Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 204

After placing the food, Mi Lei took out the knives and forks from the box and placed them again.

"I plan to give you and Karen a surprise, how about it? Surprised!"

Well, it was a surprise indeed!

Lu Lu Xiu's face was full of wry smiles, and Mi Lei was missing.This mischievous goddess, she must be on purpose.If he had known that Mi Lei would arrange Karen's welcome party here, how could he bring Karen here?

"Hurry up and let me go!"

Karen, who hadn't planned to pretend, instantly regained the image of the weak lady, and reminded in a low voice.

Hearing Karen’s reminder and the appearance of Mi Lei and Xia Li, this time is indeed not the time to show off the playboy style.In desperation, Lulu Xiu could only loosen Karen's waist temporarily, but when he left, he rubbed the fat-like skin for a while, then deliberately moved to the tip of his nose and took a deep sniff.

Karen looked blushing, stared at the playboy bitterly, and distanced himself from the man.

"Ah, you don't know me yet! I'm Mi Lei, the president of the student union, please give me your advice in the future!"

After Karen and Lelouch separated, Mi Lei also arranged all the plates and knives and forks, and then wiped her hands before turning around and introducing herself to Karen with a smile.

"Ah, please advise!"

When encountering this situation for the first time, Karen was a little nervous, bowed somewhat restrained, and replied.

"I'm Lival, the secretary of the student union, you can just ask me if you don't understand...Ah! Maybe it's not necessary, after all, Lelouch is the vice president of the student union!"

The group of people who came downstairs, the cheerful Lival first introduced himself, and at the end of the conversation, he turned a few times between Karen and Lelouch with meaningful eyes.

"I'm Xia Li, and I'm also a swimming club, please take care of me!"

Xia Li's gaze stayed on Lelouch all the time, knowing that Livar had finished the introduction, she looked at Karen and introduced her name.

"Well, I'm Nina, the accountant of the student union! Hello, first time meeting!"

The bookish girl in glasses, Nina, looked even more disturbed than Karen, and her restrained voice also calmed Karen a little bit from her tension.

"Hello, thank you!"

A smile was given to the members of the student union in front of him, and Karen's heart was filled with a strange but pleasant feeling.Having always excluded herself from Bunitania and self-identified as a Japanese, she felt the friendship from Bunitania for the first time.

In fact, the Bunitanians are not as bad as they thought!

Chapter 167 Welcome Party

Chi Chi Chi...

There was a sound of rolling wheels, and then a clear and sweet voice that was unique to a little girl who had not grown up was heard, like a lark, softly and tactfully, fascinating.

"Um, Sister Xia Li! Excuse me, can you put this on the table for me?"

Lelouch and Karen immediately looked up. From the door where Mi Lei appeared, a girl in a wheelchair was slowly approaching.The automatic wheelchair slid on the floor, seeming to cheer for being able to carry such a cute little angel.

It is not an exaggeration to describe a girl with the word angel.

The flax-colored wavy hair grows up to the waist. In the soft hair, a few strands of golden luster are occasionally reflected, like a waterfall flowing under the sun.The girl's face is very delicate, as perfect as a smooth and eye-catching porcelain.Under the faint eyelashes, there were a pair of tightly closed eyes, which made him unable to help but take a closer look and explore the mystery of this perfect little angel.

Yes, even with disabled legs and blind eyes, the girl's perfection still cannot be concealed.Especially the incredibly petite junior high school uniform, and the pink tie tied to her flat chest, added 200% cuteness to the girl.

Looking at such a perfect little girl, the expressions of Lulu Xiu and Karen, who had originally had a completely different atmosphere, instantly softened, and their eyes became extremely soft.

"Thank you, Nanali!"

"Nanali, even you..."

Lelouch looked at the younger sister in the wheelchair and gave Mi Lei a dissatisfied look.Obviously, it's the ghost of this mischievous goddess again. Surprise, it's really a surprise!


Karen let out a startled suspicion, and apparently, she realized that Lelouch had a completely different attitude towards Nanali than others.The tenderness and affection contained in the surprise immediately reminded people of the term "young sister control".

It seems to be confirming Karen's speculation, Lelouch said that was not enough, and walked up impulsively.

"It's Lelouch's sister!"

Mi Lei noticed the doubt on Karen's face and explained with a smile.

"I am in the middle school, not a full member of the student union! But occasionally I will come here to play!"

After Mi Lei finished explaining, Nanaly in the wheelchair also smiled and explained why she was here.

"It doesn't matter, you can come whenever you want!"

Lulu Xiu, who walked to Nanali, knelt on one knee, held his sister's little hand, and said softly.

"Onixam, you are too nervous!"

Nanali chuckled a few times and replied happily, and then "eyes" passed through her brother, looked at Karen who was standing there, and greeted politely.

"Miss Karen, please take care of me!"

"Please take care, you are so kind!"

Facing Nanali's gentle smile, for a while, even Karen briefly forgot his identity, forgot the hatred with Bunitania, and returned an equally gentle smile.In addition, the dissatisfaction with the playboy kneeling in front of Nanali has faded a lot.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start with a toast!"

When everyone gathered at the table, Lival didn't know where to take out a bottle of wine, and slammed it on the tablecloth, causing the plates to bounce.

"Ah, it's champagne!"

Xia Li pointed to the bottle of wine in Livar's hand and shouted.

"It's not good for the students to drink by themselves, it's against school rules!"

Nina, who was good at studying, reminded hesitantly.

"Okay, okay! Don't be so staid!"

Lival didn't listen to Nina's words at all, and started to open the cork of the champagne.

"This obviously won't work, don't teach Nanali!"

As Xia Li said, she was going to grab the champagne in Livar's hand, but Livar, who had already prepared, turned around and ran.


Nanaly, who was biting her ears with Lelouch, heard the movement from the dining table, moved her face away from Lelouch, and looked over.

"Don't worry about them, Nana can drink this!"

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