Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulouch Chapter 326

"Ah... yes, yes. Then, this... energy filling device has been assembled."

Karen handed out Red Lotus's activation key to Lulu Xiu in a panic.After Lulu Xiu took it, he went up the elevator and sat in the cockpit of the Red Lotus II.

The Red Lotus II cockpit is different from the rogue modified from Glasgow of the Bunitanian Army, and it is a bit special.If the rascal’s seat is a fairly satisfactory starting position, it’s like riding a bicycle in a protruding position. The driver needs to lean forward while holding the joystick.

The reason Lelouch is very clear, this is just the hobby of that woman!

When they were alone, every time, the maker of this Red Lotus II, Lakshata, liked the riding position the most.

I hope that when Karen learns the truth in the future, he will not vent his anger on him!

Thinking about this, Lelouch inserted the start key.

Chapter 258 The Red Lotus

The main display immediately lit up, and all the text that appeared was in Japanese.Although there is nothing wrong with the purely Japanese-made Knightmare Red Lotus, Lelouch suddenly felt a little ironic when he saw this scene.

Meaningless patriotic behavior.

Knightmare's mechanical language itself is basically Bunitanian in the whole world.At this point, whether the body is made in Japan or not will not change.Lelouch did not want to comment on the fact that the startup screen was set in Japanese, but this style of doing his best to avoid ties with Bunitania in details really made him overwhelmed.

Of course, this is not the intention of the developer, and in fact the developer of this machine is not Japanese. I am afraid that this is also not the wish of Karen as the driver.Karen is a mixed race of Bunitania and Japan but she has a strong sense of being single Japanese, but she is not obsessed with whether to emphasize Japan.In other words, this is obviously a request from the Kyoto guys who commissioned the development of this machine.Lelouch believes that instead of emphasizing "Japan" in such a place, it is better to do something more meaningful.However, for the party using this machine, the important thing is the performance of the Red Lotus Type II, and they don't have to pay attention to how they think.

Finally, the startup screen disappeared, and an external image was shown on the monitor.

"I'm starting, you guys be careful."

After using the communicator to remind the fan and Karen who were watching, Lelouch pulled the joystick.After leaving the special stand, Gulian's feet took a step forward.Then, start to make various actions in place.

Just when he was about to kick Volleyball at the end, Lulu Xiu frowned in doubt.

"There is indeed something wrong!"

When the Red Lotus II just arrived, Lulu Xiu once tested the performance of the Red Lotus II!

Three hundred percent is the limit of the Red Lotus Type II. If this continues, the Red Lotus Type II will collapse under the operation of Lelouch, just like the rogue body in Tokyo Bay last time.But now, the limit of Red Lotus Form II has dropped to 200%.

Lelouch began to make the standard test moves again, and Lelouch felt the subtle difference.

The automatic control system connected to the joystick is almost completely different from other Knightmare. Even a slight movement can be sensitively sensed and the body reacts.This is the key to the Red Lotus II being able to make such wonderful moves on the battlefield, but on the other hand, this requires the driver to have a very high level.

Because the reaction is too sensitive, it is not easy to control. He obviously doesn't want it to move like this, but it will make unnecessary movements.For example, if the rogue that Lulu Xiu usually rides is compared to an ordinary car that anyone can control, Red Lotus is an extremely modified racing car.No, or, you can call it a huge bomber or a super high-speed fighter.Even the movement of moving the line of sight in the cockpit seems to convey the movement to one's fingertips, thereby changing the movement trajectory of the body.

This is the gap between the seventh-generation Knightmare and the non-seventh-generation machine.Of course, there is also a difference between a formal machine and an informal machine, but the driver Karen, who can freely control the red lotus, has an extraordinary ability.Moreover, as her body evolves, the performance of the Red Lotus Type II will slowly be brought to the limit.In the Narita mountain last time, Karen probably only barely used Guren's power to nearly 100%, but the explosive power did not break through the limit.

