Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 202

Therefore, Lulu Xiu, who had a great affection for Karen, was even happier seeing the other side's interesting reaction.It's like those bad boys who deliberately attracted girls' attention through pranks when they were young.

Lelouch’s big hand, with the encouragement of Karen’s “threat”, slammed through her body while Karen’s arm was not clamped, and then grabbed the one on her chest. The chili milk is not much smaller than Mi Lei.


Lelouch's big hand slammed the girl's sensitive chest, even if Karen could bear it, she couldn't help but let out a scream.Obviously, Lelouch's boldness exceeded Karen's imagination.

Karen's screams instantly attracted everyone's attention, and even the teacher on the podium turned his attention.


Karen saw that everyone in the classroom was looking at him, and two red clouds flew up instantly on her face, making her angry.He stared at Lelouch behind and shouted in a low voice.

"Hurry up and let go!"

Unfortunately, the teacher on the podium's response was beyond Kallen's expectations.

"Well, Lelouch, Karen! Pay attention, even if you are affectionate, don't disturb others!"

Obviously, the teacher on the podium regarded Karen as a member of the school's support group who liked Lelouch.There have been this situation several times before. Lelouch and the schoolgirls were intimate in class, and even did more excessive things.

Someone also said at that time, but in the end, they were scolded by the few girls who were frivolous in the classroom by Lu Lu Xiu, and even those who secretly teased the teacher for revenge.From then on, these teachers no longer care about Lulu Xiu's affairs.Moreover, some of the more old-fashioned teachers were also replaced by young and beautiful female teachers, and at a certain moment, they were sacrificed by the students to their princes.

In the classroom, in the garden, in the bathroom, in the dressing room... I was raped and insulted again and again, and then, from the initial resistance, to submission, and even in the end, I forgot to get a chance to be loved by the other party. Own dignity.

The intellectual woman who is about 30 years old on the podium was the one who was secretly given to Lulu Xiu as a sacrifice one month ago.In this classroom, she was stripped naked by four students, then she held her limbs and was raped by the student named Lelouch.Although only once, there is no doubt that this teacher, like the support group, is also a woman of Lelouch.

"I'm not……"

Karen, who was misunderstood, felt anxious and felt to explain.However, she swallowed back into her stomach after touching the eyes of the teacher and the group of female students around.

"Although the shame play in the classroom is very attractive, it is not good if it interferes with other people's studies, you know?"

The intellectual teacher had never looked at Lelouch behind Karen. That time she was also in the classroom, helped by a group of female students, and then asked Lelouch to rectify the Fa on the spot.So at this moment, seeing this scene, the teacher did not dare to look at Lulu Xiu, but stared at Karen in warning, then picked up the book again and began to teach.


Lelouch replied naturally, and the five fingers sunk in Karen's breast began to rubbing slowly.A very comfortable elasticity was passed back to the hand, and the wonderful touch was like a flexible ball, and it was a very soft one, with a touch of warmth, which made Lulu Xiu uncontrollably continue to touch it.

It is so comfortable between the clothes and the bra. If you stretch into it and touch it without the interference of fabric, it will be so comfortable.

Lelouch felt a little hot in his nose.


Obviously, Karen did not understand the current situation.

This dandy obviously insulted himself in the sacred classroom. Other students, including the teacher, saw it, but why didn't they stop it.Even if they all misunderstand that they are the man's girlfriend, it is impossible for them to act recklessly in class.

Karen, who has been "sick" all the time, and who considers herself a Japanese and doesn't have too much interaction with classmates, obviously doesn't know what kind of existence Luloxiu is in this academy.

Even those classmates who had made good friends with her, because they were the fans of Lelouch, they had never talked about Lelouch's situation to Karen.All these accidental factors have caused Karen's current situation of ignorance and helplessness.

Terrible situation, for Karen!

From the big hand that was rubbing his chest, a strange heat flow made Karen's body a little hot.Although I don't know why the people around me reacted so strangely, but for Karen now, he only needs to understand this fact.

No one can help her to get rid of the clutches of the man behind her.

When Karen was thinking about it, the big hand on the chest, the powerful five fingers, like a pianist, gently stimulated her sensitive nerves beside the sensitive breast peak.The strange and comfortable feeling faintly rose from the bottom of Karen's heart, causing her body to continue to tremble, but the reason for the trembling now was completely different from the emotions of excitement and anger just now.

The suspicion of the mysterious person's identity, and the molesting of Lulu Xiu yesterday, caused a subtle feeling in Kallen's heart.

With a hint of sweetness, and a faint sourness.

Karen’s reaction was the best motivation for Lelouch. His fingers were more proficient in testing the G-spot of the opponent’s body. Every time he pressed his fingers, he would be immediately ejected by the unexpected elasticity. Down, Karen's body twisted uncomfortably, and at the same time the pink nipple at the top of the breast, like a lost cherry, slowly hardened.

Lulu Xiu, who was very familiar with women's bodies, clearly felt the change of Karen, and pressed the tip of his middle finger to the hardened cherry, and gently tapped Karen's areola.

Life is like rape. Since you can't resist, just enjoy it silently!

Having been acting as a double-faced person, living a double life at school and outside, Karen has never enjoyed a normal teenage life, not even a friend of the opposite sex.The group of people in the organization can only be regarded as like-minded companions.

Therefore, when he realized that he couldn't resist, Karen's attention was naturally focused on the feeling that Lelouch's big hand brought to him.

For a Knightmare driver, and Karen with super mental power, she is extremely sensitive to the changes and feelings of her body.Therefore, Lelouch's skillful touch and rubbing gave her a particularly strong feeling.

Karen, who was touched by the opposite sex for the first time, was at a loss from the beginning. After slowly adapting, she regained the physical and psychological pleasure of contact with the opposite sex.

Men and women are like positive and negative poles. Although they are different, once they meet, they will attract each other.

Karen, whose body was getting hotter and hotter, buried her head deeply in her chest, her eyes became more and more blurred as she looked at the big hand that was rubbing on her chest.However, her strong self-esteem and firm will made her unable to shout.Only a faint groan came out of her clenched lips.

The voice was so low that even the two girls sitting next to her did not hear it. Only the culprit behind her, and Xia Li, who was always watching the movement here, heard the groan from this strong girl.

Chapter 166 The Disturbed Tryst

Ding Ding Ding...

The bell after class finally rang!

After a "stand up", the students left the classroom one after another.The boys didn't want to see a beautiful woman fall into Lelouch's claws again, while the girls mostly gathered nearby, forming a circle in twos and threes, peeking at Lelouch and Karen.

Lelouch's hand squeezed hard on Karen's chest, and finally pulled it back, and began to pack the books on the desk.

"Can you accompany me, I have something to tell you!"

After packing up his schoolbags, Lelouch's predecessor leaned down, reached the ear of Karen who was sitting in front, and said softly.The warm breath blew into Karen's ears, causing her to shiver.

"Well, I also think that we need to have a good talk!"

Karen resisted the urge to punch Lulu Xiu, moved her ears away from the other's lips, avoided the kind of breath that made her bewildered by his mouth, and quickly took her to Lulu. Get messy clothes in order.

While she was sorting her clothes, mainly on the part of her chest that was wrinkled by Lelouch, Lelouch walked to her seat from behind and picked up her schoolbag.


Karen, who was finishing her clothes, asked in surprise when she saw Lelouch's actions.

"Your body is not very good, let me help you get it!"

Lelouch returned Karen with a handsome smile, and interrupted her.

"Ah! Master Lulu Xiu's smile!"

"So handsome!"

"It's a blessing to live!"

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