Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 317

Lloyd repeated, turning around and beckoning to Suzaku.

"Come on, General Dalton will personally assign tasks to you. It seems that all the hard work has finally paid off!"


Suzaku stood side by side, solemnly responded, and then followed Lloyd to the back door of the warehouse.

"The governor is still embarrassed to use you as a NUMBERS, but I can use doctrine by anyone who can use it, even if it is the son of the former prime minister of Japan."

Speaking of this, Dalton looked at Suzaku with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

"Moreover, judging from the performance of the last few battles, the Governor also slightly recognized your abilities, coupled with the Vice Governor's recognition, so you will be on the battlefield as a front instead of a replacement force in the future!"

"Thanks to the Governor and Vice Governor for their tolerance, I will not disappoint the adults!"

Suzaku made a military salute to Dalton.


Seemingly satisfied with Suzaku's performance, Dalton went on to describe the battle.

"The main goal this time is Katase. As long as you catch this guy, the Japanese Liberation Front is over. The capture is the responsibility of the marine troops. You will cover and shoot during the capture of Katase by the marines from the land, and then wipe out the remnants after the capture! "

"Is it annihilation?"

"Yeah! Except for the goal, you can't let it go. Show your loyalty to Bunitania! Suzaku Warrant Officer! The chance to get a promotion, work hard! Don't live up to the expectations of the Governor and the Vice Governor!"

Dalton turned around and went to make other preparations.

"YES! My Lord!"

Suzaku's voice lost the excitement at the beginning, and became low.

It's time to swing a butcher knife at the compatriots, just like Xia Li said!

"It's the'Icon trampling' (the wooden or copper plate engraved with the image of the Virgin Mary and Jesus was stepped on to prove that it was not a Catholic in the Edo period. This is a method of testing people's hearts)!

After Lloyd waited for Dalton to walk away, he laughed again.

"What to do? I was!"


Suzaku unwillingly grasped Lancelot's activation key.

Compared with the Black Knights, Cornelia's troops were clearly prepared first.

"Time is up!"

Dahl reported to the time when the hands on the watch pointed to the start of the battle.

"Start fighting!"

Cornelia issued a combat order to the entire army through the dialogue machine.

"Order the whole army, the battle begins! Dive! Dive! Dive! Special suppression team, the sea breeze is better than before..."

The first is that a large number of underwater Knightmare Frames dived from the coast into the water, outflanked towards the last stronghold of the Japanese liberation front.

"Our team is covering from the land, and be careful not to sink a civilian tanker!"

"YES! My Lord!"

After Suzaku heard the superior's order, the pilot Lancelot reached the shooting location.

At the same time, as the land forces reached the designated shooting cover, the attack by the submarine forces officially began. Countless torpedoes flew towards the port of the Japanese Liberation Front, in order to capture the leader of the Japanese Liberation Front, Katase Major General, the attacks of the Bunitan Empire were all directed towards the port facilities and small warships.

At this time, I used a telescope at any time to observe the fan of the port on the observation tower of the distant warehouse, and I also saw the huge water column on the sea that was raised by the torpedo explosion.

"It's going! ZERO!"

Fan wanted to report from the phone, and after not hearing ZERO's answer, he asked again.

"ZERO! ZERO! Don't you leave yet? ZERO! Can you hear me! To liberate Japan..."

Lu Lu Xiu, who was waiting to take the initiative to ask, went to the communication of CC where the bombs were placed on the remnants of the Japanese Liberation Front, heard the fan chattering again, like a long-mouthed woman, finally opened the communication, and said coldly. .

"Cornelia's actions are faster than expected. If you act now, you will be defeated together. Stand by with peace of mind and follow my instructions!"


Hearing the cold sound from the communicator, the fan froze for a moment, and then fell silent.

"Now start to cover and shoot!"

Dalton's order reached the ears of the troops on the road.

"In addition, the use of weapons is limited to one shot of Micro rounds. Be careful not to detonate the fluid Sakuradite!"

The people on the flagship of the Japanese Liberation Front also found out that they had been attacked, their response was so slow, and the intelligence was so slow. I really don’t know how they lived until now. With such a decadent existence, they actually wanted to flee abroad with the fluid Sakuradite. , They have no chance.

"Damn it! The Bunitanian army, when!"

A group of combatants came to the edge of the warship and prepared to fight back with the machine.

"It's the enemy, from the water!"


He was shot as soon as he finished speaking, and Suzaku's cover began.

"This is no longer a battle!"

Suzaku murmured as he watched the side-to-side battle, the enemies that had been shot.

"It's a massacre!"

"Warrant Officer Shumu!"

The news from Cecil came.


"Although it is painful, you are a professional soldier!"

"Yes, I know!"

Suzaku squeezed the joystick.

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