.

Chapter 165 Harassment in Class

(But, that mysterious person, is this guy really?)

Karen sat quietly in her seat, her forehead was covered with blue veins, and her body was trembling slowly. It was because her anger had endured to the limit.Behind her, a finger touched her back and stroked it.

A strange heat flow penetrated into her skin through the fingertips and through the clothes.

(This guy! This guy! This guy...)


Kallen's fists were tightly clenched, and the sound of joints rubbed.

Unfortunately, no matter how angry or angry she was, she did not dare to jump up and beat him without confirming the identity of the other party.Moreover, she was not allowed to do so in the image of her weak and often sick eldest lady in school.

What is even more irritating is that she has already cast a look at the girls sitting next to ask for help, but when they see that they are being frivolous by the man behind them, they not only ignore them, but move their bodies instead. Covered the teacher's sight.What's more, he cast envious and jealous eyes on her.

"It's just right, you can be touched by Master Lu Lu Xiu!"

"I also want Master Lulu Xiu to be as frivolous to me!"

"That hateful woman, who is obviously being petted by Master Lulu Xiu, still shows that kind of dissatisfaction, she must be deliberate!"

The whispers of the surrounding group of female classmates passed into Karen's ears, making her angry, and even more dissatisfied with the beautiful man named Lelouch behind him. No, that was already close to hatred.

From the girl's trembling body, Lelouch clearly felt the anger in Karen's heart.But he also knew that in front of so many people, as a delicate eldest lady, Karen wouldn't go crazy.

Therefore, after enjoying the smooth and delicate back of Karen with his fingers, Lu Luxiu covered the girl’s back with his palms, gently rubbing it, and at the same time reached into Karen’s armpits. .

"Don't take too much of an inch!"

Karen trembled fiercely, lowered his head and gave a low warning to the direction behind him.

Just like Karen is wearing the mask of a sick eldest lady in school, Lelouch is here, also wearing a mask named Playboy.

In a sense, the homogeneity of these two people is very high. One is the prince of Bunitania, and the other bears the name of the Hutafelte family, one of the eight great nobles of Bunitania. Missy.However, both of them were full of deep-seated hatred of Bunitania, and even thought of subverting the country all the time.Although the ultimate goal is somewhat different, the process is the same.

This invisible connection connects them together under the touch of the hand of fate.

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