Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 320

The hooks on both sides of Lancelot's chest and abdomen shot out, finally hitting the rogue who avoided him again.With a loud bang, Lu Lu Xiu's left arm in midair was finally broken by two hooks locked in Jinghong.

"Damn it, the body still doesn't work!"

Although the stalemate had lasted for so long, under the over-limit manipulation of Lelouch, this rogue captain with fairly good performance was obviously no longer good.The joints are red and hot.Some circuits are also faintly smoked, and it seems that they may be scrapped at any time.In addition, Karen was also entangled by Cornelia and couldn't get out of her body.This battle should be almost done.

"The entire Black Knights retreat, red lotus style two, take me away!"

Lelouch gave the order for the entire army to retreat, and then exited the cockpit.At the moment he left, the rascal was like an old man with a very senile state, and instantly stopped all functions.


With a radiation fluctuation, Karen blasted a container fiercely, then jumped to the side of the rogue whose body had been completely scrapped, held up ZERO with one hand, and quickly disappeared into the night along the container.

This battle ended in such a weird situation.

Chapter 254 Dalton's Interrogation

No matter where human beings are, resilience always plays a role.

Whether it's gray walls, frosted glass that can't be seen outside the window, scarred tables, or dazzling lights that don't even consider the impact on vision.After seeing it once or twice, it is amazing to feel that these existences are taken for granted, and there is no sense of depression or crisis at all.

Yes, it's not the first time I have been brought into this house.In addition, the treatment is not as bad as it was the first time.At the beginning, he was handcuffed involuntarily and subjected to outright violence.Even justifying his innocence is useless.If you give false testimony and are tortured to extract a confession, if you do not recruit, what awaits you will be more thorough violence.

But this time is different. Before being brought here, he got a promise from his peers, who had a very polite tone at that time.He was not intimidated at all, and he was not shackled, and he even allowed himself not to take off the weapons he carried with him.

From this point alone, it seems that the eleventh district is changing little by little.

Of course, this was only the thinking of Suzaku Suzaku himself. When he guessed like this, he forgot that he was the pilot of Special Lancelot and the benefactor who saved His Royal Highness Euphemia and His Highness Cornelia. .

Just as Suzaku was thinking like this, the door of the dimly lit room opened.

"Why do you have to arrest Suzaku!"

In the front of Lancelot's trailer, Sehir was yelling, and Lloyd beside him shrugged slightly.

"It's not an arrest, but a pure interrogation."

"I'm just talking about this, what is his suspicion?"

"Leaking information."

Lloyd answered very simply.

"Last month's Narita incident and the Tokyo Bay incident a few days ago are the same. Recently, our information has obviously been leaked to the Black Knights. If not, how dare they take such a bold Battle plan."

"But how can it be concluded that Suzaku did it?"

As a member of the leaked information, Cecil tried his best to defend Suzaku, although he wanted to die.

"This is because he is the'only' honorary Bunitanian who participated in the formulation of the combat plan. Governor Cornelia basically does not use honorary Bunitanian troops at this time, pure blood That group of people had skeptical eyes on them long, long ago."

"How can this be? But even so..."

"Probably out of jealousy! If you want to add to the crime, why don't you have any trouble, Cecil. Disclosing the information to the Black Knights makes the Bunitan army into a desperate situation. In this way, the missions who are normally unable to act are free Acting. Rescued the desperate Governor and made great contributions-all of this was self-directed and performed by that guy. Moreover, on the terrorist side, there seems to be someone who knew him well in the past."

"...Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable. In those battle plans, how much effort Suzaku has spent..."

"Ah, I said, can't you stop dangling your fist in front of me?"

Lloyd dreaded a distance from the most feared daughter of the special mission, the beautiful, gentle and decent Miss Cecil.It's just that the object of their dispute, Suzaku, has ushered in a person who can determine his fate.

Suzaku was also stunned when he saw the person entering the room.

"You have been waiting, Warrant Officer Shumu."

The visitor had broad shoulders, dressed in military uniforms, and had a shining medal hung on his chest. He had a calm appearance consistent with his age, and his appearance revealed the fortitude and vigor of a soldier.

He is Andre Dalton.

The No. 2 figure, chief of staff of the ruling army of the 11th district, and the leading figure of the ruling army will come to interrogate himself.

Suzaku forgot to salute and stared at him speechlessly, while Dalton seemed to have a misunderstanding.He went to the chair in the front and sat down with a wry smile.

"Don't stare at me like that! First, I don't doubt you, but after all everything has to have a form."

He meant to say that interrogation is just a form, right?

However, if it is only a formality, it can be said that Dalton, a confidant of Governor Conelia's confidants, would not have come to such a place.As long as you just send a department down.This fact will cause unnecessary associations anyway.

As soon as the recovered Suzaku wanted to stand up and salute, Dalton pressed him back with his sturdy hand.Let Suzaku sit down, this is the formal opening, or in other words, what is said here will become the rule of court testimony.

After the usual opening remarks ended, Dalton stopped his gaze on the materials on the table.

"Then, let's start the interrogation! Suzaku Warrant Officer, someone accused you of leaking secrets and conspiring against the country. Do you admit these charges?"

"No, I deny it."


After hearing Suzaku's simple answer, Dalton flipped through the information indiscriminately.In the last Tokyo Bay’s annihilation of the Japanese Liberation Front, he rejected the consensus and allowed Suzaku to participate in the battle. At that time, he had a face-to-face dialogue with Suzaku, so for this honorary Bunitanian , Dalton himself still has a good impression.

"Warrant Officer Shumu, you have had the experience of being kidnapped by a treason first-degree criminal, a terrorist who calls himself ZERO. Record number 0050-commonly known as the Orange incident."

Having said this, Suzaku remembered.

The Orange Incident—refers to the first time that the theater sex criminals and the leader of the Black Knights, ZERO, appeared in front of the camera in the 11th district.

A few days before the incident, ZERO appeared in front of the public when an honorary Bunitanian was about to be arrested and imprisoned as a suspect in the murder of the former Governor of District 11, Clovis.Wearing a black mask on his head, ZERO, who claimed to be the real killer of Clovis, forcibly took away the honorary Bunitanian who was about to be subject to a military ruling.

Or it should be said that he was rescued, and then the suspect was cleverly escaped from the scene.

And the honorary Bunitanian who was taken away at that time, the suspect who was arrested as the murderer of Clovis, was the Suzaku sitting here.

"Because of this incident, some people suspect that you are related to ZERO."

Dalton's words sounded purely factual.

Suzaku sighed lightly.

"This is a misunderstanding! Although it is inevitable that some people will think this way, I have nothing to do with ZERO, and it is only the first time I saw him. This is what I explained very clearly in the forensic investigation of the military at that time. Up."

"Indeed, although you were kidnapped by ZERO, you immediately returned to the army. What you said will serve as a reference."

After speaking, Dalton leaned forward slightly and changed his tone of voice.

"Suzuki, in that incident, why didn't you run away with ZERO?"

This is also what Dalton has been puzzled by, of course, in his heart, he already has a few guesses.

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