Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 308

Conelia, who completely puts aside the restraint of women, just thinks of riding on her body, the man who is constantly infringing on her body and every inch of skin, is her younger brother Lelouch, who grew up with her. The love she has suppressed for several years is like a resurrected volcano, erupting with all her strength.

Although he was in a dark cave, every time Lelouch looked at the charming and charming expression of the emperor's sister, he told him to love his hands and get a lot of sex, and immediately launched a round of violent thrusts, hardcore. When the penis is inserted, it roots to the bottom, and when it is drawn out, it reaches the edge of the cunt.

Cornelia secreted so many narrow waves that day that she couldn't help gushing out of lewd nectar, making do with the mature and soft mucous membrane rubbing the young and hard penis tenderness, and the sound of "puff and puff" erupted endlessly. The screams of adultery spread from the cave to the entrance of the cave, and the fact that siblings have committed each other seems extremely obscene.

The raging lust deep in Cornelia's heart burned and exploded unreservedly, and all the reservedness, ethics, and status were all beaten by Lu Lu Xiu's big cock.

"Wow... ah... so beautiful... good brother... fast... so powerful... so fucking emperor... so comfortable..."

Cornelia's body was trembling, her pink cheeks were red, her silver teeth bit her lower lip tightly, and her two jade hands were desperately pressed on her brother's head.Based on her posture, Lelouch’s head could only reach her breasts, but Lelouch did not slacken, like a breastfed baby brother, mouthing one of Cornelia’s fat and mature breasts. The protruding nipples, one hand grasps the other big tits and squeezes vigorously.

Cornelia's breasts that could compete with Mi Leifen were eaten by Lelouch wantonly, giving her double excitement and pleasure.Probably hereditary, Mariana and Nanali have very small breasts, while Cornelia and Euphemia have very large breasts.

Suddenly, Cornelia felt an unparalleled sensation of numbness and sensation right through her head, and she couldn't help but swayed her buttocks tightly with her flesh, and spit out incoherent noises in her mouth like dreams. language.

"Ah... hurry up... hurry up... fuck my sister... my sister is so comfortable... my younger brother... Lelouch... ah... hurry up and fuck your sister... no, go... went!"

A stream of yin essence vented from the heart of the flower, splashed directly on the bottom of Lelouch's penis and scrotum, and finally dripped on the stalactites.Lelouch also stepped up and thrust a few times, and the penis swelled to its limit was inserted to the end, reaching the depths of Cornelia's uterus, who was still immersed in the aftermath of the early orgasm. A huge amount of hot semen erupted, hot Cornelia. Yajiao's body trembled, and the second wave of climax was immediately ushered in.

With a loud scream and low growl, the voice in the cave finally calmed down.

it's finally over!

The two girls guarding outside the cave finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just as they guessed, in the cave, Cornelia was lying contentedly on Lelouch’s body, her delicate body trembling slightly and twitching from time to time. He sucked the part of the other party that had fallen into his body deeper.

Lulu Xiu gently stroked Cornelia's smooth back, and their clothes fell on the ground, sloppy, and it was no longer clear who was who.

"Do you want to do it again?"

Feeling that the part of Lelouch buried in her body still showed no signs of shrinking, Cornelia gently stroked her brother's cheek and asked.Not only Lelouch, but she was not completely satisfied. The longing and longing that had been separated for eight years could not be filled at once.

However, she, who has madly expressed her emotions, has slightly released her longing for eight years.Just like the long-dried earth, it is finally nourished by rain, even for a while, but it is already full of vitality.

"Although you really want to, but you still have to take the responsibility and clean up the troops that are still in chaos! I don't want this incident to damage your wiseness, Sister Cornelia!"

If you can't stand in the other side's position and think for her, such a man is just a scumbag who values ​​a woman's body!

"Ah! I will wait for you to contact me!"

Lelouch's gentleness and understanding moved Cornelia for a while.

"Just do it in your own way! Don't care about the Black Knights and me. If it is too obvious, it will be bad for us! If it were you, you should understand!"

"Who do you think I am!"

"This is my Cornelia!"

No change is the biggest change!

Chapter 246 Post-War Meeting

A summary of the Battle of Narita is being held in the conference room of the Governor's Mansion in the eleventh district of Bunitania.

"The Governor's operations have basically wiped out the Japanese Liberation Front! The combatants who were absconding were also caught one by one..."

The deputy general affairs officer of the 11th district is reporting on the follow-up report of the Battle of Narita. Unlike Cornelia, who focuses on the military, he and the officials sitting in his row are all civilian officials, and the opposite row is dressed in military uniforms. There are obvious differences between soldiers.

