Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 327

Therefore, Cecil will never compromise, even if she only needs a phone call, she can get clearer and more complete information than her current mindless exploration.

But at this moment, suddenly a voice came from behind.

"It's Ganymede, no doubt."


Sehir couldn't help jumping up from the chair, and she turned her head quickly, behind her familiar glasses brother.

"Yeah... I'm back."

The one who gently waved his right hand beside his face was of course the head of the technical department of this special dispatch guide, a genius scientist, Lloyd, who was indifferent.

"You said it..."

This is not this person's home.

Cecil curled his lips, ignoring Lloyd who was stunned for a while because of his action, turned and sat down, and continued to observe the image on the screen.

Lloyd quickly awoke from Cecil's playful movements. He leaned out beside Cecil, watching the image she had been observing before, the enlarged red Knightmare's feet.

"This part of Lancelot uses the same thing, which combines the rigidity and flexibility necessary for combat. Having said that, this was originally applied to a walking device developed through medical neuromechanical technology... ah, but This does not mean that Surtherland and Glasgow are at a disadvantage, but they have different uses. After all, when Glasgow was assigned to combat, there was no Knightmare in other countries."

In other words, the developers at the time did not think it was necessary to prepare for the fighting battle between Knightmare.

"I understand."

When it comes to professional issues, Sehir finally calmed down.

"I also used some in Gloucester."

"It's really just a few. It's part of the balance device. Compared with Surtherland, the fighting ability is really much higher. In fact, it's really amazing. The people who developed this thing."

While speaking, Lloyd stretched out a hand and pressed the control button.The other screens light up, showing images.It was Knightmare, but compared with Lancelot and Surtherland, the main force of the British Army, it seemed a bit outdated.

Moreover, it has no head.

"This is the third-generation Knightmare Frame-Ganymede. It is the body that the glittering Princess Marianna once rode. It's just that the replacement is too fast. Finally, when Princess Marianna passes away, it also competes with the next generation Has been eliminated in China."

A small text appeared in the right corner of the image.That was the name of a Bunitan noble who gave full financial assistance when the body was being developed.


Looking at the name, Roy's eyes were stained with a smile behind his lenses.

"However, it is a lot more interesting now. Although it is only part of the foot structure, Lancelot, who uses Ganymede, and the new Knightmare of the Black Knights, which may also use the same components, can actually be on the battlefield. Direct duel. We paid the Ashford royalties. I wonder what the Black Knights are like?"

Sehir closed the non-stop video and took out the disc.Then, she picked up the coffee cup on the table next to her.

"Oh? Is the overtime over? Cecil."

"Yes, I have to hurry up tomorrow too."

The coffee in the cup is cold.

"Do you still use this?"

"Well, it will take a while."

"Then please close the door."

After speaking, Sehir turned around with the disc and coffee cup to leave the room.In fact, Lancelot’s radiation isolation test was conducted today. She was already very tired, and she really didn’t have the energy to chat with Lloyd anymore.

But just when she was thinking about this issue while walking outside the warehouse.

"...The problem now is."


"Sure enough, it's still limited to those who can design this thing. It has nothing to do with Ashford or something."

Sehir was taken aback, stopped and looked behind.

Lloyd’s previous smile seemed to have never existed. At this moment, his expression was dull, his eyes fixed on Ganymede on the monitor.

Sehir thought for a moment and said carefully.

"In other words, the Ashford family itself has nothing to do with the development of the red Knightmare. Do you mean that?"

"I don't know this, because the Ashford family has already withdrawn from the upper stage of the empire, but after all, the family has been rumored since before, and there are legends that they have been operating in secret!"

Nobles are such a thing, Royd said to himself while sitting in the chair where Sehir was sitting before.

"However, if this information is eliminated, then it is related to that Knightmare..."


"It seems that my initial impression was correct."


For the two of them, this name is absolutely impossible to forget.

Lloyd looked away from the monitor and raised his head.

Sehir stood there for a long time.

"Lakshata, what an annoying name!"

"Ah, yes! That uncle woman!"

Chapter 259 Ishikawa Leftist

The world becomes one color in Art Week.

The concerts, art exhibitions, operas, and plays held around the concession were originally a kind of celebration set by the former governor of the 11th district, Clovis LA. Bunitania, in order to provide boring comfort to the colonial people. , But there are rumors that the celebration itself will be abolished this year.

To say why, it is because the imperial empress Cornelia Li. Bunitania, who has a strong military color, took over the position of Clovis, and there have been many incidents in the 11th district recently.For now, the assassination of former Governor Clovis also happened this year.

Therefore, some people think that in order to serve mourning, the ruler forbids the noisy activities of celebrations.And it was another emperor who broke this rumor.

"Brother Clovis doesn't like darkness, and, if we want to say condolences, I think the most important thing is to protect what the Emperor Brother left for us."

This is the answer given by Vice-Governor Euphemia, the third empress of the Bunitanian Empire, after Cornelia asked her sister.Cornelia also nodded in agreement.In fact, it is not entirely meaningless from a political point of view.Whether externally or internally, the political stability of the 11 districts will become a good example.

Of course, even if the situation is not so good at all, but even if it is to behave, it is necessary to add more whitewash to the rule of colonial areas like the Eleven District.

However, Cornelia, who consciously was not good at holding such celebrations, did not intend to promote the celebration, and this matter was left to his sister Euphemia.Therefore, although the eleventh district is full of excitement, Cornelia’s daily life remains the same as before without any change.

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