Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 311

She sat on the bed, hugging a large cushion to her chest.The face, cold and delicate like a sculpture, still has a calm expression at this time.There is no emotional component in the voice.Although knowing that this is a common occurrence, now, it makes people very angry.

"You said before that you don't want to be bound by idealism."

Just after returning from the funeral, Lelouch, who sat on the sofa in his room without changing his clothes, was silent, and CC sitting on the bed said more ruthless words to him.

"Is it such a virtue just to deviate from the idea once? Are you talking and playing like a game? You have killed a lot of people so far. Use your hands, or rather, use your words."

"shut up……"

Lelouch answered CC's words in a gloomy voice for the first time.

CC didn't care, she went on.

"They also had families, lovers and friends."

A mocking tone was added to her voice.

"You're not going to say that you don't understand, are you? It's so happy to have such a brain. Your so-called determination is only this level—"

"shut up!"

He couldn't help yelling.

"If I'm determined, I have it, at that time... I personally solved my brother and Clovis!"

"So, why are you feeling lost now?"

CC was not timid, nor did he hesitate.Lelouch could not answer.

Seeing him like this, the long-haired girl snorted softly with her nose.

"Or is it moved by love?"

Lulu Xiu's blood boiled.

"Ah... I usually speak so boldly, but I turned out to be just an innocent kid who can just play with his lips. It's really easy to go with the flow of life. Tell you, Lelouch, just saying or not to practice the word was created for you, you The gentleness is used in the wrong place, the wrong time!"

CC said with a contemptuous smile.Before he finished speaking, Lelouch jumped up from the sofa and pushed down the girl sitting on the bed.As a result of grabbing her hard, the buttons on her clothes flew up, and her snow-white skin was exposed. Even so, CC still did not change his stern look, and looked at Lelouch with contempt.

"You no longer have the right to waver or stop. Carry your blood debt and kick away the hatred. If you can't do it, just give up that ridiculous wish and stay here with us to live. Wait until that man unifies the world. Or admit his identity is not bad, at least you can return to Bunitania and be your prince."



Lulu Xiu rudely tore up her CC clothes, exposing her snow-white chest in front of her eyes.Then came the lower abdomen, the pants, and the thin underwear inside.The ridiculed man looked at the beautiful body of the girl, completely transformed into a beast, fiercely pounced on it, and swallowed her completely.

Fly on CC’s naked body, Lelouch’s mouth frantically gnawed on CC’s lips, neck, and breasts, shed bright tooth marks one by one, and his lower body pointed his huge penis at CC. The unprepared flawless pussy was inserted in one breath, the hot glans opened the tight vaginal flesh, directly rushed into the witch's womb, and then thrust it fiercely.

Bang bang bang...

First was the sound of the physical impact. After CC’s body slowly reacted and secreted a slippery love fluid, then there was the sound of sizzling water, which made Lelouch even more crazy. The red and purple meat stick was like A hot red iron rod pierced CC's cunt fiercely, then pulled it out fiercely, bringing out a mass of pink soft flesh and lewd love liquid, and then fiercely inserted it.

Puff puff puff...

The obscene voice loves the notes, mixed with um, ah, groans and gasps, playing in the room as usual.

After a long time, with a low growl, Lelouch's penis was resting on CC's uterus, and a drop of hot semen was injected into her body.After that, Lelouch, who vented in the girl's body, stood up again, picked up his clothes, and rushed out of the room.

Now, he wants to rush to that girl!

CC listened to the voice, keeping the posture of being pushed down by Lu Lu Xiu, staring at the ceiling blankly.She didn't intend to sort out the torn clothes and the body that was severely ravaged.

The second hand of the wall clock ticked.

CC suddenly closed his eyes.then--

"It's tough, isn't it..."

She said such strange words.

Lelouch was no longer in the house.Only CC is left here.However, this sentence is not talking to himself, it is obviously for someone to listen to.

"I hope you have worked hard. A man like that can't let his temperament be when he is depressed. It is most appropriate to put a blow afterwards. He is already full of rebellious spirit."

CC opened his eyes and continued.

"Shut up, don't talk too much. I just hope that man is a little more mature, and he has done more excessive things, so..."

The sound of the second hand is still ringing.

"Ah... Anyway, malicious behavior will hurt your energy. Whether it's from the heart or not... It doesn't matter... It doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm tired. I'm going to sleep, don't disturb I……"


After a while, the soft snoring sound masked the sound of the second hand.


Entering July, although many things have happened, the 11th district is gradually returning to stability.

Unexpectedly, the Governor of the 11th District, Cornelia, did not take concealment measures for the series of events that was later called the "Narita Offensive and Defensive War".In fact, it is also because it cannot be concealed. The encirclement of the entire mountain and the subsequent ZERO-Black Knights raid and escape. If the losses caused by all this are limited to military installations and troops, maybe the Bunitan Army Fang will consider concealing this less glorious war.

Because our own embarrassment will increase the momentum of anti-Bunitanian forces.But in the end they failed to hide it for another reason.

The mudslide caused by the Black Knights, this disaster spread to the streets at the foot of the mountain, causing civilian casualties.Death is a fact that is hard to hide.Hypocrisy will make the enemy grab the handle.So Cornelia chose a very transparent public method.

Of course, the Governor’s Office said that “Although we were attacked by a certain organization called the Black Knights and suffered some losses, we also succeeded in destroying the evil terrorist organization-the Japanese Liberation Front.”

And if you change your mind, this incident is not entirely bad for Bunitania.

"As the saying goes, the racers don't see the mountains, this time ZERO is like that."

This is what Cornelia said to Guildford and others around him after the investigation of the incident.She seems to have completely forgotten the acquaintance with ZERO and what happened between the cave and the man who was wanted by her.

"The Black Knights involved the civilians-this fact is very important. It must be publicized through all the media. The guys who claim to be righteous must be sober. This time the man digs his own grave for a little profit. ."

Of course, in response to these, the Black Knights have repeatedly reiterated their propositions: the Bunitanian military did not issue “orders” in time to ask the people around Narita to take refuge, but only stayed at the level of “advice”, which caused injuries. And the innocent culprit is the Bunitanian side who made a mistake in judging the situation.

In any era, war will not end with just one battle.Unless the outcome is completely decided, even if there is a temporary truce, there will be stubbornly asserting that they are just war of words to fight.Then such disputes led to new tensions until the next war.

This is really a meaningless quarrel and a war of words. In the eyes of most of the citizens of Bunitania, the correct one is of course the Empire and the Governor of Cornelia.In the eyes of most ELEVEN, the correct ones are of course ZERO and the Black Knights.There are even radicals who think this is a major victory for anti-Buritania, especially when the Japanese liberation front is destroyed, and the cheers of the Black Knights to replace its first resistance organization are increasing.

The result of this kind of debate and confusion is that when a war is regarded as a stage, everyone participating in the performance thinks that they are the protagonists.

The story is based on the individual. In the process of countless individuals staged their own autobiography, the “dots” of the “individuals” were connected into “lines”, and finally merged into a wave that no individual could do anything to destroy the entire stage. There is only the cry of grief of those engulfed by the waves.

However, these complaints are unjustified.Because it is these people themselves who form the final flow of history.Whether they are soldiers or civilians has nothing to do with their identity and influence.

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