Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 312

The crux of the problem is not these, as long as they are still in this world, as long as they are still alive, human beings should be responsible for everything in the world.Those who understand these truths remain silent and reflect on their own responsibilities, while those who do not understand this truth open their mouths and blame others.As long as there are people on this stage, the performance will not end.

Probably the authorities are all aware of this.

Under normal circumstances, such activities are often regarded as a formal thing.

Except for some photos used by the media for promotion, the actual content is often very empty.Maybe it should be said that there is no way not to be empty.The difference in personal itinerary and status makes this sympathy activity completely different from the kind of sympathy that is like sending supper for people who stay up late to work.

As a performance for the purpose of obtaining political effects, it is also helpless to promote the image of a "ruler who sympathizes with the people".

But even though Euphemia looked like an elegant little princess, she understood these principles and didn't think that what she had done was a kind of "deception."

It can even be said that her thoughts are surprisingly positive. The incident that happened in Narita a week ago, although to a certain extent achieved the set combat goals, also caused great losses to our own troops.In order to sympathize with those who are determined to fight unyieldingly, they run around.


Regardless, at least I want to repay the people who were injured and sacrificed in the battle.As long as someone feels gratified about it, Yufimia will be satisfied.As for political use, that is a digression.

However, there is something in her heart about visiting the "specially dispatched guide technical department"-referred to as "specially dispatched" troops.She herself knew that some of her personal feelings were mixed in this.

Because she did use words to deceive one of them, and in the end not only didn't stop the two people, she almost made the man go crazy.

Chapter 249: You Fei's Condolences

"Because of the interoperability of electronic components, the utilization rate of sakura dite in various parts was restricted. Since the development of a special drive device, it has become possible to increase the utilization rate of sakura dite. It is estimated that only this new Technology can increase the body’s athletic performance by 15%."

Inside the hangar, Lloyd stood in front of the white Knightmare-Lancelot, and kept introducing Euphemia.

While smiling and nodding listening, Yu Fei used his eyes to search for "him" from time to time.When landing at the parking area dedicated to the V-TOL machine, he was not seen in the crowd who came to greet him.At that time, I thought he had stayed in Lancelot's control cabin and did not come out, but soon found out that he was wrong.There was no one in the opened cockpit of Lancelot.

Isn't he here today?

still is……

Thinking of this, he suddenly collided with Cecil's eyes behind Lloyd who was introducing Lancelot to him.There was a question in Yuffi's eyes, and Cecil immediately nodded knowingly and interrupted Lloyd aloud.

"It was supposed to show you the sporty performance of the body-but I'm very sorry, the exclusive driver happened to have a special vacation for these two days..."

Yuffi's heart sank suddenly.

Isn't that guy's madness still good?

Yufi was one of the few people who knew the scene of Suzaku at that time.

In the Lancelot's cabin where the energy was exhausted and recovered, the teenager who couldn't help shaking while holding the joystick... All this, Yu Fei was watching.She didn't know what happened.Nor did she report any details to her sister Cornelia.If things go wrong, it will be bad for Suzaku.This doesn't need Suzaku's boss Royd to say that Yuffi also knows.Moreover, she was the one who approved Lancelot to attack, and she was also responsible for Suzaku's situation.

So Yuffi agreed to Lloyd's proposal to keep the matter secret.And has been worried about Suzaku.If she hadn't approved Suzaku so easily, nothing like that would have happened. With such thoughts, she had been a little unhappy these few weeks.

In case the knife was broken before it reached her hand, not only did her previous efforts have been exhausted, but she also lost such a useful tool, she could not really help the emperor sister and the emperor brother on the battlefield. busy.

"Of course, the vacation is for the driver's regular health check. The driver himself is also discourteous about not being able to meet His Royal Highness Euphemia's visit in person, but this is a rigid rule, so please forgive me."

Yuffi was taken aback, staring at Cecil's face in front of him, as if confirming something.Sehir's gentle eyes seemed to indicate something to Yuffi-as if to say "rest assured, it's okay", this was an exchange of gaze and gaze that was not even noticed by the SP following Yuffi.

Except for stopping talking, Lloyd, who was pushing the rimless glasses, flashed a meaningful smile in his eyes.