Whether it is from clothing, or temperament.

"Is that ridiculing me? The reorganization of our army is clearly in a predicament. Because of the Narita battle, ZERO and the Black Knights have not only gained momentum, but also have replaced the Japanese liberation front!"

On the main seat of the long conference table, Cornelia is still wearing a knight's suit with military uniform as the main tone. The purple brilliance and her lipstick complement each other, revealing an inherent nobility and arrogance.

In her vice-seat seated the Vice-Governor, who is also her sister Euphemia.Her formal attire is a little different from Cornelia.It is a noble and elegant costume designed in accordance with the Bunitanian royal tradition handed down from the Middle Ages.The colors are mainly white and light red, probably because of her age.Indeed, this clean color suits her better than the luxurious colors worn by those noble ladies.

Because she was going to attend a formal occasion, her long pink hair was tied into a bun, which was tied tightly behind her head, and fell like a waterfall, revealing a breath of vitality and youth.Unlike other serious people, her eyes have been turning around curiously, listening carefully to everyone's narration.

However, from her clear eyes, everyone knew clearly that this lovely Royal Highness did not understand anything at all!

"No, I didn't mean that!"

Hearing Governor Cornelia's self-deprecation, a cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the Deputy Secretary.

"Speaking of the original policy after the occupation, it was wrong! The underground railway network in the 11th district, why the mines and mines are left alone! The household registration management of the slums and the ownership of the cities are still ambiguous. This is how the anti-government greenhouse is nourished. Get up!"

Immediately afterwards, the first knight of Cornelia, Guildford began to question the civil servants, or the "legacy" of the former governor.

"Ahem! The territory of the 11th district is relatively narrow, so his underground railways are almost all over the country. If you want to fill out places outside the concession, not only the budget will be a problem, but ELEVEN will also cause riots!"

"Even if you know that you will become a base and escape route for terrorists?"

"This...according to the instructions of His Royal Highness..."

As a last resort, the Archon wiped his forehead with cold sweat and lifted out the dead Clovis.

Sure enough, hearing these officials carry Clovis as an excuse, Cornelia in the main seat bit her silver teeth secretly and signaled Guildford to stop questioning.The deceased is great, and continuing this topic will only discredit the royal family.At this moment, Cornelia also had a little understanding of why Lelouch would kill Clovis.This kind of guy, alive will only cause more suffering.

Guildford finally stopped attacking and questioning these remaining officials under the rule of Clovis, but Cornelia’s staff was not only one Guildford.The older Dalton is still behind.

"That... hitting too strongly will lead to a state of civil unrest, leaving the Chinese Federation with an excuse for intervention!"

The Archon is not a useless fool. To be able to retain this position under the purge of Cornelia, in addition to his huge network of relationships, his own strength is also a very important factor.Perhaps there are still a lot of criticisms in certain places, but politics itself is a dark and dirty thing.In order to maintain his current position and power, he himself has worked hard.

Seven years ago, the empire took down Japan and established the eleven districts, but it had to give the second largest island and Kyushu, second only to Tokyo’s economic aggregate, to the emperor of the Chinese Federation as a birthday gift and also to today’s eleventh. The turmoil in the district paved the way.

How can people snore on the side of the couch!

This principle not only applies to the Chinese Federation, but is even more important for the 11th District, which is separated from the mainland of Bunitania by the entire Pacific Ocean.

Nearly one million troops were stationed in the 11th district, and the third prince of the empire was sent to the town. In addition to the allocation of cherry stone resources, the awakening dragon-the Chinese Federation is the most critical factor.

"I have left an excuse!"

Guildford’s identity is unable to accuse the former third prince Clovis of the policies implemented, but as the second queen, Cornelia is not included in the current governor of the 11th district, she straightforwardly accused .

"ZERO's power is constantly strengthening!"

"The deputy secretary, there are representatives of the ELEVEN colonial autonomy under the management of the Ministry of the Interior! A group called NAC!"

Finally, taking advantage of the fact that the civil servants were overwhelmed by Cornelia, Dalton sent out his own questions. Through open and unannounced visits during this period of time, he has mastered a lot of secrets and intelligence about the 11th district.

The most important thing is this NAC!

Judging from the shocked reaction of the opposing group of civil servants, he was obviously playing the right card.

"Although I wanted to catch NAC's tail in that battle, the information was already buried in the mound! But the suspicion is very high. If you suppress this in advance?"

"Well, the collection of celebrities and chaebols is a relic of the past!"

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