Well, after all, it is the first actual driving experience, and it is already amazing to be able to achieve such results!

But this is not okay...

After driving the Red Lotus himself, Lu Luxiu immediately came to a conclusion.

The so-called special machine is really used very accurately, this feeling can only be understood by Karen and him.But now, there must be someone to understand this feeling, and on the basis of Kallen's hope, to carry out accurate and precise maintenance of this machine.Although there are special personnel in the Black Knights who provide maintenance work for the Knightmare, when faced with this latest and sharp model, it can also be said that it is a special specification of Guren, those who only "know the Knightmare" are far from Competent for maintenance tasks.

In other words, talents are also needed here.

Lulu Xiu sighed.Afterwards, he drove the red lotus around the field and returned to the red lotus stand.After walking down the elevator, he walked to Karen and Fan who were waiting aside.

"how about it?"

Karen asked timidly.

Lelouch shrugged.

"I already know how you feel. Indeed, the Red Lotus II was damaged and has not been repaired."

Karen lit up her eyes excitedly.

"However, our Black Knights really lack experts in this area. Especially Guren needs an'expert'. I hope someone can understand the opinions of you and me as exclusive drivers, and take measures... …"

"However, such a person can't simply..."

"I know in my heart that although that woman is a little hard to reach, she is also your sister anyway. If I speak in person, I will definitely not refuse."

While talking, Lulu Xiu turned his head and looked at the red lotus pose that had stopped moving.

"Because in fact, there is an opponent who needs Guren to deal with it anyway."

After hearing this, Karen seemed surprised.She raised her head, her eyes sharp and different from before.


Because of the presence of others, Karen did not name the Suzaku, but replaced it with Lancelot.

Lelouch nodded slightly.

"Now, you are the only one who can compete with it."


Karen agreed without hesitation. The last Tokyo Bay battle has proved that although Lulu Xiu can use his super high technology and quality to use the rogue against Lancelot, that kind of outbreak is the basic function of the rogue body. It lasted for about three minutes, and it couldn't defeat the excellent seventh-generation Knightmare.

"Of course, I don't have the ability to create the conditions for you to fight one-on-one-because we are not in a boxing match right now. But even if this is not the case, it is necessary for Guren to maintain the best condition at all times."

With that said, Lelouch turned to the fan beside Karen.

"Fan, contact Kyoto immediately."


"Just call the name, let Tongyuan and the others send Lakshata and the experts from the maintenance team together, just say it was my order!"

Despite a lot of trouble, there is no other way but to solve the problems one by one.

Yes, there are many issues that must be resolved.To put Bunitania, to be precise, that man was driven to a dead end, first of all, he still had a long way to go.You can't retreat because the mountain is high and the road is far away. As long as there is a road in front of you, you only need to step by step and work hard to move forward.

It's not just the attitude towards the Black Knights.

There are people who value him!

What appeared on the monitor was a dark red Knightmare.

The raised right hand was equipped with a giant silver claw, and Knightmare galloped across the ground at a speed that was difficult to capture, and then rushed over.If the opponent is not the seventh-generation Lancelot, but the fifth-generation Surtherland, I'm afraid the victory is already divided.Suzaku, who is the driver, is able to fight against it.

In the base's control center, Cecil was lost in thought while observing the battle between Lancelot and the red Knightmare.After the video was played, she played it from the beginning.On the way, she stretched her hand to the console and zoomed in on a certain part of the image.What she magnified was not the claw, she was tired of analyzing the claw.

What Cecil is concerned about now is the movement of Knightmare.The roaring thruster, the feet of the red Knightmare body that were linked with it, appeared to be a little slanted.Sehir frowned slightly.

The so-called one who knows himself best is his enemy!It is precisely because he is familiar with the maker and source of the Red Lotus II that Cecil is so cautious.She and Lakshata have a strong sense of confrontation in some places.

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