Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 206

"Take replacement clothes, do you want to wait for the clothes to dry before coming out?"

Lelouch put the clothes for Karen on the side cabinet, loosened the collar, and walked towards the bathroom.There was an evil smile on his face, which made Karen look a little hairy.

"Even so, I broke into the bathroom of the girl who was bathing without asking! It's really bad!"

Karen let out a scolding, trying to hide her body behind the shower curtain.

"Oh, do we still need to mind those?"

Lelouch continued to walk towards Karen, who was hiding behind the shower curtain. From the expression on his face, one could guess what he wanted to do.

"What do you want? Don't come over!"

Seeing Lelouch approaching step by step, Karen was obviously panicked.Now that I don't wear anything on my body, even if I subdue the other party, my body will be seen.

Being frivolous in the class before can also be explained as involuntary, but if this kind of situation exposes the girl’s pure body to a playboy who is unkind to herself, no, it’s simply staring, coveting and salivating. Karen would never agree.Her feelings for Lelouch hadn't reached the point of being frank with each other.

"Didn't you already guessed it?"

Lelouch had already unbuttoned the school uniform, and threw his jacket aside, revealing the white shirt inside and the skin that was fairer than a woman's.But even so, it was the skin of a man, and it was even more sensational in such an ambiguous situation.

"It's a rare opportunity, the situation now is much better than the environment in the club tryst! We have done some business, right?"


Karen was ashamed and indignant to see that Lulu Xiu's face was so thick.But now is not the time to think about how to teach this guy in the future. Although the bathroom is very large, he can walk to his side in less than ten seconds in Lelouch's steps.Moreover, his coat has been taken off and he is unbuttoning his shirt.

No matter how strong and brave the real Karen is, she is a girl after all. In this situation, it is impossible not to be afraid.

"If you want me to really hate you, you can continue, but I will be very disappointed in you, and don't think I will see you in the future!"

"Ah, I'm just kidding! Don't be so cruel!"

Hearing Karen's decisive words, Lelouch finally stopped, and put down his hands that unbuttoned all the buttons of the inch shirt.The soft chest is very different from the girl. Although it has the fairness and tenderness that makes Karen jealous, it is full of a boy's unique masculinity, and Karen's eyes are a little flustered.

Clenching her fists, Kallen kept admonishing herself in her heart, "I haven't confirmed whether he is the mysterious person and cannot have any contact with him".

After a long time, finally calming down his restless mood, Karen glared bitterly at Lu Luxiu, who had an innocent expression on his face, and said sarcastically.

"The way you want to swallow me in your stomach doesn't seem to be a joke!"

"Uh, that's the case, is the girl's boring pride!"

"Isn't this taken for granted! Don't think of me as a group of idiots whose IQ becomes negative when they see you!"

"Of course, if you are like them, I am very disappointed!"

"So, can I continue to stay here?"

Karen also knew that being able to stop him was already the limit. If he was really driven away, I really didn't know what he would do.

"Whatever you want, but don't get close to me within five meters!"


Lelouch was stunned, and then seeing the determination on Karen's face, he nodded helplessly.

"Speaking of which, I'm sorry! Those guys are too noisy!"

Backing to the wall behind him, Lelouch put his hands in his pockets bored, looking through the shower curtain, looking at the moving figure of Karen inside, looking for topics.

"Nothing, it's not bad to enjoy such innocent happiness occasionally!"

Seeing Lulu Xiu finally stopped, Karen was relieved, put down the opened shower curtain, continued to shower, feeling the sensation of hot water washing her body, it seemed that all the troubles were washed away.

"The replacement clothes belong to me, so it shouldn't matter!"

Thinking of the clothes, Lelouch carefully watched the figure of Karen on the shower curtain, admiring the graceful and perfect jade of the girl.body.In terms of height, Karen may be shorter than Xiali, but the curve of the body is obviously better than that of Karen.

Compared to Xia Li, who stopped growing and growing six months ago, Karen's figure is more sexy, especially the crisp, chest and hips, which are only slightly worse than Mi Lei.

"Well, I won't mind these!"

Karen had no idea that her figure had clearly entered Lelouch's line of sight behind a shower curtain, and the movement of her wiping off her skin spurred Lelouch's little sense.

"Speaking of which, you are so fast, you have been to the men's dormitory!"

"It seems that you rarely come to school, otherwise you wouldn't know, I will live here!"


Karen did not know.

"Life in the dormitory is very difficult for Nanali! And I have some money, and the Ashford family also has a relationship with me. This villa was actually built by the chairman for me and Nanali!"

Staring at Karen's figure motionlessly, Lelouch's breathing became more and more rapid. He forcibly endured the impulse of his body, only subconsciously answering Karen's question.At this time, he didn't realize that his unconscious answer would become a flaw to expose his identity afterwards.

Karen, who had already doubted his identity, confirmed his identity even more, that is...

"is it?"

Karen's hand gently stroked her slender arm, suddenly thinking of something, and shouting to Lelouch who was standing outside.

"Can you help me with the little bag over there?"

"Well, of course!"

Lelouch replied in an instant, how could he let it go and calm his restless breathing if he could get a chance to get close to Karen.

"Yeah! More positive than I thought!"

Seeing Karen grabbing his wrist suddenly, and not concealing his strength in the slightest, the corner of Lulu Xiu's mouth curled slightly.

"Were you in Shinjuku that day?"

However, in the face of Lelouch's molesting, Karen's tone was unprecedentedly serious.

"what are you saying?"

Lelouch asked calmly, with an innocent expression on his face.

"Less garlic! Why would you tell me to forget about Shinjuku!"

"Shinjuku is there any inconvenience to you?"

"Don't use questions to answer my questions!"

Lu Lu Xiu's frivolous tone obviously made serious Karen angry. She picked up the small bag on the ground, opened a dagger with a click, and coldly questioned Lu Lu Xiu's wrist.

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