Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lulu Xiu Chapter 328

"This is a photo taken in Ishikawa a few days ago. It was sent by a spy who sneaked into the terrorist training camp."

In the office in the government hall of the Tokyo Concession, Cornelia opened her eyes slightly after receiving the photo from the knight Guildford. The blurry image in the screen was a tall and handsome gray giant.

"It's Gundam. I didn't expect that this kind of thing was also brought in. This is also transported by the sea channel between the Chinese Federation and the Northland?"

"In all likelihood, the biggest power in this region is a bit different from the nature of the previous Japanese Liberation Front and the Black Knights. It is a true party. Its prototype is the former ultra-left group in Japan, and the Chinese Federation. Collusion has been there since before the war."

"Well, the purpose is not the Japanese liberation front, but to conquer Japan."

Dropping the photo, Cornelia sneered.

"I planned to be puppets of other countries from the beginning. They are really a group of low-ambition guys. Although what they say is beautiful, I still admire the spirit of the Black Knights who advocate independence."

But to be honest, the Japanese support rate of the Chinese Federation is definitely much higher than that of the Black Knights.Of course, if the Chinese Federation ten years ago would die, no one would pin their hopes on the “revolution” that merely replaced the ruler from Bunitania to the Chinese Federation.But since the magical emperor successfully seized power, four billion Chinese people have become her most loyal fans.

Among them, the Japanese are included!

"The supreme cute emperor!"

This is what the Japanese call the little loli emperor who seems to never grow up.

If it was before, Cornelia might be curious about this little girl who always kept her mental and physical shape and youthful appearance at the age of seven or eight, and might even be awed by the mystery of the other party.

However, since reuniting with that person, Cornelia, who has not changed her heart, has gained the greatest trust from the other party.That person not only told himself various secrets, but also gave himself a magical power.

The same power as the "cute emperor"!


Moreover, this emperor was not an ordinary hero, but the hero of the king who carried half of the world's beliefs, and existed on the same level as Lu Lu Xiu.

But in Cornelia's heart, this supreme "cute son" is just her little sister!Therefore, although the group of people in Ishikawa is very disdainful, but the other party's choice is not wrong.

Unfortunately, because of this, they became abandoned pawns for the purpose of Lelouch's plan!

The equivalent weapon of the Chinese Federation and the Knightmare of Bunitania, the Gundam, even if it was only the first test machine, is a great feat for Bunitania.

"How is it? At the meeting a few days ago, there was also an opinion that in order to find their relationship with NAC, it is better to let them for a while."

"I have to say that this stage is over. Now that they even have a Gundam, they can't just sit idly by. How is the work of finding a stronghold going on?"

"Regarding the main strongholds and underground facilities, the espionage department has investigated quite thoroughly. However, the most mindful thing is still the movements of the Chinese Federation. If the suppression takes too long and causes harm to the people, they are likely to take the initiative in the name of humanitarian support. action."

"They also pointed out a lot of the Narita incident."

Talking to herself displeased, Cornelia was lost in thought.

In fact, as Kilford said, it is not a clever way to stimulate the Federation of China with arbitrary actions in the 11th district.On this point, the meeting a few days ago was also discussed.Everyone said that the basic policy agreed to follow their country's instructions.After all, being an enemy of a country is completely different from annihilating the anti-government forces in the ruling area.Moreover, it is also a superpower with terrifying potential for war.

First of all, at this stage, Cornelia’s home country, Bunitania, is not at war with the Chinese Federation. Although it is not certain to say that it is absolutely friendly, it is at least not hostile on the surface.In Europe, where EU activities are frequent now, this country cannot even become the enemy of the Chinese Federation, and Cornelia is unwilling to do so.

Not because the time is immature, but Cornelia knows that this is not the time to provoke Bunitania to fight the Chinese Federation.What they need is a complete and peaceful world, at least not to lose too much, otherwise it will be very detrimental to future rule.

No one wants to accept a world that has been devastated!

But even so, as the governor of the eleven districts, Cornelia could not ignore Ishikawa's incident.Moreover, in the eyes of outsiders, even now, the eleventh district still holds a bomb named ZERO and the Black Knights.

Although Cornelia sent the espionage department to investigate the organizational structure and strongholds, it did not get any valuable clues because it was an accomplice.Although one or two end departments were found, the ones on the upper level could not even be touched by the opponent's tail.

Recently, Dalton and Guildford have also felt that the Black Knights have strengthened their defensive walls as an organization.Just like Bunitania is acting in the light, that man, ZERO is also moving in the dark at the same time!

Moreover, these two shrewd generals and knights have already doubted the identity of ZERO, which is a bad sign.

If it is purely from the emotional point of view of these two generals and knights, the 11th district should give priority to clean up the black knights that have harmed the dignity of the empire.But if one's self-esteem and the stability of the colony are measured on the balance, cleaning up Ishikawa is the first big thing.

What's more, Cornelia is not ignorant, even if she knows that Dalton and Guildford are already suspicious of ZERO, even herself and her sister Yuffi, but she will not change her will.

And Cornelia’s reasons were very good. Although she felt tired of it, she had no other choice but to detour along this path.The opportunity to wash away the humiliation will come again. Now it is important to build a situation so that once that happens, guys and anti-government organizations in other countries will not interfere.Even for this, it cannot be easily instigated by the Chinese Federation now, and this is also for the purpose of being able to defeat those who act rashly in the future.

"I'll go."

Therefore, Cornelia still made such a decision.

"I led the direct troops directly into the stronghold of the terrorists. Even the Chinese Federation cannot blatantly interfere with the army commanded by the Empress of Bunitania. If they don't want to intensify this into an international problem at the beginning."

Guilford, who was standing at Cornelia's table, poked his head out slightly.

"If you can get your permission, I think you can actually leave this matter to me and General Dalton to solve..."

He is still making his final efforts.

"Dalton must stay in the Tokyo concession. Yuffi is very busy. If you just need advice, civilians will be enough, but she may become a target of terrorists during Art Week. Dalton is also Yuffi's personal guard. , And the commander-in-chief of security maintenance."


"What's the matter, Guilford, do you want to do meritorious service with Dalton? What dissatisfaction with me?

Cornelia finished jokingly, but the sternness in his tone made Guildford smile bitterly.

"You are serious! Yes, Your Highness."


Cornelia nodded in satisfaction, but immediately, the expression on her face became serious again.

"There is still Kyoto that has not been dealt with. If possible, I hope to take this opportunity to completely expel Ishikawa's anti-government forces. Don't repeat the failure of Narita, my knight Guildford."

"I pledge my life."

Under the eyes of the emperor, Guildford saluted.

"By the way, your Highness, I have something to report about the Narita incident."


Cornelia narrowed her eyes in confusion.

Chapter 260 Meditation on the Terrace

In the center of the roofed terrace, there is a white table.

The sound of birds came from nowhere.This is the interior of the green Ashford Academy.Every summer, there are big stag beetles parked on the walls of the school, even for high school students. Among junior high school students, sometimes some people catch bugs happily.

Sitting at the table on the terrace were a teenager with chestnut hair and a girl in a wheelchair.The second grade of high school, Shumu Suzaku, and the second grade of junior high school, Nana Li * Lamperujie.The two are having a subtle conversation happily at the moment.

"There are also in Shumu Shrine. Although it is only a small pond, you can often catch wheat lobsters."

"Can you also catch wheat lobsters?"

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