Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 309

"Please wait a minute, it is only a rumor after all, there is no evidence at all. If they are suppressed, the economy of the 11th district will be stagnant, and it will also have a great impact on the taxation of the country. Moreover, NUMBERS is determined by NUMBERS itself To manage is the great principle of the empire!"

"Then the search for the Black Knights!"


Cornelia's fist slammed heavily on the conference table, and the ten-meter-long table made a violent vibration, and dozens of teacups on it also bounced.This incredible imagination, coupled with the enormous pressure radiating from Cornelia, made all the civilian officials frightened.

Even Guildford and Dalton, who were sitting next to them, were taken aback!

Shake this conference table with one punch, what a force!

Fortunately, there is an orthodox hero next to him, and Yuffi is sitting there!Her hand gently pulled Cornelia's clothes corner from below and shook her head.

Cornelia, who was transforming towards the heroic spirit, was unable to grasp it freely for a while because of her power increase too fast.Therefore, when emotionally excited, this inhuman power will leak out inadvertently.

Conelia, who was reminded by Yuffi, coughed a few times and calmed down her excitement.The movement of the body is not allowed, so the exuded mental power is still pressing on everyone, making her look full of endless majesty.

"From...From the remaining excavators and the traces of the scene, the landslide in Narita Mountain is obviously caused by ZERO, but from the bodies of the members of the Black Knights, no further information can be obtained..."

"You can't do it on Kyoto, and ZERO can't catch it! Do you know? Such a result can only show your incompetence!"

In the end, Cornelia ended the meeting with this sentence.

After the meeting, Cornelia and Euphemia came to their exclusive office.After letting Guildford and Dalton retreat, Cornelia summoned Dax, who had assisted Clovis, but served as a staff member of ZERO's internal response.

"Your Highness, Dax is here!"

"Let him in!"

Conelia, who had been listening to Yuffi's teaching how to use her own power, had been put into the drawer by her pistol, which she had crushed into a piece of iron, and said.


Dax in military uniform walked in and bowed respectfully to the two halls inside.

"Dax, we have checked the information with your master before I know it!"

With that, Cornelia picked up the file on the desk and looked at it.

"You turned out to be an officer of the first department of the Aries Devil. The reason why you came to the 11th district and became a staff officer was my introduction! Not only that, now one-fifth of the important positions in the 11th district They were all served by the nobles and non-commissioned officers, or their descendants who participated in the Lulu Xiu Full Moon Banquet back then!"

In that document, there are two lists, one is the list of people who participated in the Lulu Xiu full moon banquet that year, and the other is the list of officials in various important positions in the 11th district. On it, red ticked , The last name is the same, some even the first name...

"Yes, we all came to the Eleventh District under the leadership of Grand Duke Ashford. In order to follow His Highness, we always follow His Highness's dispatch!"

Dax kept his head down and confessed his identity, he naturally did not dare to look directly at the princess's appearance.

"I know your loyalty very well. Lelouch is the one I love most with Yuffi. No matter what he wants to do, we will unconditionally support him! You should know about today's meeting! Do you have anything to say? "

"Kyoto Six, or NAC, is headed by the only princess of the Japanese imperial family, His Royal Highness Kagura! She is recognized by His Highness, but the six Kyoto Families, including Taizo Kirahara, have never recognized God The leadership of His Royal Highness. Therefore, if the two governors can help His Highness Kagura Ya destroy the other five houses in Kyoto, so that all the power can be concentrated on His Highness Kagura Ya, I think His Highness will be very satisfied!"

"Kyoto Six, Isn’t Kirihara Taizo?"

Cornelia closed her eyes, tapping her fingers on the desk, thinking about something.

"Well, also, the secretary of affairs, is the closest ally of Taizo Kirahara!"

Later, Dax broke another very important piece of information.

"Oh, was that guy who was so nervous when he heard NAC?"

Cornelia's face showed a hint of mockery.

However, there is still something to do before solving the six families in Kyoto and presenting a meeting ceremony to the unmasked sister Kagura Ya!

The Japanese Liberation Front, Fujido, and...

Chapter 247 Funeral

That is not a special situation.

Under the gray sky, people gathered together with solemn expressions and solemn atmosphere.

This is the land called Aoyama. Even if the ruler changes from a Japanese to a Bunitanian, the role of this place has not changed. It is a place where we shed tears and pray to send away the soul who fulfilled the duty.

These days, the same situation is repeated.It is not only soldiers and terrorists who have lost their lives.Just three days ago, the landslide caused by the Black Knights and ZERO engulfed the city at the foot of the mountain, as well as the civilian facilities, houses and people who could not escape.

To say that this is one's own misfortune is probably a wayward one.Before, Bunitania did the same thing to Japan.Therefore, everyone knows that this cycle of sadness and hatred is part of the world people live in.

However, in this case, you should at least show a smile to the dead.If this world is full of hatred and going north, then at least I hope that people who are free from this world will get peaceful salvation.

This is the true meaning of prayer...this is also the wish of the living.

"He is a devout believer of God and our good friend. He is also a competent husband for his wife and a good father for his children. Here, I hope the Lord will give him a peaceful long sleep..."

At the same time as the priest's prayer was over, the people around picked up the shovel, tears hung on the face of the orange-haired girl, and the quietly placed coffin was covered with a layer of dark brown mud.

At this time, the mother of the orange long-haired girl suddenly ran out from the side.

It was a woman with olive-colored hair, wearing plain black casual clothes, her sad face, looked very pitiful, coupled with the pale skin and sadness, exuding a kind of sympathy Atmosphere.

"No, stop!"

This is the truest sorrow of the living, the survivor’s accusation that God has taken her husband away.

"Don't bury him! Then he will be very painful! It will be very painful! So please don't make him painful again. My dear, my dear..."

The mentally broken mother was stopped by others, the girl, Xia Li Finette hugged her from behind with trembling hands.


Why, why does this happen?

Xia Li hugged her mother and looked behind her.What appeared in front of her were the figures of friends who had come for her.

The head of the student council, Mi Lei, lowered her eyes in pain, Livar also bit her lip, Nina clung to the skirt of her uniform, Karen lowered her head as if she was enduring something, and Suzaku looked at the coffin with a serious expression. ,however.

There is one more person.

He is the black-haired boy the girl missed.

He did not look at the girl's eyes, and his dark pupils were as dim as they were carrying all the sins in the world-full of despair.

He kept looking down at the ground under his feet.


Xia Li wanted to ask.

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