Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 205

Seeing the mischievous Lival, Mi Lei, who likes to play pranks, didn't mean to stop, poured half the fruit juice, came to Nana, and handed it to her hand.

"Hurry up and give it to me!"


Obviously, Livar knew the power of Xia Li, so she didn't entangle with her at all, but kept running around the dining table.Seeing this, Xia Li waved her hand neatly and directly grabbed the wine bottle held by Lival in the air.

"Catch it, Lelouch!"

Knowing that his stamina is definitely not better than Charlie, Lival threw the champagne at Lelouch in time.


Lelouch, who was standing next to Nanali, heard Lival's voice, looked up and saw the champagne flying towards him, and subconsciously reached out to catch it.

"Lival, don't be in front of Nanali..."

Chi Chi Chi...

The sound of foam agitation came from the champagne in his right hand, causing Lelouch to feel a bad feeling.Sure enough, when he looked back, the champagne in his hand had already expanded to its limit.

It was caused by Livar shaking the bottle when he fled.


Just when Lelouch thought of this, the power of the champagne in the bottle had been accumulated to the extreme, and the cork flew towards Karen in the distance with a pop.

When the cork flew in front of him, Karen, who was standing in place with a weak expression on his face, condensed his eyes fiercely, and his right hand stretched out like lightning, slapped the cork flying.After taking the flying cork, Karen realized the role she was playing now, and her body stopped abruptly.

And the champagne spurted out of the cork happened to fall on the head of Karen who was stunned in place.


Everyone looked at the champagne spring pouring over Carlen's head and was stunned.

"Look at what you did, Livar!"

Xia Li taught Livar a lesson, and immediately aimed at Lelouch.

"And Lulu too! Why are you so obedient to catch it!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about them! Karenchan, change your clothes and go take a shower!"

It was Mi Lei who calmed down first, and while instructing, she took out her handkerchief and gently wiped Karen's wet hair, then took her hand and walked towards the second floor.

"Ah, um! I'm bothering you!"

Karen followed Mi Lei with a frustrated expression, and while passing by Lulu Xiu, he gave him a hateful look.

"Well, don't just stand there, you guys come and clean up too! Really!"

Seeing that the victim Karen left with Mi Lei, Xia Li immediately transformed into a female tyrannosaurus, shouting at the two culprits, Livar and Lelouch.

After cleaning up the hall's traces, the protagonist left, and the welcome party was naturally unable to continue.Handing over the dining table and follow-up tasks to Livar, Lelouch pushed Nanali back to the middle school, and after handing it over to Sakishiko, he returned to the student union club.

"His Royal Highness, everything is ready!"

Still in a gorgeous and outrageous knight costume, Tolia stood proudly in the room next to the club’s bathroom, looking at the black-haired boy who opened the door and the monarch she served-Lelouch.

"How is it? Karen her!"

Lelouch handed the tape recorder he had prepared to Tolia, looked at the direction of the bathroom next door, and asked.Here, with their keen five senses, they can clearly hear the sound of colorful water in the bathroom, and even the sound of Karen wiping his body.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Karen is the flame you have been looking for, to make up for the last element you are missing! Add CC, Kagura, and Xia Li. Now you are perfect! The king's army is ready to become an army !"

Tolia held the hilt with his right hand, knelt down on one knee, congratulated.

She was the first person to discover the spiritual abnormality of Lelouch. Ever since Lelouch and Xia Li fell in love, Tolia, who was almost like the shadow of Lelouch, clearly felt the change in the mood of her own monarch.

Not from the infection of the king's brand, but from the sublimation and perfection of his own soul.It was at that time that she discovered the drawbacks that had always existed in Lelouch's heart.

Lonely yin is not long, lonely yang does not grow!

Throughout the ages, behind all successful men, there has always been one or more great women.

And with the identity of Lelouch, even the witch CC, who has lived for a thousand years, cannot be less than the part that Lelouch lacks.She is the wind, she may be able to accompany Lu Luxiu all the time, but it is impossible to accompany him on the battlefield personally.

And Kagura, although she has the tolerant power of the earth, she is considerate and can only be a shield of Lelouch's soul.

As for Xia Li, she can only use her deep and deep love for Lu Lu Xiu to soothe his wounds, the gentleness of water, and everything about men.

The last one is still missing!

A person who can guard Lelouch's side and bathe in the flames of war, a girl who symbolizes the flame and makes up for the last part of Lelouch.But does such a girl really exist!

Tolia possesses the mighty power of the world proudly. She can cut off the mountains and split the sea with one sword, but she cannot become a flame, but light!

Divine light, omnipresent light!

However, light will never become a flame!

She did not have the violent flames, the enthusiasm of the flames, and the fierceness of the flames, igniting the cold heart of Lulu Xiu!

This person is Karen!

This angry red lotus!

Chapter 168 The Telephone in the Bathroom

"So Bunitanians, really!"

Kallen enjoyed the hot shower to his heart's content, washing away the champagne smell from her body.At the same time, I also complained a little about the student union that caused my current situation.

But judging from the smile at the corner of her mouth, Karen was in a good mood.

This kind of experience is very fresh and easy for her, who has been taking sick leave from school, but is actually in the slums and her companions to fight against Bunitania. It is very fresh and very relaxing, full of a unique kind of school life. breath.


The sound of the automatic door opening in the bathroom reached Kallen's ears.

"who is it!"

Karen asked vigilantly, and at the same time gently opened the shower curtain, and immediately saw the person walking in through the door.

"It's you! Lelouch, what are you doing here?"

Her face sank, Karen's heart was full of warnings to Lulo Xiu who walked in from outside without knocking, and at the same time tightened the shower curtain even more, asked.

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