Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 318

"I know, my fellow! I'm sorry!"

As if hypnotizing herself, Suzaku aimed at the compatriots on the warship and pulled the trigger.

"How did the information leak, Fujitang!"

Inside the warship, Katase was roaring loudly.

"I don't know where it is now, and the Four Sacred Swords too!"

"Didn't Fujido say to take the initiative to contact us!"

"It should be so, but we have no means to contact them!"

"Do you know that something has happened? I think there is no need for meaningless sacrifices. In this case, contact the Bunitanian army, we..."

After a while, Suzaku outside received vague communications from the Japanese Liberation Front from the public channel.

"Please...stop...stop the attack, this is the Japanese liberation front!"

Probably the channel was connected, and the voice in the communication gradually became clear.

"Surrender to your army!"

"Major! The public channel issued a declaration of surrender!"

Suzaku hurriedly reported to his superiors. In his opinion, the Japanese liberation front should have surrendered long ago, so that he would no longer have to slaughter his compatriots in an uneasy heart.

"Ignore him!"

"But, that's..."

Suzaku's words suddenly stopped, because as if verifying the major's words, the flagship of the Japanese Liberation Front began to move.

"Look! It's just a means of delaying time, don't let your guard down and attack them!"

Following the command of the major, the attacks of the soldiers except Suzaku intensified rapidly.

"Damn it, it's too late to go down again, when ZERO wants to act again!"

Fan Yao looked at the warships moving out of the Japanese Liberation Front and shouted anxiously.

"I can only pray that Zero is not an idealist!"

Ditohart, who was being watched by Nakajima, was beside him. The clever man seemed to have guessed the real plan of ZERO and said something inexplicable.

If it is an idealist, ZERO will act as Fan Yao said. If not, the remnants of the Japanese Liberation Front are a decoy, just like it was in Narita Mountain.

Lelouch is testing Ditohart, and Ditohart is also testing ZERO, is it worthy of his own contribution.

"Knightmare is coming up!"

A member of the Black Knights watching with a telescope reports.

"is it!"

Lelouch sat in the waiting room and picked up the detonator at hand.

"There should be only one escape route, but... holding the fluid Sakuradite cherished, do you want to continue to escape abroad!"

"ZERO! Don't hurry up!"

The fan urging sound came again.

"I see, battle—start!"

The answer to the fan's request was not only the start of the battle, but also the detonator that was pressed.


The bomb at the bottom of the Japanese Liberation Front exploded quickly. At the same time, the huge amount of fluid Sakuradite hidden in the bottom of the ship was quickly detonated. The huge power not only blasted the warship into the air, but also exploded to the sea within 100 meters of the center. It was also quickly lifted up, and the huge air current even blew the Knightmare Frame on the shore. Only when Suzaku caught the guardrail on the shore, it was not blown away.

"What a stupid way to make the fluid Sakuradite explode!"

Although it was known from Lu Lu Xiu that this battle was to destroy the remnants of the Japanese Liberation Front, it was too mad, Lu Lu Xiu detonated the fluid Sakuradite as a bomb.

"It's worthy of being the Japanese Liberation Front, who took the Bunitan army to commit suicide!"

But what ZERO communicated to all the members of the Black Knights through the communicator was completely contrary to the facts.

Chapter 253 The Strange End

The combat goal has been achieved!However, this result, presumably the subordinates will not accept it!and so……

The commanders of the opposing sides of the battle, Lelouch and Cornelia gave orders at the same time.

"We just assaulted Cornelia's main formation like this, don't care about the others, the result is superior to everything, and we don't want to let the blood of the Japanese liberation front flow in vain, grab Cornelia, and show our consciousness and strength!"

"Everyone is on guard, guard against the enemy's sneak attack!"

"Isn't this the same as Narita Mountain!"

Fan wants to roar.

"Hehe...ZERO, you really didn't disappoint me! Otherwise, it would be meaningless!"

Ditohart jumped from the observation deck and began to act according to the instinct of the newsman. He ignored the shouts behind him, but Nakajima swiftly followed behind him.

Using the liberation front as the bait, the assault on the weak defense front line did a good job, but there were still some shortcomings.Yes, simply weaken the enemy and use the unused Japanese liberation front as a trap.ZERO, you really are excellent material, more interesting than I thought!The root of chaos, show me more, let me see more-a world full of your will.

Just like Ditohart's guess, this is the reproduction of Chengtian Mountain. The Japanese liberation front is both a bait and a trap.Moreover, this battle is a play, played for the empire, played for the people, and played for Fujitang and the Four Sacred Swords!

At this time, the small ship advancing at full speed has fired all its shells at the enemy on the front shore. After breaking down the Sutherland that was blocking the front, the ship flew directly onto the land and hit the other ones just now. Sutherland holding up the machine gun.

"Be careful, it's an enemy attack!"

The Bunitanian army that was attacked was in chaos. After all, it was not Cornelia's escort. The combat effectiveness and morale were indeed lacking.However, under the organization of several officers, the intelligence of the attack was still passed on to the entire army.At the same time, there are a lot of disappearing signals.

On the coast to the left of the raid, there was a surviving group of Sutherland and a white Knightmare with a distinctly different model.

"Really blew himself up, Major General Katase?"

The white Knightmare is naturally the special Lancelot!In the cockpit, Suzaku, who was familiar with Katase's character, didn't believe that he had the courage to blew himself up, but the original surrender declaration was more worthy of trust.However, at this moment, a huge explosion from this formation made him awaken from a daze.

"Our team! Could it be that tankers are used as bait!"

Guessing that possibility, Suzaku first thought of the way Naritasan ZERO last time, and without waiting for the boss's order, he flew towards the main formation.

"In an emergency, immediately organize a defense line!"

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