Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 319

At the same time, Dalton, who was on standby in the warehouse, hurriedly greeted the knights of the Guards to board the Knightmare.

"His Royal Highness, please step back, here we are..."

Before Guildford had finished speaking, Cornelia interrupted him.

"Damn it, the information has leaked!"

Conelia, who has a guilty conscience, first clarifies her relationship, but even if she doesn't say it, it's impossible for anyone to doubt her.It can only be said that although Lelouch has been assured, Cornelia’s performance is not far from that of Euphemia when encountering things related to him.

Half a catty!

At this moment, the ship that had landed on land finally stopped. From the opened hatch, Lelouch and Karen jumped out of the rogue and Red Lotus respectively.The subsequent ships also arrived smoothly, and the knights of the Black Knights drove the rogues one by one.

"The other members acted according to the plan, and Red Lotus II will follow me!"

Lelouch immediately issued the order, and then attacked first, rushing towards the main formation where Cornelia was.


Karen responded quickly and rushed out after Lelouch. The rest of the group also drove the rogue to disperse, rushed into other warehouses, and kicked Knightmare off the bottom of the sea one by one.

Lelouch took the lead and directly smashed the warehouse door where Cornelia was with brute force.

"Cornelia! See you again!"

With a few shots, Lelouch easily destroyed the cockpits of the Knightmare that had just opened.Dalton and Guilford, who were equally swift, had already been ordered by Cornelia to support other troops. There was actually only Cornelia in this warehouse.

"Ah, meet again! A rare opportunity, come and fight with me!"

Cornelia, who had been waiting inside for a long time, was waiting with joy for Lelouch's arrival, and wanted to continue the battle with him in the cave last time.As a result, people waited, but there were two.

Guren II, the girl who defeated her last time is also there.It's not easy to take a shot at this little sister-in-law wolf who calls herself her sister, Cornelia turned her target to Lelouch and launched a charge with a knight's gun.

"Little sister, don't interfere, I want to teach Zero a lesson!"

Cornelia's attack beyond the script caused Lulu Xiu to be a little confused, and he was beaten out of the warehouse.

"It's nothing great! ZERO!"

Seeing this, she didn't contact herself for eight years. ZERO, who had deliberately slapped her face when she first met, was beaten back, Cornelia said excitedly, provoking Lelouch's nerves.

The arrogant female army god of the empire, who has suffered so much, can't use the kind of "hand-to-hand combat" of men and women to retaliate, so let's compete on the real battlefield.

You know, although Cornelia has been famous in the upper echelons of the empire, it is the forbidden of the legendary Highness, but it is declared to the outside world.The first criterion of Conelia's selection is to have the power to defeat her.

Therefore, this sexy and glamorous empress is just taking advantage of this opportunity to compete with her little man.

However, just as the brothers and sisters were fighting, from the container on the left, a white shadow suddenly jumped down and kicked at the rogue captain who was avoiding the stab of Cornelia's knight’s gun. .

"Sure enough, Suzaku!"

In the rogue's cockpit, Lelouch said to himself, and his body, who was too late to dodge, instantly raised his right arm to hold Lancelot's flying kick.At the moment when the wrist touched Lancelot's heel, at a lightning speed, the mechanical wrist made a dexterous turn, and instantly staggered with force. At the same time, the backhand grabbed the opponent's ankle and threw it in the direction of inertial force.


Lancelot, who was thrown away by force, slammed into the opposite warehouse heavily. The Suzaku turned dexterously in mid-air, landing on both feet, marking two long traces on the ground.

"ZERO! You can't change anything with your approach. You only pursue results. Don't you know the pain of others!"

The stopped Lancelot instantly drew a red long sword-a laser vibrating sword, while evading Lelouch's bullets, while approaching quickly, roaring angrily.


Karen's voice came, but she couldn't come up to the rescue because Cornelia was already standing in front of her.

"Let me slay my enemies here!"

Sister Cornelia is looking for Karen again. If Lelouch defeated her strategically, then Karen was in the Knightmare area where Cornelia was proud to give her a taste of defeat again.

Karen, who had seen Lelouch's end just now, opened his private channel very stubbornly, and sent a begging message to Cornelia.

"Sister, I was wrong, just let me go!"

"An answer is useless! Come on!"

The answer to Karen was a fierce thrust.

The two women fought again to form a team, but compared to Narita Shan’s, Karen has been fought in this battle, not only because she is her sister who confessed her identity to others, but also because of the fact that since Narita Shan’s Since the battle, the red lotus style seems to have gone wrong.

However, compared to their non-dangerous battle, this side is full of killing intent and danger.

"Calmly use other people's lives as bait, you are just a murderer!"

Relying on Lancelot's ultra-high performance, Suzaku quickly approached Lelouch and slashed with a sword.

"So what, if you want peace without sacrificing, do you think it is still Gandhi's time? Stupid!"

Although the performance of the machine itself differed greatly, Lelouch pulled out a short knife and held Lancelot.However, from the point of contact between the two blades, this short alloy knife can't last long.

"Why should you bleed meaninglessly!"

"What do you know!"

Waved away Suzaku's laser sword, Lelouch asked rhetorically.

"Disguised as a soldier, do you think you can get a qualified homicide license? You are just a knife in the hands of Bunitania. Because of you, how many of your compatriots died, and those who were killed by you? The families and children of the people, how many people are homeless and starved to death!"

"That's just the vocation of being a soldier, but!"

Suzaku turned over and pointed the VATIS gun at Lelouch.

"Because of you, my friend's father is dead!"

"On the battlefield! Who dares to say that there is no blood of innocent people!"

Lelouch quickly flashed Suzaku's VATIS shooting, and a container behind him was instantly hit and exploded. The dazzling fire light reflected his back and looked very tall.

"For my purposes, I don't hesitate to incarnate as a demon king. Real peace is always built on the sacrifice of some people!"

"That's just your self-satisfaction!"

Suzaku was holding the laser shock sword and charged up again.

"Take you here today, ZERO! Realize it!"



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