Reincarnation of Lelouch Lamperouge

Reincarnation of Lelouch Chapter 332

After completely satisfying CC and satisfying his own desires, Lulu Xiu hugged the witch to bathe. After thoroughly cleaning his body, he returned to the table and turned off the computer's power, and then changed into casual clothes.

"Okay, let's go. Fan Yao and Karen should have arrived at the scheduled place."

"Huh? You want to go out yourself?"

The naked CC protruded half of his body from the bathroom, and his wet green long hair fell vertically, letting the water drip on the floor.

"Everything is ready. Even if I don't personally go into battle, there is no difficulty in this battle. However, the main purpose of this time is to persuade Fujitang to join us. CC, have you ever heard of visiting the cottage? Hehe, the leader will naturally come forward. "

Lelouch looked at CC exuding endless charm and attraction, and felt like he was about to move again.However, today's situation is a bit special, and he has been here several times before, so he can still restrain that impulse.

But, I don't want to be separated from this woman.

"Come on, too, anyway, the members of the knights in Kyoto already know that you are there. It doesn't matter if you come to visit.

The longer he stayed together, the more he felt that he couldn't leave the witch of CC.

CC turned his gaze from Lu Luxiu to the window, and the afternoon sun was slanting in.

Afterwards, she faintly replied.

"It depends on your mood!"

He turned around and went back to the bathroom. The graceful figure came into Lelouch's eyes through the glass, causing a look of disappointment on his face.

After confessing to Nanali and Kou Guan Shizi that they would return late today, Lulu Xiu left the house.

Four o'clock has passed, but the sunshine is still strong.In the distance, the lively shouts of students participating in club activities after school came.Walking on the path connecting the entrance of the club building to the main entrance of the academy, Lelouch fell into contemplation again.


He recalled seven years ago.

That guy is the son of Japan's last prime minister, Shuki Xuanwu.Speaking of the Shuki family at the time, it was one of the few bourgeoisie in Japan, so in a sense, the hot-tempered Suzaku was also a real young master.But even so, the guy who stayed at Shumu's house didn't seem to be very happy.When you walk out of the house, there are almost no playmates of the same age outside, and you are almost always alone at home.Moreover, his relationship with his father is definitely not good.

However, there is a person in his heart that makes him feel admiration from the bottom of his heart.

"Teacher Fujitang."

When calling this name, Suzaku's expression always seemed very happy, very happy, with a proud light.Because this name appeared too frequently, Lulu Xiu and Nanali couldn't help but curiosity. They followed him to the dojo and met the "Tengtang teacher".

This is enough to show how much Suzaku admires this man.


No one knew the purpose of Cecil telling Suzaku to leave today better than Lelouch.Because from beginning to end, he wrote a script.From the recognition of Mount Narita and Cornelia, to the use of the Japanese liberation front as a bait to become Cornelia's prey.Finally, they sold the last trace of the Japanese liberation front in Tokyo Bay, and then used the secret intelligence network of the Black Knights to arrest Fujidō together with the spy department of Bunitania, but let go of the Four Holy Swords and let them go. The Black Knights turned to ZERO for help.

All the plans are very smooth, and now is the last step!

Let Suzaku personally execute his most beloved teacher, but ZERO, as a hero, rescued Fujido in despair at the last moment.

Although this kind of drama has a history of more than 3,000 years in ancient China, I have to admit that this strategy is indeed very useful, and it has been tried repeatedly for thousands of years.

Moreover, there is a deeper reason, that is, Lulu Xiu has always been worried about Suzaku's rejection of his solicitation.Especially after the other party has ruined his good deeds several times in a row.

In the hijacking incident of the Hekou Hotel, he was experiencing the happiness and joy of reunion with Yu Fei. As a result, Suzaku suddenly appeared and interrupted their time to talk about their love.The second time, it was Cornelia, who had just met each other and was disrupted by Suzaku before he even had time to hug.

To be honest, not only Lelouch, but the sisters Euphemia and Cornelia, have always been quite dissatisfied with this.Even if he didn't want to use Suzaku, Yuffi would have strangled this scumbag who likes to enter.Didn't he know that it would be condemned to disturb the touching reunion of lovers!Therefore, after learning that Fujitang was captured, Euphemia suddenly figured out a way to avenge Suzaku before Cornelia left the Tokyo concession and went to Ishikawa.

Let Shuki Suzaku personally execute his teacher Kyodo Fujiro!

Yes, although Cornelia gave the order for Suzaku to execute Fujitang, it was Euphemia who had the idea!Otherwise, with Cornelia's shrewdness, how could it be possible to execute Tengtang hastily before draining the last trace of value.

Although there were some surprises at the end of the plan, if it was Euphy's wish, neither Cornelia nor Lelouch would never refuse, even if this wish would disrupt their plan.

This is what Bunitania wants to give you.

The death of someone you admire, Bunitania is just using you.

But Lu Lu Xiu, who was thinking this way, didn't realize one thing.

Gains and losses?Stakes?

Of course, there are many people running for this purpose.At least, those who are obsessed with survival, in order to survive, or in order to make their lives less difficult, they will weigh the pros and cons.


For a person who may be living in the shadow of death, how significant is this gain and loss?

Are the gains and losses that I valued in order to survive, is it necessary for such a person?

Standing in front of the window surrounded by bath towels, CC quietly watched Lulu Xiu leave.

At this time, in the black knights, in the secret base reconstructed by the refuge, the four holy swords are gathering together, and they are beginning to talk about joining forces with the black knights and even using their power to rescue Lieutenant Colonel Fujitang.

"Is that okay? Join forces with the Black Knights!"

Asahina wearing glasses is a good thinking person among the Four Sacred Swords. Although he has already made a decision, he is even in the base of the Black Knights, but he has always had doubts about it.

"Is there any other way to rescue Lieutenant Colonel Fujitang?"

The only female among the Four Sacred Swords, Qianye Fengsha leaned against the wall and glanced at Asahina lightly.

"This is what Kyoto means too!"

The tallest Bubu also put his hands on his chest and replied disapprovingly.

"And will say to lend us a new model!"

This is the most important thing. Without all support and strength, the Four Sacred Swords are just ordinary soldiers.

"However, doctrine and proposition seem to be somewhat different!"

Asahina still insisted.

"We are not tribalists, you know it, Asahina!"

"Qiansha is right, let's talk about the details when the lieutenant colonel is rescued! Now the rescue of Lieutenant Colonel Fujitang is the top priority!"

Xianbo, the strongest figure, gave a final word. Among the four, he was the oldest and the most prestigious among the four holy swords.

"I see, Xianba! The place where Mr. Fujido is, is where I belong!"

Asahina, who had been sitting on the steps, finally gave up.Xianbo was right, it was the most important thing to rescue Fujitang now, and other things could be discussed later.

While the Four Sacred Swords initially made the final decision, on the other side, the members of the Black Knights were also trying their best to prepare for the attack.

"Trouble is dead! You don't have to just shove it in! There is not much time left before the attack!"

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