"By the way, next, is Your Royal Highness Euphemia interested in trying to drive Lancelot? This is the latest seventh-generation Knightmare!"

"Of course, this is one of the reasons why I'm here!"

Yuffi's eyes staggered with Cecil and returned to Lloyd, who was dressed in white.

"Then please!"

Knightmare's driving training is also one of the royal courses, and Cornelia is one of the best, so Lloyd did not give a detailed explanation to Yuffi.

However, when Euphy walked towards Lancelot's cockpit, passing by Cecil.

"Relax, the cockpit has been disinfected!"

Saying such a sentence when he was wrong, Cecil's expression immediately returned to his usual look.

Although it was the first time to have such a close contact, although His Royal Highness Euphemia's identity was superior, it would never give people a sense of oppression.Of course, this is a good thing and a bad thing for people with status.However, for Cecil, who has a deeper relationship, such Yuffi really makes her feel at ease.

Because Yuffi is the princess, and she is just a knight.

Seeing Euphy entered the cockpit skillfully, and then became familiar with Lancelot's operation, Lloyd and Cecil immediately came to the front of the huge control monitor and turned on the various instruments and equipment connected to Lancelot. meter.

Of course, this is just the Lancelot simulated riding experience using simulation experiments.Of course, the resonance pulse setting used on Suzaku is not included.Because in Lloyd's view, the qualities of His Royal Highness Euphemia, both mentally and physically, are far above Suzaku, and even surpassed the existence of human beings.

This gentle empress is of the same kind as Cecil!

Originally, as a unit like the "Special Mission", it was always inconvenient to have outsiders visiting.As the name "Technology Department" indicates, here is both the military and the most advanced research institution.Even the princess of her own country has some confidential matters that are inconvenient to disclose.

Of course, this is not to say that the character of the emperor herself is of course no problem, and it is not because of Yuphemia’s condolences to the troops. Although today’s work has stopped for this reason, if you can get that, you can go to Lancelot. Experimental data of the emperor who left fingerprints on the armor.Lloyd, a mad and talented scientist, would also violate the principle, or the rules of special assignment.

Even if this special party is the prime minister of the empire, the second prince Shunezer's private property.

Yuffi, who was in the Lancelot cab, quickly became familiar with the handling of the aircraft and began to conduct simulation experiments.

From the simplest walking, activities, and then running, to make various movements, from subtle to huge.The powerful physical fitness and reflex nerves from the heroic spirits, as well as mental power and memory, made Yu Fei reach Lancelot like an arm drive in a very short time.

Finally, there are various melee combat, simulation experiments in shooting.

On the monitor screen, the various experimental records that were broken have shocked even Lloyd, who had a premonition.Fortunately for the simulation experiment, the above speed has reached twice the limit of the real Lancelot, and the nerve components built with the human body have also reached the virtual limit, except for the resonance rate which is less than 1%. , Yuffi can be said to have played Lancelot's performance to the point of 500%.

Far beyond the pivotal Suzaku considered by Lloyd as the best component of Lancelot.

"Is this monster really human?"

Lloyd's gaze stayed on the data sheet above the critical point on the screen, and he unconsciously called the gentle and lovely Euphemia a monster and non-human.Standing beside him, looking at these amazing data, his expression did not change at all.

Because Cecil knows very well that this is far from Yuffi's limit, even the simulated Lancelot experiment, because it is impossible to exert the power of the upper heroic spirit that exceeds human beings by thousands of times.

"These data will be best destroyed later!"

Hearing this, Lloyd finally looked up at Sehir, a flash of light flashed on his glasses, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

"That said, if we don't want the world to disappear...oh no, it should be me, not including you!"

"Well, I agree with this."

"But by the way about Suzaku, I want to look at these records again, so I leave it to you. I'm really not good at communicating with expressions."

"Although I don't agree with your last sentence, it turns out to be this thing..."

Sehir secretly felt that this guy is still very sensitive to these special things, but his judgment is indeed correct.If it is to send a message to Suzaku, it should indeed be done by himself.

"Does Suzaku's health examination result come out the day after tomorrow?"

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